• 落地地方了个标记

    He placed a marker where the ball had landed.


  • 什么特殊标记吗?

    Does your cat have any distinguishing marks?


  • 烙印烙铁烧在牲畜皮上所有权标记

    A brand was a mark of ownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.


  • 记下经度纬度然后海图标记

    He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.


  • 玻璃蜂房可以距离观察工作中的蜜蜂每个蜂房蜂王打上白点标记

    Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.


  • 法拉达看到了一切并且好好做了标记

    Falada saw it all, and marked it well.


  • 这种蝴蝶上,花边图案标记精子进入的卵孔。

    On this butterfly egg, the lacy pattern marks the micropyle, where sperm enters.


  • 一直学识渊博。编纂收藏家标记目录依然经典

    He was always a scholar. His catalog of collectors' marks is still a classic.


  • 一些鸟儿在照镜子时候会不停抓挠标记直到掉。

    Some of the birds, while looking in the mirror, kept scratching at the mark until they got rid of it.


  • 即使没有区域差异问题岩石作为独特的时间标记也是一个难题

    Even without the problem of regional differences, rocks present a difficulty as unique time markers.


  • 聚乙烯袋子剪下白色标记依然安置在通往墓地狭窄碎石小路上

    Little white markers cut out of polythene bags are still planted along the narrow rubble lane to the cemetery.


  • 是的,”母亲,“我们海涅尔右臂上一个莓一样的标记。”

    "Yes," said his mother, "our Heinel had a mark like a raspberry on his right arm."


  • 近年遗传学研究提供了新的线索包括现代美洲土著民基因标记分布

    In recent years, new clues have come from research into genetics, including the distribution of genetic markers in modern Native Americans.


  • 书本里布满彩虹般的标记时,不必考试所有的内容都

    When your chapter is a rainbow of markings, you don't have to read all of it again before an exam.


  • 这些标记使他们能够测量花朵萌芽开花每一次大小形状变化

    These dots were markers that enabled them to measure every change in the size and shape of the flower as it went from bud to bloom.


  • 微小箭头类似战术地图方向标记军事世界中罕见的遗留物之一。

    The faint arrows, similar to the directional markings on a tactical map, are one of the rare carry-overs from his military world.


  • 画面中,建筑工人像蚊子一样到处吵吵嚷嚷,屏幕角落里时钟则标记时间

    It shows construction workers buzzing around like gnats while a clock in the corner of the screen marks the time.


  • 包括添加删除书签检索用户书签列表和检索(或者重命名)用户标记方法

    It includes methods to add and delete bookmarks, retrieve a user's bookmark list, and retrieve (or rename) a user's tags.


  • 可以获得某个标记所有信息替换或者您也可以所有文本变成小写的。

    You can get all the information within a certain tag and replace it, or you can turn all the text to lowercase.


  • 如果要添加单词正确位置插入标记然后缺失的单词写在空白处。

    If you add a word, put an insertion mark in the right place and write the missing word in the blank.


  • 编辑器左右两侧红色标记标明验证错误无效语法一条红色波浪型下划线

    The editor will mark the validation errors with red marks on the left and right sides, and add a red wavy underline to the invalid syntax.


  • 我们完成了所有这些准备工作我们可以JSP页面使用我们自定义标记了。

    With all the prep work behind us, we're ready to use our custom tag within a JSP page.


  • 这些机器老鼠非常简约,就一个体积更大电脑鼠标带有可以移动轮子五颜六色的标记

    The robot rats were quite minimalist, resembling a chunkier version of a computer mouse with wheels to move around and colorful markings.


  • 这个日式陶罐其他时期日式陶罐的篮标记的,实际上就是它们日语中的名字

    The basket-like markings on this and other Japanese pots of the same time are in a cord pattern and that's in fact what their name is in Japanese.


  • 题都对应标记ABCD四个选项选择最佳选项答题卡2相应字母中间划横线

    For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  • 这些木雕石雕都是他用雕刻标记的,用以说明数百万年来塑造我们星球力量暴烈程度强度

    These are wood and stone sculptures that he's carved and marked with fire to illustrate the ferocity and intensity of the forces that have shaped our planet over millions of years.


  • 认为远在公元前30,000年以前,猎人可能刻在骨头石头上符号系统标记月相

    He believes that as far back as 30,000 B.C., hunters may have used a system of notation, engraved on bone and stone, to mark phases of the Moon.


  • 这位考古学家大多数带有标记的岩石太重了,所以无法把它们翻转过来确定它们的背面是否装饰

    The archaeologist said most boulders with markings were too heavy to turn over to find out if they were decorated on the reverse side.


  • 心理学推断如果孩子们知道自己平时样子他们就会这个不寻常红色标记感到惊讶,开始触摸

    The psychologists reasoned that if the children knew what they usually looked like, they would be surprised by the unusual red mark and would start touching it.


  • 全部物品被注入彩色标记桶里

    The contents are emptied into colour-coded buckets.


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