• 天气了,积雪机会融化

    It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw.


  • 被告律师盘问机会

    The accused's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him.


  • 电影业对女演员来说机会有限

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.


  • 看到机会了,丹尼斯伺机

    Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.


  • 他们同事们机会就侮辱他们

    Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself.


  • 立刻抓住了法国机会

    I leapt at the chance to go to France.


  • 没有任何赢得这次选举实际机会

    He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election.


  • 自己获胜机会估计诚实的。

    She was honest in her appraisal of her team's chances.


  • 可以通过合理的计划增加盈利机会

    You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning.


  • ,我是葬送得到份工作机会

    I think I've just sunk my chances of getting the job.


  • 觉得根本没有机会

    I rated my chances as zero.


  • 如果合适技能好的晋升机会

    There are good opportunities for advancement if you have the right skills.


  • 这个网站新手提供专家学习机会

    The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts.


  • 精明新加坡人很快看到了一个套利机会

    Astute Singaporeans quickly spotted an arbitrage opportunity.


  • 马克思从不放过任何谴责殖民主义机会

    Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism.


  • 估计机会不大。

    I'd assess your chances as low.


  • 女性有时仅仅因为她们性别而被剥夺机会

    Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.


  • 海军作战部部长海军中的女性提供机会

    The Chief of Naval Operations wants to open opportunities for women in the navy.


  • 他们争取机会明显表现出不情愿的态度。

    They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.


  • 我们宗旨是社会地位比较低下的人增加机会

    We aim to improve opportunities for the less advantaged in society.


  • 希望得到份工作不过认为机会不大

    He's hoping to get the job but I don't fancy his chances.


  • 学历视为开发心智增加就业机会的东西。

    I see my degree as something which will train my mind and improve my chances of getting a job.


  • 离岸外包为低价获得信息技术服务提供了一个机会

    Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost.


  • 但愿时光倒退再给我们婚姻机会

    I wish we could turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance.


  • 遗憾的,并非该市所有学生能拥有同样机会

    It is a great pity that all students in the city cannot have the same chances.


  • 随后几年许多机会反思那些警告真相

    Over the next few years many people had occasion to reflect on the truth of his warnings.


  • 大学扩招了,这样就使多人能有机会接受高等教育

    The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.


  • 德国领导人们藉此机会谴责这些攻击并且恳请宽容

    German leaders all took the opportunity to denounce the attacks and plead for tolerance.


  • 人们那里有很多机会只要仔细寻找发现机会

    They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them.


  • 资历好也没用如果人家看对眼,你就不会机会

    It doesn't matter how well qualified you are, if your face doesn't fit, you don't stand a chance.


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