• 常见广泛分布树木园池塘黄河

    Common. A widespread species occurring in ponds of Arboretum and the Huanghe River.


  • 介绍鼎湖山树木园位置气候条件等基本情况建设规划

    The location, climate and mast plan of Dinghushan Arboretum were described in this paper also.


  • 辽宁省树木园沈阳农业大学植物园基础上规划设计

    The Arboretum of Liaoning Province is programmed and designed on the basis of former Shenyang Agricultural University Botanic Garden.


  • 哈佛大学阿诺德树木园美国收集研究中国植物一个重要机构

    Arnold Arboretum in Harvard University is an important institution in the United States for collecting and studying Chinese plants.


  • 当你美国欧洲树木园公园采集时,很难找到典型的纯种

    It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and Europe.


  • 景观建筑师设计开发解释性公园树木园动物园高尔夫球场,游乐场娱乐区和农庄。

    Landscape architects design and develop interpretive parks, arboretums, zoos, golf courses, playgrounds, recreation areas and farmsteads.


  • 阐述世界我国引种栽培美国黄松基础上着重阐述了黄土高原延安树木园引种栽培生长突出表现

    On the basis of recounting details of Pinus ponderosa in the world and domestic, its prominent characteristics of growth in Yanan arboretum on the loess plateau has been emphasized on the paper.


  • 泥炭土生长树木采伐后,土地或是被遗弃或是改造种植园

    The trees growing on it are harvested and the land is either abandoned or converted to a plantation.


  • 3:8天起凉风耶和华园中行走人和妻子听见声音,就在园里的树木中,躲避耶和华神的面。

    And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.


  • 印尼因为非法砍伐采矿以及刀耕火种式开荒高利润棕榈油种植园让出空间,小时都有占地相当于300个足球场树木遭到破坏。

    The equivalent of 300 football pitches of trees in Indonesia are destroyed every hour due to illegal logging, mining and slash-and-burn land clearing for highly profitable palm oil plantations.


  • 上层俯瞰周围建筑树木下层园景花园建立亲密关系

    The upper storeys look out over the surrounding buildings and trees, while the lower levels promote a more intimate relationship with the landscaped gardens.


  • 沿着休斯顿水牛植物园位于墨西哥湾沿海平原生态区范围内支持着抵靠着峡谷广袤平坦大草原,峡谷里树木繁茂并且充满了沼泽洼地

    Located along Buffalo bayou in Houston, the Arboretum lies within the Gulf Coastal Plains ecoregion, supporting vast flat prairies that abut wooded ravines associated with bayous and depressions.


  • 正是植物园深层意味,一个户外树木画廊

    It is exactly what arboretum signifies, an outdoor gallery of trees.


  • 罗布林卡座宫殿片水域、一个动物园众多树木花草组成,一个美丽静谧的花园俗称拉萨颐和园

    The Norbulingka is a beautiful big garden, consisting of several palaces, a small pond, a zoo and many trees and flowers. It is commonly referred as the Summer Palace in Lhasa.


  • 凉风耶和华园中行走人和妻子听见声音,就园里树木,躲避耶和华神的面。他们在做什么?

    Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.


  • 苹果满足只是现有景观绿化面积增大了,该公司还斯坦福聘请树木栽培专家,本土树木加入其中,包括

    Jobs outlined. Not content merely to add four times more landscaping than the space current has, Apple hired an arborist from Stanford to put in indigenous trees, including apricot orchards, he said.


  • 天起凉风耶和华园中行走人和妻子听见声音藏在园里的树木中、躲避耶和华神面。 面。

    Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.


  • 伦敦实在绿色的。那里很多树木雄园

    London is really green. There are lots of trees and parks.


  • 树木管理办事处总监掌管树木管理办事处,直属上司是绿化、园境树木管理组主管

    Reporting to the Head of Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section, the Head of Tree Management Office (H/TMO) heads the TMO.


  • 地方美丽的植物园,里面种来自世界各地树木花草

    The place boasts a beautiful botanical garden with plants from all over the world.


  • 职责树木管理办事处隶属发展局工务科绿化树木管理

    Duties: the Tree Management Office (TMO) is under the Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section in Works Branch of the Development Bureau.


  • 环绕四周种类繁多树木园景花园让您休闲和清爽的气氛中度过一个完美假期。

    In keeping with the name "Cher" encompassing the logo of "tree", this modern Black-White architecture is surrounded with a variety of trees and landscaped gardens.


  • 山间树木繁茂,还有各种珍贵药材是一天然植物园

    There are dense forests on the mountain as well as various rare medicinal herbs, which form a natural botanical garden.


  • 我们植物园简报得知,设计树顶走廊,游客裘园体验树木天篷的感觉。

    Well when we inherited the brief from Kew it was to design a tree-top walkway which would give visitors to Kew a unique experience of tree canopies...


  • 我们植物园简报得知,设计树顶走廊,游客裘园体验树木天篷的感觉。

    Well when we inherited the brief from Kew it was to design a tree-top walkway which would give visitors to Kew a unique experience of tree canopies...


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