• 许多学校根本重视学术竞赛

    Many schools simply don't prioritize academic competitions.


  • 提出其中一个假设大脑根本接纳无关紧要信息

    That's one of the hypotheses that was proposed, that the brain simply doesn't admit the unimportant information.


  • 问及受伤是否会影响到得分时艾弗森: “根本会。”

    When asked whether the injury affected his shooting, Iverson said: "Not at all."


  • 根本懂得人事管理

    He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people.


  • 根本可能通过这次考试

    He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam.


  • 极力撮合他们觉得根本可能

    She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.


  • 我们到两下里去了,我根本是那个意思

    I think we're talking at cross purposes; that's not what I meant at all.


  • 根本我们其实他连

    He wasn't exactly pleased to see usin fact he refused to open the door.


  • 他们根本不体谅感情

    They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings.


  • 埃米根本适合走路

    Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.


  • 根本不麻烦相反,我很乐意帮助

    It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.


  • 根本发生七十年代中期的事情。

    It's nothing like what happened in the mid-Seventies.


  • 享有3000美元收入个人免税额。”—“根本挣钱。”

    "She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand dollars of income."—"Yes, but she doesn't earn any money."


  • 认为再得到那么薪金了。他根本不配拿那么多

    He felt he no longer deserved such a high salary. He just wasn't earning his keep.


  • 根本可能拿到奖牌

    She didn't get even a sniff at a medal.


  • 艾伦政治根本关心

    Alan doesn't care two hoots about politics.


  • 根本知道事儿

    She doesn't know diddly about it.


  • 着车,根本理会速度限制

    He was driving without regard to speed limits.


  • 吃过午饭就去购物,还试穿那些她根本需要衣服

    She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.


  • 对于要求辞职建议,他根本不理会

    He shrugged aside suggestions that he resign.


  • 并且有些根本筑巢

    And some birds do not build nests at all.


  • 根本知道发生了什么

    He didn't know what happened at all.


  • 根本是个妞——是个女孩

    It ain't a gal at all--it's a girl.


  • 看到很多穿着滑稽鞋子根本可能长的路鞋子。

    You see lots of people in ridiculous shoes that you couldn't possibly walk in for very long.


  • 咕噜了,”爱丽丝,“根本表达自己恰当方式。”

    "Don't grunt," said Alice; "that's not at all a proper way of expressing yourself."


  • 已经常常温迪根本不需要翻译

    She had said it so often that Wendy needed no translation.


  • 根本不知道盒子的事,并且及时放弃亲吻尝试

    He never knew about the box, and in time he gave up trying for the kiss.


  • 害怕根本什么事

    Don't you be afraid of that--it ain't anything at all.


  • 根本写给谁的,”兔子,“事实上外面什么也没。”

    "It isn't directed at all," said the White Rabbit, "in fact, there's nothing written on the OUTSIDE."


  • 抽象谈论犯罪根本足以说明问题,因为犯罪活动影响的是真实的生活

    Talking about crime in the abstract just isn't enough, since criminal activities affect real life.


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