• 法国核废料处理发生一起爆炸,导致一死亡受伤

    One person died and four people were injured in an explosion at a nuclear waste treatment site in France.


  • 本文介绍核废料处理玻璃微珠生产制造方法设备

    This paper introduces the method and equipment for making glass microspheres used for nuclear waste disposal.


  • 没有真正知道海洋用作核废料处理场带来危害多大。

    No one really knows what the impact of using the ocean for disposal of nuclear wastes has been.


  • 关于核废料处理意见正在趋于一致:大多数国家废料地下只有芬兰美国选择了特定地点

    A consensus is emerging about where to put nuclear waste: most countries want to bury it underground, though only Finland and America have chosen sites.


  • 法国打算推动其他两个项目建造一家核废料处理以及广东建造所中法核研究学院

    France also intends to promote another two projects: the construction of a nuclear waste treatment plant, as well as the construction of a Sino-French Institute of nuclear Research in Guangdong.


  • 不过尽管核废料处理核武器扩散这些问题极其重要核电站高昂又不可控成本才是严重问题

    But although the disposal of waste and the proliferation of nuclear weapons are profoundly important issues, the most severe problem may be the high and unpredictable cost of nuclear plants.


  • 放射性废料管理委员会本身只是一连串处理核废料问题委员会之一;到底在哪里建立这么一个储藏库呢?这个细微的问题难倒之前的提出所有尝试的人。

    CORWM itself is merely the latest in a string of committees set up to deal with the problem; all previous attempts stumbled on the delicate question of where such a bunker could be built.


  • 法律上俄国应该确保再浓缩核燃料处理核废料回收或者正确处理但是仅有一小部分原材料被回收。

    Russia is legally required to ensure that the re-enriched fuel and reprocessed waste is returned or properly disposed of, but only a small percentage of the original material gets sent back.


  • 公园学校附近被污染土壤挖走,似乎唯一选项,而核废料处理土壤地点则是在被挖去土地的那些地方。

    As parks and school grounds are stripped of contaminated topsoil, the city is doing the only thing it can do: burying the waste under the sites from which it was removed.


  • 但是一种忽视核能带来的棘手的问题趋势应该如何处理核废料

    But there has been a persistent tendency to ignore the toughest questions posed by nuclear power: What should be done with the waste?


  • 福岛官方已经一些核废料掩埋工业垃圾处理地,但附近居民对此肯定不会有好脸色

    Officials in Fukushima City have been disposing of some waste at an industrial dumping site, an option that residents in the area are understandably not happy about.


  • 其他处理核废料计划包括倒入中和发射宇宙中。

    Other plans for disposing of nuclear waste have included dumping it at sea and blasting it into space.


  • 可预计时期内,核废料处理方法只有深埋,处理核废料将耗费大量能量包括大量用于建设处置设施材料(比如钢筋混凝土)。

    The disposal of nuclear waste requires a great deal of embodied energy, including that in the materials used to maintain the disposal facilities (i.e. concrete and steel).


  • 环境保护者这种物质——处理后的存留物——电力公司企图误导大众认为核废料完全回收利用的有力证据

    Environmentalists say the material - the result of nuclear reprocessing - is proof that the industry's claims to be almost entirely "recyclable" are misleading.


  • 核电厂完全不释放二氧化碳不过问题怎样有效处理核废料

    Nuclear power plants release no carbon dioxide at all — but there's the problem of what to do with the nuclear waste.


  • 英国,每年就要处理10000核废料现有的核电厂退役的时候,产生的核废料如今的25倍。

    The UK alone has 10, 000 tons of nuclear waste, a pile which will increase 25-fold when the existing plants are decommissioned, with no solution in sight other than deep burial.


  • 但是说,核能中国来说不是长远解决办法因为全世界金属的储藏量有限而且如何妥善处理核废料也是一个难题

    But he says nuclear power is not a long-term solution for China's energy needs because the world's uranium stores are limited and it is difficult to properly dispose of nuclear waste.


  • 表示忧虑,他的父亲有关处理核废料告知,他可以做到什么如果清空垃圾箱第一

    He expresses his worries to his father about disposing of nuclear waste, but is told that he can achieve nothing if he doesn't empty the dustbin first.


  • 核废料管理领域一些国家燃料处理方面取得了技术突破

    In the field of nuclear waste management, some countries have made technological breakthroughs in dealing with spent fuel.


  • 根据合同公司世界范围维修大量现存反应堆。同时,该公司涉及处理放射性核废料以及除役旧式设备

    The firm has contracts to maintain existing reactor fleets around the world, and is involved in processing radioactive waste and decommissioning old nuclear facilities.


  • 最近演说关于进行再处理以及当储存在核废料储存场时所造成核扩散危机。

    John Holdren's recent talk on proliferation hazards of plutonium when reprocessed, and when disposed of in geologic repositories.


  • 我们难以预料是否有朝一日找到处理核废料百分之百安全办法

    It is doubtful if we can ever find a way to dispose of nuclear waste that is 100 percent I secure.


  • 核废料得到妥善处理否则导致一系列严重问题

    Nuclear waste should be properly disposed of; otherwise, it may give rise to a host of serious problems.


  • 核废料得到妥善处理否则导致一系列严重问题

    Nuclear waste should be properly disposed of; otherwise, it may give rise to a host of serious problems.


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