• 梦想使教堂圆形尖顶

    No one would dream of straightening out the church's knobbly spire.


  • 特雷莎非常震惊,梦想破灭了

    Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered.


  • 参观吴哥一个儿时梦想实现

    Visiting Angkor was the fulfilment of a childhood dream.


  • 梦想毫无意义,很不成熟

    His dreams were senseless and inchoate.


  • 科琳曾经梦想过要养育群孩子。

    Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family.


  • 梦想有朝一日能达拉斯

    I too dreamed of living in Dallas one day.


  • 走遍天下追寻梦想

    She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.


  • 梦想达到超级巨星地位。

    She dreamed of reaching the dizzy heights of stardom.


  • 梦想成为马戏团无鞍马骑手

    She dreamed of being a bareback rider in a circus.


  • 梦想实际存在

    It exists in dreams rather than actuality.


  • 一切希望梦想担心都告诉

    She told me all her hopes, dreams and fears.


  • 自从上学以来一直梦想着成为演员

    Since she was a schoolgirl she had dreamed of going on the stage.


  • 他们梦想外国旅游。

    They dreamed of travelling to foreign lands.


  • 一直梦想

    He'd been dreaming of her.


  • 难道破灭梦想中就找不出一丝希望了吗?

    Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams?


  • 学生的时候,她梦想成为女演员

    As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.


  • 业余制帽赢得了笔奖学金实现扩展自己企业梦想

    An amateur hatmaker has won a scholarship to pursue her dreams of developing her own business.


  • 科幻小说作家长期以来一直梦想人类有一可以离开地球移居其它星球上

    Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day quit the earth to colonize other planets.


  • 我们为了梦想活着

    We've lived for that dream.


  • 天使梦想染上尘埃

    Angels and dreams are stained with dust.


  • 经常梦想出国留学。

    He often dreams of studying abroad.


  • 不该梦想这样

    I shouldn't dream of doing such a thing.


  • 坚持梦想的人才成功

    Achievement only belongs to those who persist in their dreams.


  • 梦想着能够打鼓

    I dreamed of playing the drum.


  • 梦想成为明星

    I dreamed of becoming a superstar.


  • 梦想星星

    Dreams are like stars.


  • 打破梦想

    I'd hate to be the one to disillusion him.


  • 认为是个梦想家,父亲却认为他没有谋生的能力。

    She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn't make a living.


  • 有些梦想说谎,有些梦想成真

    Some dreams tell lies; some dreams come true.


  • 梦想是成名。

    His dream was to become famous.


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