同时,本文还将“单样本k - S非参数检验法”和统计学工具软件“SPSS”应用于汽车防盗监测模块的设计过程,使汽车防盗的可靠性能够在一定程度上得以控制。
Also, we used the "K-S nonparametric test" and the statistical software SPSS to design the monitoring module, thus we could control the system's reliability in some degree.
同时,本文还将“单样本k - S非参数检验法”和统计学工具软件“SPSS”应用于汽车防盗监测模块的设计过程,使汽车防盗的可靠性能够在一定程度上得以控制。
Also, we used the "K-S nonparametric test" and the statistical software SPSS to design the monitoring module, thus we could control the system's reliability in some degree.