Julie and Julia tells the story of Julie Powell, played by Amy Adams.
请注意,她的主要对手,梅丽尔·斯特里普,并没有能够将《朱莉与朱莉娅》-一部更好的影片(或至少算半部不错的影片) -带进最佳影片的提名。
Note that her chief rival, Meryl Streep, didn't boost Julie &Julia — a much better movie (or at least half a movie) — to a Best Pic slot.
Sandra Bullock earned the title of best drama actress for her role in "the Blind Side." Meryl Streep won her 7th Golden Globe for the comedy film "Julie and Julia".
Sergio is talking to Julia on his mobile phone. She is desperate to find a restaurant.
Sergio is talking to Julia on his mobile phone. She is desperate to find a restaurant.