Dams, aqueducts and other kinds of infrastructure will still have to be built, particularly in developing countries where basic human needs have not been met.
Or do you have strong unfulfilled cravings for things that are important to you?
People with disabilities have less access to health care services and therefore experience unmet health care needs.
And when he wakes into soft eiderdown and the pink glow of dawn through red damask drapes, he presses his eyes shut, panting with unfulfilled desire.
Behind every brand is a compelling idea, which captures customers' attention and loyalty by filling an unmet or unsatisfied need, or by doing it better than the competition.
There will always be unmet needs. But health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.
While progress has been made towards protecting people in cars, the needs of these vulnerable groups of road users are not being met.
That suggests buyers' demand for shares may have been unsatisfied yesterday, and that the market could rise further today.
With these new standards, parents, doctors, policymakers and child advocates will know when the nutrition and healthcare needs of children are not being met.
Far from satiating voters' thirst for blood, the speaker's decapitation may have whetted it.
If the objectives are not met, processes are redefined with modified business services.
These figures suggest a large unmet need, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where IDUs represent 70% of HIV cases but just 24% of patients currently on treatment.
Every year, as countries around the world struggle to meet the water needs of their citizens, 6.2 billion gallons of Sitka’s reserves go unused.
始终会有未满足的需求,但卫生过去从未得到如此大的关注或享有过如此多的财富。 然而尽管有这种空前的承诺和动力,我们仍然落在后面。
There will always be unmet needs, but health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.
The new appeal revises an earlier one made immediately after the storm. A current assessment highlights the unmet needs of the victims.
However, Mr. ZHOU doesn't stop at this but feel more responsibility as a lawyer. He will develop deeply into the professional areas to contribute more to the complicated society.
However, Mr. ZHOU doesn't stop at this but feel more responsibility as a lawyer. He will develop deeply into the professional areas to contribute more to the complicated society.