• 命令他们背后堆放一些枕头

    He ordered them to stack up pillows behind his back.


  • 舒服地一堆枕头里面

    She is comfortably cocooned in pillows.


  • 他用不停地捶打枕头

    He pummelled the pillow with his fists.


  • 往前够了够身子让护士枕头拍松了。

    He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows.


  • 来把枕头拍松。

    Let me fluff up your pillows for you.


  • 靠着枕头躺着

    He lay propped against the pillows.


  • 尼娜设法自救,开始一个枕头连续地拍打火焰

    Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.


  • 毛衣一个枕头然后草地上了下来

    He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow, and lay down on the grass.


  • 开始起来痛苦地皱着脸虚弱地回到枕头

    She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow.


  • 回到枕头上,双眼呼吸粗重,就睡熟了似的。

    She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep.


  • 需要休息,”恳切说到,同时走过去将枕头拍得松松的。

    "You need to rest," she told him reassuringly as she moved to plump up his pillows.


  • 被子枕头床头板的正下方。

    The covers would be pulled tight, and the pillow would be centered just under the headboard.


  • 奶妈重新铺好凌乱的抖了抖枕头,把它们弄

    The nurse remade the tumbled bed and shook and straightened the pillows.


  • 农夫回答说:“首先枕头下面藏着一些。”

    The peasant answered, "In the first place, he says that there is some wine hidden under the pillow."


  • 大块天花板下来,正好床上枕头

    A large part of the ceiling had fallen down, falling right on to the pillow of my bed.


  • 汤姆把头埋枕头,伤心地低声说:“不是!”

    Tom buried his head among his pillows, murmuring plaintively, "Alack, it was no dream!"


  • 它们放在枕头这样我就可以安心地睡个安稳觉了。

    I will put them into my pillow, and then I am sure I shall sleep soundly without rocking.


  • 玛丽:“给妈妈棉质床单舒服枕头她睡觉吧。”

    "Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep." Marie said


  • 枕头从来不的,这么多年来我一直上面,压扁了

    My pillow never was very thick, and sleeping on it all these years has made it flat.


  • 据说,问心无愧像是一个柔软枕头有了它,我们就可以甜美的

    It's said that a clean conscience is a soft pillow, with which we can have sweet dreams.


  • 法兰克福,它三个高高的枕头厚厚的暖和的被子

    I should like to have my bed from Frankfurt with the three high pillows and the thick, warm cover.


  • 回答所有这些问题,还回答了更多别的的问题,枕头着。

    She answered all these questions and many more and he lay back on his pillow and listened.


  • 对于那些仰卧时才会打鼾的人,他们上背部一个枕头可以促使他们改变睡姿

    For those who snore only when sleeping on their back, placing a pillow under their upper back may encourage them to change sleeping position.


  • 我们可以看到像是饭店房间里——铺米黄色的被子床头竖直靠着许多枕头

    We could see what looked like a big bed in a hotel roomwith beige quilts and pillows propped upright on the headboard.


  • 上周我们阳台上竖起了一个帐篷我们找到的毛绒绒毯子枕头羽绒被带了进去。

    Last week we set up a tent on the balcony with every fluffy blanket, pillow, and feather duvet we could find.


  • 那天晚上临睡前非常烦躁不安以至于枕头底下拿出我毛毯仍进了废纸里。

    That night before bedtime, I was so upset that I took the little piece of blanket out from under my pillow and threw it in the wastebasket.


  • 一 iPod Touch主题寝具品种齐全羽绒被褥,有枕头,其设计真是别致很酷

    This iPod Touch themed bedding comes complete with duvet and pillowcases which has a really unique and cool design.


  • 或许喜欢在临睡前吃点奶酪睡觉时候一定得开着,或者是把枕头放在脚下而不是下面

    Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head?


  • 楼下一个房间里,在一张厚重床帘的胡桃木床上。那灰色脑袋发黄发霉枕头

    She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain. Her gray head propped on a yellow and moldy pillow.


  • 24个人坐在枕头他们书店里看到同一——都带着眼镜鼓鼓囊囊毛衣手提电脑

    Two dozen people were perched on pillows. They were the same kind of people you find at a bookstore—a lot of spectacles, lumpy sweaters, laptop bags.


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