• 实用新型能自动循环使用

    The utility model has the advantages of automatic circulation and heat exchange, and low use cost.


  • 本实用新型帮助物料输送顺利完成物料下

    The discharge mechanism provided by the utility model helps transportation, and ensures smooth completion of discharge.


  • 实用新型满足轨道轨道制作成型要求

    The utility model can meet the requirements of molding in manufacturing the track board of the non-fork track.


  • 实用新型提供环保、使用寿命长的伸缩

    The utility model can provide the expansion door which has the advantages of environment-protecting, energy-saving and long service life.


  • 实用新型简单而且有效利用顺风甚至逆风

    The omnidirectional windlass mill can utilize the wind energy of tail wind, side wind and even dead wind simply and effectively.


  • 实用新型处理生化降解废水无需安装机械搅拌设备

    The up-flowing multi-phase waste-water processing oxidation tower can process biorefractory wastewater, and does not need to be provided with a mechanical stirring device.


  • 实用新型确保定位加工位置精度环境依赖小。

    The bench drill can ensure the position accuracy and less dependence on the environment when machining locating holes.


  • 实用新型大大提高风量,并可以节约材料便于机加工

    The utility model can greatly increase the discharge quantity of air, save the raw material and is convenient for machining.


  • 实用新型防止波纹管中溢出保护洗衣机电路腐蚀

    The bellow can prevent water from overflowing from the bellow, thereby protecting the circuit of the washing machine from being corrosion.


  • 实用新型稳定地夹持输送皮带避免输送皮带掉落引发安全事故

    The utility model can steadily clamp the conveyor belt, thus avoiding the safety accident caused by the falling of the conveyor belt.


  • 实用新型直接生产U型混凝土构件施工方便防渗

    The utility model can directly produce the full U-shaped concrete member. The construction is convenient, and the anti-seepage performance is good.


  • 实用新型实现渐进矫直,矫直应变极小,并且上、自行对中。

    The utility model can realize the gradual straightening operation and the straightening strain is very small. The upper roller and the lower roller can automatically conduct the centering operation.


  • 实用新型产生高压电击中车内歹徒从而有效地阻止歹徒抢劫

    The utility model can generate high voltage to shock the gangster inside or outside the vehicle, so as to effectively stop robbing.


  • 实用新型改善天线电子标签之间通信具有长的阅读距离

    The utility model can improves the communication performance between the antenna and an electron label, and has a long reading distance.


  • 实用新型消除噪声,节约实用可靠提高电气触头接触可靠性

    The utility model has the advantages of noise elimination, energy saving, practicality and reliability, and can improve the contact reliability of electrical contacts.


  • 实用新型自动快速提升释放测试状态保持一致提高测试精度效率

    The test device can be lifted and released automatically and rapidly to keep the test condition consistent and improve the test precision and efficiency.


  • 实用新型实现摆放多种物品提高工作效率更好满足装配周转需要

    The utility model realizes the function of placing a plurality of articles, enhances working efficiency, and is capable of better satisfying the demand of assembly circulating.


  • 实用新型完全避免液体容器所造成液体流失周围环境污染

    The bottle mouth for a liquid container can completely avoid liquid losses when the liquid flows to the outer wall of the container and pollution for the surrounding environment.


  • 实用新型能根据高低长度调整输送机 构,适合输送非打结弹簧各种

    The utility model is based on the height and length of the bed core to adjust the output device and the device is suitable for various non-knot spring bed cores.


  • 实用新型能储放小物品的容置方便儿童玩具时候随身携带物品, 避免小物品的丢失。

    Since the utility model provides the accommodating area for storing small articles, children can conveniently carry about small articles when playing a toy car, and the small articles can not be lost.


  • 实用新型一次性制备规格面板加工容易而且陶瓷涂层磨损,还重新喷涂涂层后重用。

    The utility model can prepare the large standard panel for one time, has simple processing and low cost, and can be reused by spraying newly the coating layer after the ceramic coating is worn out.


  • 医疗工作中,尤其是战争医护工作本实用新型准确、及时、快捷地完成取样以及对样的化验检测工作。

    In the medical work, particularly in the health care work of the war, the utility model can accurately, efficiently complete the sampling, testing and analysis work in time.


  • 实用新型准确快速地将需要冲压模具进行定位可以大大提高工作生产效率并且结构简单,操作方便

    The utility model can fast and exactly position the die which is needed to be punched, can also largely improve the work and production efficiency, and has a simple structure and convenient operation.


  • 实用新型提供一种太阳环保自动卫生垃圾筒

    The utility model provides a solar energy environment - friendly type sanitary garbage cancan open a cover automatically.


  • 实用新型涉及一种产生范围音频振荡装置

    The utility model relates to an oscillation device, which can generate audio inter break in a wide range.


  • 实用新型 广泛应用各类腌制腌制容器

    The utility model can be widely applied into the preserving container of various preserving machine.


  • 实用新型涉及一种根据外界光亮自动报警钱包

    The utility model relates to a purse which can automatically warn according to the external brightness.


  • 实用新型优点是:调整加热功率且无毒性气体排出

    The utility model has the advantages that the heating power can be regulated, without toxic gas being discharged.


  • 实用新型涉及一种加工干粉胶体

    The utility model relates to a colloidal mill through which dry powder can be processed.


  • 实用新型结构简单造型新颖实用性强,广泛用于家庭办公旅游

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and novel modeling, and can be widely used in families and offices and for tourism.


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