Nakheel's bankers, including bilateral and syndicated lenders, will be paid in full but not on time.
The answer probably depends on how many of Nakheel's bondholders insist on timely repayment on December 14th.
Nakheel’s bankers, including bilateral and syndicated lenders, will be paid in full but not on time.
That should clean Nakheel's SLATE with half its contractors, the firm says. The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.
The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.
The money left over after the Nakheel sukuk is repaid will go to Dubai World’s suppliers and contractors, who endured a standstill on payments long before the company asked the same of its creditors.
棕榈岛集团的各个个人承包商和供应商在此次危机中虽未受到外界关注,但也遭受了巨大的损失。 他们很快会得到最高50万迪拉姆(136000美元)的现金支付款。
The company’s individual contractors and suppliers, who have suffered silently but deeply in this crisis, will soon get a cash payment of up to 500,000 dirham ($136,000).
Abu Dhabi cheered markets yesterday by extending a bn bail-out to Dubai, enabling its fellow emirate to avoid an embarrassing slide into default by troubled state-owned property developer Nakheel.
Abu Dhabi cheered markets yesterday by extending a bn bail-out to Dubai, enabling its fellow emirate to avoid an embarrassing slide into default by troubled state-owned property developer Nakheel.