• 预订八点钟人用餐的

    I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock.


  • 这些下都一层绿色防滑

    The table mats and coasters have a non-slip, soft green backing.


  • 尼娜目光碰上了对面姐妹们的目光。

    Nina's eyes met her sisters' across the table.


  • 男人们松树树荫下折叠草坪

    Men set up folding tables and lawn chairs in the shade of giant pine trees.


  • 身穿华丽深蓝色天鹅绒衣服贝茜正在旁徘徊。

    Bessie, resplendent in royal blue velvet, was hovering beside the table.


  • 作为募捐方警官今天穿上围裙,接受点菜,收拾

    As a fund-raiser, police officers will don aprons, take orders and bus tables today.


  • 一些雇员不得不轮用办公直到能够找到更多的办公场所为止。

    Some employees will have to hot-desk until more accommodation can be found.


  • 教室很大学生们人一,一一排地坐着。

    Classrooms are large and pupils sit at single desks in rows.


  • 如果以上改变,而腰围没有缩小台立式电脑可能答案

    If you make the changes above and your waistline isn't shrinking, a standup desk may be the answer.


  • 我们办公吞下三明治时,我们可能在浪费一个唤醒味蕾大好机会。

    We might be wasting an exciting opportunity to wake up our taste buds when we swallow a sandwich at our desks.


  • 这时所有快乐朋友围坐奶奶听着大家讲述奇迹是怎么发生的。

    Now all the happy friends sat down round the table, and grandmama was told how the miracle had happened.


  • 扎节每日通常晚餐前,亲友齐聚会有人点亮蜡烛黑色蜡烛开始。

    Each day of Kwanzaa, usually before the evening meal, family and friends gather around the table and someone lights a candle, beginning with the black.


  • 毡房,有一张矮,上面放满了各种自制果酱浓厚鲜奶一篮自制的面包。

    Inside the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread.


  • 跟着女主人椅子出来,我便坐在上面,十分自然因为这正是的椅子。

    I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.


  • 其实高质量异常严谨咖啡书籍,写作的初衷是让读者大致浏览里面的内容,不是从头

    It turns out to be a sort of high-quality, unusually rigorous coffee-table book, designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end.


  • 偷偷鸡尾酒方向溜去——这是花园唯一可以让一个这里逗留不会显得毫无目的孤独地方

    I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail tablethe only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.


  • 我们遇到了一小型露营车,车门着,正着一对中年苏格兰夫妇,他们正坐在折叠着茶吃着饼干

    We come upon a small caravan camper with its door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits.


  • 随后摆上的饭菜俨然宴席

    The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.


  • 人们看着,鼓励地微笑着

    The people at the next table watched me eat and smiled encouragingly.


  • 他们上了很棒的饭菜

    They dished up a superb meal.


  • 大多数雇员更愿意一张固定办公而不是轮用办公

    I think that very few employees prefer hot-desking to having a fixed desk.


  • 里的电脑太贵了,我买不起。

    The computer desk in the store is so expensive that I can't afford it.


  • 不得不坐在旁休息一下。

    I had to sit by the table for a rest.


  • 他所有的朋友都到了,他请他们坐在旁吃饭。

    When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit at the table for dinner.


  • 天晚上,起身离时,我记得听到妈妈为烤焦面包向爸爸道歉。

    When I got up from the table that evening, I remembered hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast.


  • 二根火柴点燃了,她看到一子美味的食物。

    A second match was lighted, she saw a table full of delicious food.


  • 清理办公的频率越高,每次清理起来就越容易。

    The more often you clean your desk, the easier it will be each time.


  • 我坐在那儿。”我对我的家人说,然后迅速走向我的办公

    "I sit over there," I told my family and quickly walked toward my desk.


  • 唯一找到的工作就是在当地一家餐馆收拾子。

    The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant.


  • 一天,我经过一个垃圾桶,看到一张折叠平放在那里。

    One day I walked past a rubbish bin and saw a folding (可折叠的) table lying there.


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