We Shared our mission and research with all levels of leaders from the very beginning — a concept I created using cups and saucers, called circular management.
Of course, cups and plates remain the primary field of ceramic use; and today we are going to show how artful these common utensils can be.
Prepping the house means moving furniture, pulling out necessary serving dishes and whatever glasses, plates and cutlery you'll need.
"That's right, Son of Adam," said Mr Beaver, bringing his paw down on the table with a crash that made all the cups and saucers rattle.
There are all kinds of plates, saucers, cups, and silverware at my place.
Linda watched Karen as she sat her new doll carefully on a tree stump and placed tiny China plates, cups and saucers before it.
Anybroken equipment, furniture, worn carpet, etc. may cause accidents and should be reported immediately. Place broken dishes, etc. on to Room Service shelving.
Mugs, ashtray, Bowl, Plate, Cup, Saucer, Flatware, Tableware, Glass, Vase Tableware and Cutlery.
There are all kinds of plates, saucers, cups, and silverware at my place.
We want to buy Mugs, ashtray, Bowl, Plate, Cup, Saucer, Flatware, Tableware, Glass, Vase Tableware and Cutlery.
The new housemaid is like a bull in a china shop. When she helps in the kitchen, she sometimes breaks a cup, and sometimes knocks dishes off the table.
Lunch and dinner are slightly rich, general families are equipped with a variety of dishes and plates and cups and cutlery.
When she helps in the kitchen, she sometimes breaks a cup, and sometimes knocks dishes off the table.
She stood watching him as he finished lighting the candle stubs that stood on saucers around the room, perched precariously on stacks of books and on side tables crammed with cracked and moldy cups.
The last time he visited our home, he accidentally broke a thermometer and then knocked three dishes off the table.
The last time he visited our home, he accidentally broke a thermometer and then knocked three dishes off the table.