• 长春藤树叶装饰梳妆台正面

    Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser.


  • 莱恩身体梳妆台,照了照镜子

    Elaine braced herself against the dresser and looked in the mirror.


  • 拖着身子摇摇晃晃地梳妆台

    She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.


  • 这间卧室精确复制原来房间,模仿之细甚至连墙纸的图案梳妆台都一模一样。

    The bedroom was an exact replica of the original, perfect right down to the patterns on the wallpaper and the hairbrushes on the dressing table.


  • 例如有人结婚时我们墙上梳妆台其他家具上挂一些红色剪纸表达我们祝福

    For example, when someone marries, we put up some red paper cuts on the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes.


  • 哪里?—他们梳妆台

    Where are your books? -they are on the dresser.


  • 没有书架一个梳妆台卧室里。

    There aren't a bookcase and a dresser in the bedroom.


  • 能够分辨出梳妆台还有把备用椅子

    He could discern a dresser with a fair level of certainty, as well as a spare chair.


  • 微笑着,看也一眼打开公文包梳妆台

    But she'd recovered fast. She'd smiled and didn't glance at either the open briefcase or the dresser.


  • 受害者睡衣整整齐齐的叠好,放在梳妆上。

    You neatly folded the victim's nightshirt, and you left it on the dresser.


  • 梳妆还有一张女孩照片,是个生一头秀发女孩。

    And there was the photograph of a child, a little girl with beautiful locks, on the dresser.


  • 较薄衣物更容易起皱那些毛衣放在梳妆台抽屉里面可以

    Lighter cloths wrinkle easily while those heavy sweaters will fare just fine in the dresser drawer.


  • 现在依然喜爱照镜子只不过那张梳妆台已变得

    Now I still like to look into the mirror. Only now, the dressing table is too low for me.


  • 曾经一个伊卡璐的商业广告:“肯定知道的,只有她的梳妆台。”

    There used to be a commercial for Clairol that said, "Only her hair dresser knows for sure."


  • 鲁斯卡小时候肯定是那种棒球联盟参与奖杯也摆在自己梳妆上的孩子

    I'm guessing Hruska was one of those kids who actually put his Little League participation trophy on top of his dresser.


  • 现在看着我们结婚时照片,它就放在我们的梳妆上,紧挨着珠宝

    I'm looking at our wedding photo now, the one on our dressing table, next to your jewelry box.


  • 你看看第一张图片,房间一侧梳妆台,还有两个橱柜都是能够提供一种艺术的氛围。

    In the top picture, there is a dresser on one side of the room. The top two drawers are full of art supplies.


  • 你看看第一张图片,房间一侧梳妆台,还有两个橱柜都能够提供一种艺术的氛围。

    In the top picture, there is a dresser on one side of the room.The top two drawers are full of art supplies.


  • 于是,打开了窗户,确定梳妆上的东西摆放整齐了,就走出房门,开始了新的“探险”。

    Having opened my chamber window, and seen that I left all things straight and neat on the toilet-table, I ventured forth.


  • 这件卧室只能简单陈设——它没有足够的地方放下梳妆台床头几或者其他任何家具

    This bedroom was made for a minimalistthere's not enough room for a dresser, nightstand, or any other piece of furniture.


  • 衣柜里抽屉里梳妆台桌子上、箱子盒子里,只要能说出个地方,就有东西放在

    Closets, drawers, dressers, shelves, tables, bins, boxes you name it, I likely had stuff in it.


  • 琼斯夫人梳妆绶带自己肩膀上别,镜子忸怩作态,自我陶醉

    She had taken a piece of blue ribbon from Mrs Jones’s dressing-table, and was holding it against her shoulder and admiring herself in the glass in a very foolish manner.


  • 一家营地很不和谐,那儿镜子的梳妆台,把洪水里带回来男主人怎么会觉得有用呢?

    In one family's encampment, discordantly, sat a dresser with a mirrored door - how did the man who had brought that through the floodwater think it would be useful?


  • 利用以前梳妆台抽屉抽屉上安四个轴子,在里面放东西,再把抽屉推到床底下

    Make use of drawers from an old dresser that's not being used. Install four rollers on an old dresser drawer, fill it up, and roll it under the bed.


  • 记得很小时候,常常脚尖在跟我差不多梳妆前,看到镜子里自己小脸

    I remember when I was a little girl, I often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as I was.


  • 如果制作梳妆台,可以梳妆再添层搁板或者架子,用来存放更多东西。

    If you're working with a dresser, add another piece or shelf above the dresser for extra storage, she said.


  • 测量一下家具尺寸,比如看看是否适合搬进新的卧室如果可以两个梳妆台床头灯呢?

    Measure each piece of furniture. For example, will your bed fit in the new bedroom, and if it can, what about the two dressers and nightstand?


  • 测量一下家具尺寸,比如看看是否适合搬进新的卧室如果可以两个梳妆台床头灯呢?

    Measure each piece of furniture. For example, will your bed fit in the new bedroom, and if it can, what about the two dressers and nightstand?


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