• 并非所有穷困居民都需要贷款存款账户还有相当大的满足需求

    Credit is not all that poor people need. There is also an enormous unmet demand for savings accounts.


  • 一步就是冲破上一代负面特征满足需求带给伤痛

    The first part is to work through the pain of your parent's negative trait and the pain of not getting your need met by that parent.


  • 始终满足需求卫生过去得到如此大的关注享有过如此多的财富。

    There will always be unmet needs. But health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.


  • 房颤相关中风高危患者治疗而言,这一个巨大的满足需要

    There is an enormous unmet need in terms of treatment of patients at risk for stroke associated with atrial fibrillation.


  • 或者是否正在掩盖自己满足需求心想段感情都要学会妥协”?

    Or are you glossing over your unfulfilled needs thinking "every relationship requires compromise"?


  • 如果财源多一些的话,基金会会更好满足儿童青年人满足需要

    The foundation would be in a position to meet more of the vast unsatisfied needs of children and young people if more resources were made available to it.


  • 确认满足的需求,确定了理想的产品,并形成了一个公立私立部门伙伴关系开发产品。

    An unmet need is identified, an ideal product is defined, and a public-private partnership is formed to develop the product.


  • 第一也是唯一统一全球语音牛皮癣协会支持重点是不断增加的面积满足需要

    The first and only unifying global voice that supports psoriasis associations in an area of ever increasing focus and high unmet need.


  • 认为所有满足需求销售机会都丢失零售商支付库存持有费用,又要支付缺货损失费用。

    The whole unmet demand is lost. The retailers must pay the inventory holding cost and the cost of lost-sales when OOS happens.


  • 或者民间社会口气提出这些问题人民患者尤其是需求满足人,难道还应当放在第一位吗?

    Or to phrase these questions with the voice of civil society: Is it not time to put people and patients, especially those with unmet needs, first?


  • 探讨了企业如何识别各种满足需要挖掘市场营销机会,从而开发改进产品服务满足顾客需要。

    How enterprises identify various kinds of unsatisfied needs to develop the marketing chance, and to improve the quality of products or services to meet the customers' needs are discussed.


  • 礼拜三发布会令人注意是因为世界展示了苹果业已实现的各种来自于的功能,一个苹果一直追求满足主题

    No, Wednesday's event was significant because it introduced the world to Apple's real vision for the foreseeable future, a theme the company has hinted at but never fully expressed.


  • 希望组织继续将大部分工作转向非洲其它地区许多满足卫生需要使健康受过良好教育自信妇女女童能够拥有力量

    I see a WHO that continues to bias much of its work towards the many unmet health needs in Africa and beyond, and to the empowerment of healthy, well-educated, self-confident women and girls.


  • 始终满足需求卫生过去得到如此大的关注享有过如此多的财富。 然而尽管有这种空前的承诺和动力,我们仍然落在后面。

    There will always be unmet needs, but health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.


  • 较低级需要得到满足不再起到激励作用,此时较高一级的需要将成为满足的优势需要,这种优势需要决定行为方向。

    It would not inspire human beings once the basic requirement was fulfilled, whereas the next higher requirement became the prior requirement which could dominate people's behavior.


  • 尽管最近几年了解治疗这些癌症方面已经取得一些成绩,但是他们依然是一个满足庞大需求,也是亚洲患者巨大健康负担

    Although some progress has been achieved in the last few years in understanding and treating these cancers, they remain a huge unmet need and a disproportionate health burden to Asian patients.


  • 成熟汽车市场可能接近饱和但是巴西俄罗斯印度中国(即所谓金砖四国”)新兴汽车市场存在着巨大满足需求

    Mature vehicle markets may be close to saturation, but there is huge unsatisfied demand in the big emerging car markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China (the so-called BRICs).


  • 找出问题发现未满足需要又一个途径

    This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.


  • 还表示满足病人家庭经济援助需求一个主要问题,许多情况下,病人挣钱养家,这份收入损失家庭来说往往是毁灭性的。

    She said one major unmet need is economic support to families of patients; in many cases, the patient had been earning wages and the loss of that money often is devastating.


  • 对于每个满足需求r加上 r满足大小一半 r区间元素平均分布)。

    For each yet unsatisfied requirement r, add half of the r's unmet size evenly distributed among the elements of r's range.


  • 近乎60%70%安装问题都是由于满足硬件需求引起的。

    Almost 60-70% of install issues are due to not meeting hardware requirements.


  • 但是柏丽满足——除了美国加拿大推广的仿真外,柏丽在着手于仿真和仿真的研究开发。

    But Baillie's not yet content - in addition to trying to commercialize her cow for use in the United States and Canada, she's also working on a Haptic Horse and a Haptic Cat.


  • 鲨鱼研究正在进行,但海洋生物学未满足目前他们掌握的鲨鱼知识。

    Despite the research progress, Marine biologists still know much less than they would like to about many shark species.


  • 满足条件可以补救,则协会适当机构应为球员经纪人设定满足有关要求的合理时限。

    If the unfulfilledprerequisite can be remedied, the appropriate body at the association shall setthe players’ agent a reasonable time limit in which to satisfy the relevantrequirements.


  • 如果满足系统时间约束,则认为系统失效

    If the timing constraints of the system are not met, system failure is said to have occurred.


  • 满足两项条件进口水产品检验检疫部门实施销毁退运处理。

    If these two conditions are not met, the imported aquatic products will be destroyed or returned by the inspection and quarantine department.


  • 因此单方面提起仲裁满足公约》规定的法定前置条件

    Therefore, , the Philippines' unilateral initiation of arbitration has fallen short of meeting the UNCLOS conditions.


  • 因此单方面提起仲裁满足公约》规定的法定前置条件

    Therefore, , the Philippines' unilateral initiation of arbitration has fallen short of meeting the UNCLOS conditions.


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