Step two: Before the Chinese New Year arrives, clean your house, and settle any outstanding debts with friends.
Bankruptcies declined a further 15% in November compared with October, while overdue debts fell a solid 32%.
But, there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.
Comparing amount of cash generated to outstanding debt, known as the operating cash flow ratio, illustrates the company's ability to service its loans and interest payments.
Several bought back large amounts of outstanding debt and refinanced existing debt by issuing longer maturities on more favorable terms.
Creditors that own swaps lower their risk of a debtor not paying back a loan, because a third-party insurer is on the hook for some of the unpaid debt.
It appears to have little cash flow to meet payments - as well as relying on debt, it also sold most developments off-plan, with new developments now on hold.
Total outstanding debt has doubled in the past five years - a sharp contrast to consumers reducing what's owed on home loans and credit CARDS.
I know you're only trying to illustrate the scale of the numbers involved lightheartedly, but just to note that China buying the outstanding debt of the PIGS will not solve their debt crisis.
The balance sheet included in the Interim Financial Statements accurately reflects the outstanding Indebtedness of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of the date thereof.
In other words, what cushion does the MFI have should its outstanding loans not be repaid before it must default on its obligations (liabilities)?
American Express has had to set aside more reserves for failed loans as surging U. S. unemployment makes it harder for customers to pay debt.
The cash flow statement is simply a piece of the puzzle. So, analyzing it together with the other statements can give you a more overall look at a company' financial health.
The cash flow statement is simply a piece of the puzzle. So, analyzing it together with the other statements can give you a more overall look at a company' financial health.