The idea of having to sell their home and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience for them.
His unkind behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.
Brings many untoward effects easily for the rest, causes the rest body and mind extreme pain.
Stuttering has caused millions of people to agonize over this speech disorder.
More than 2% of the population aged over 55 suffers extreme pain as a result of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world.
Admitting we are wrong and losing money to boot can be extremely painful, and certainly something to avoid.
The excruciating pain of the first blast is gone, and now there is the throb and ache of an amputated soul.
In the background, the few radio stations that can still broadcast convey the messages of agonized families and friends.
Detainees were reportedly subjected to extremely loud and persistent music, such as heavy metal, rock, rap and even nursery rhymes, which they claimed inflicted great agony on them.
Rolfe was a pious man who agonized for many weeks over the decision to marry a "heathen."
And if we don't find Patty soon, we won't make the Boston flight either, he agonizes.
By the time this happened, 46 was half insane from the itching, and he died in torment a few days later.
It has been reported Liu's parents and Liu himself once tried hard to change his image, but these failed attempts caused Liu extreme pain.
I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write.
The spotlight is blinding, and a bead of sweat makes its way down my temple in agonizing slow motion, dissolving into my red-sequined evening gown.
They were, however, left in little doubt that towards the end of the experiment the shocks were extremely painful and the learner might well have been rendered unconscious.
When I was young I used to really agonize over why China had to be so poor, so weak, and so backward compared to the West?
His relationship with Missus Mason ended about the time the book appeared. After that, Hughes sank into a period of intense personal unhappiness.
But that moment of anguish turned into a lifetime of determination to forge a path for this island nation. At the end of the press conference, Mr Lee made a promise to Singaporeans.
And suddenly, there, across just two frames, he saw it: a vivid, intense expression of extreme anguish. It lasted less than a 15th of a second.
"Black Law Dictionary" thinks that euthanasia starts from compassion and executes people suffering from an incurable diseases.
"Black Law Dictionary" thinks that euthanasia starts from compassion and executes people suffering from an incurable diseases.