These enemy troops are now mainly on the defensive and only a small part is available for mobile operations.
The three-week experiment will take place in early 2010 at the Fort Benning, Ga., Maneuver Battle Lab.
Wind load is one of the key factors which influence the precision of the Radar vehicle, which was designed to work outside.
The Second Artillery Force has been equipped with short-range, medium-range, long-range and intercontinental missile systems, and has the capability of rapid reaction and mobile operations.
This paper defines the importance of establishing the mobile model of equipment support forces based on the requirement analysis of future mobile operation equipment support.
The SNEP will employ the MPM1000 Net Centric Waveform Satellite Modem to provide Multi-Frequency-Time Division Multiple Access Bandwidth on demand technology for tactical mobile operations.
The common characterastics of shotting process for hitting maneuver targets with different gun equipments used by land, sea and air forces in maneuver fighting, were analyzed.
Due to mission profile , launched conditions and trajectory , maneuver chains for stand off missile are designed . instruction control model and maneuver model is setup for ucav flight simulation.
Due to mission profile , launched conditions and trajectory , maneuver chains for stand off missile are designed . instruction control model and maneuver model is setup for ucav flight simulation.