• 第二中国新年来临前打扫屋子结清任何朋友之间偿还的债务

    Step two: Before the Chinese New Year arrives, clean your house, and settle any outstanding debts with friends.


  • 10月份相比11月破产数量又下降了15%,偿还的债务下降了32%。

    Bankruptcies declined a further 15% in November compared with October, while overdue debts fell a solid 32%.


  • 然而路上坎坷一些事其实起初的时候已经得到时间都停留在完成事业偿还的债务上,之后生命真正开启。

    But, there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.


  • 已创造现金数额偿还债务比较也就是经营现金流可以说明公司偿债付息的能力

    Comparing amount of cash generated to outstanding debt, known as the operating cash flow ratio, illustrates the company's ability to service its loans and interest payments.


  • 一些国家回购了大量债务通过发行偿还期更长条件条件优惠的债券来对现有债务进行再融资。

    Several bought back large amounts of outstanding debt and refinanced existing debt by issuing longer maturities on more favorable terms.


  • 持有掉期交易债权人可以降低债务偿还贷款风险因为第三保险这些债务关联责任

    Creditors that own swaps lower their risk of a debtor not paying back a loan, because a third-party insurer is on the hook for some of the unpaid debt.


  • 目前情况表明,该公司没有足够的现金偿还这些债务无法获得新的贷款,此同时,已经把大部分开发项目的楼花售出,而这些项目眼下暂停开发了。

    It appears to have little cash flow to meet payments - as well as relying on debt, it also sold most developments off-plan, with new developments now on hold.


  • 过去年里未偿还债务翻了一翻——与消费者房贷信用卡方面的减少形成鲜明的对比。

    Total outstanding debt has doubled in the past five years - a sharp contrast to consumers reducing what's owed on home loans and credit CARDS.


  • 想你只是说明了(中国外汇)数量有多大,但是还是注意即使中国购买了欧四国未偿还债务,欧猪的危机还是解决

    I know you're only trying to illustrate the scale of the numbers involved lightheartedly, but just to note that China buying the outstanding debt of the PIGS will not solve their debt crisis.


  • 期中财务报表包含资产负债表正确反映了截止报表日期公司及其子公司偿还债务

    The balance sheet included in the Interim Financial Statements accurately reflects the outstanding Indebtedness of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of the date thereof.


  • 就是说履行债务最后期限之前如果贷款偿还,货币流量指数有什么缓冲垫付?

    In other words, what cushion does the MFI have should its outstanding loans not be repaid before it must default on its obligations (liabilities)?


  • 美国运通(已经)必须高涨美国失业为了偿还的贷款更多储备难以顾客支付债务

    American Express has had to set aside more reserves for failed loans as surging U. S. unemployment makes it harder for customers to pay debt.


  • 已创造现金数额未偿还债务作比较,也就是经营现金可以说明公司偿债付息的能力。

    The cash flow statement is simply a piece of the puzzle. So, analyzing it together with the other statements can give you a more overall look at a company' financial health.


  • 已创造现金数额未偿还债务作比较,也就是经营现金可以说明公司偿债付息的能力。

    The cash flow statement is simply a piece of the puzzle. So, analyzing it together with the other statements can give you a more overall look at a company' financial health.


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