• LEA基因表达调控研究目前植物分子生物学研究热点之一。

    The study on the regulatory mechanism of LEA gene expression is an important feature of modern plant molecular biology.


  • 水稻重要粮食作物之一也是目前植物分子生物学研究的重要模式生物之一。

    Rice is one of the most important crops, and now also as one of the model organisms for plant molecular biology.


  • 水稻世界上最主要的粮食作物之一也是分子生物学研究重要模式植物

    Rice is an important worldwide cereal crop, as well as a model plant for molecular biology research.


  • 熟练掌握生物学分子生物学基因工程理论技术植物组织培养的理论与技术

    Mastering microbiology, molecular biology and genetic engineering theory and technology, Plant tissue culture theory and technology, etc.


  • 研究园艺学研究提供了孢子人工繁殖剑叶凤尾蕨方法分子生物学遗传学蕨类植物系统学研究提供了基础。

    This study reveals not only the technique of propagation of P. ensiformis with spores for horticulture but also the proper conditions for molecular biology, genetics and systematics study.


  • 水稻主要粮食作物之一也是禾本科作物分子生物学研究的模式植物

    Rice is one of staple grain crops, now it is a kind of modern plant in molecular biology.


  • 因此成为近年来植物遗传育种分子生物学研究热点。

    So it has become the hot point of the research in plant heredity and molecular biology.


  • A 6掌握植物动物学生物学生物化学、遗传学细胞生物学分子生物学生物学基础学科相关基础理论基本知识

    A6 To have a solid basic theory and basic knowledge of biology-based courses, including botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, etc.


  • PCD过程伴有形态学分子生物学方面变化许多因素诱导植物pcd的发生

    The changes in aspects of morphologic and molecular biology, etc. occur in the PCD course, many inside and outside factors all may induce the occurrence of PCD of plant.


  • 植物动物学生物学生物化学、分子生物学细胞生物学遗传学生物信息学基因工程工程、发酵工程、细胞工程。

    Botany, Animal, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, cell biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, genetic engineering, Enzyme engineering, fermentation engineering, cell engineering, etc.


  • 本文主要分子生物学水平概括了酵母吸收转运机制和植物胁迫相关基因及其基因表达研究进展

    The Fe_acquisitionmechanism in yeast, the genes and gene expression under the condition of Fe deficiency stress for plants are summarized in this paper.


  • 广泛用于植物育种组织培养分子生物学研究可用于多种商业用途

    It can be used in plant breeding, tissue culture and molecular biology research, and can be used for various commercial purposes.


  • 水稻世界重要粮食作物之一,也是子叶植物发育分子生物学研究理想模式植物

    Rice is not only the most important food crop in the world, but also a model plant for study of the molecular developmental biology in monocots.


  • 迄今一些植物上定位到了部分控制构型数量性状座位,性状的分子生物学改良提供了基础。

    To date quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring root architectural characteristics have been identified in some plants, offering hopes for molecular improvement of this trait.


  • 本文低温影响、膜脂组成植物抗寒性的关系及其分子生物学研究进展简单综述

    In this review, we briefly give an overview of the relationship between membrane lipid composition and plant chilling resistance and the advances of its molecular biological investigation.


  • 营养基因组研究营养素植物化学物质人体中的分子生物学过程以及所产生效应,它强调个体作用。

    Nutrigenomics is the understanding of the effects of nutrients in molecular processes in the body as well as the variable effects of nutrients and phytochemicals have on each individual person.


  • 建立分子生物学技术基础上的植物基因工程操作抗病虫害作物品种的培育提供了一条崭新有效途径

    Based on molecular biological techniques, plant genetic engineering and manipulation lead to a new and effective way for producing varieties resistant to diseases and insects.


  • 扩增片段长度多态性)新型的分子标记技术,目前广泛应用分子生物学植物育种等领域的研究。

    AFLP marker is a new kind of technique, which is widely applied in the molecular biology, high mammal and plants in recent years.


  • 目前有关植物螯合肽生物合成解毒机制成为分子生物学污染生态学领域的研究热点。

    At present, the biosynthetic regulation of PCs and its mechanism of detoxification has attracted extensive attention from the molecular biology and contaminated ecology.


  • 国内外现代分布、系统分类及其演化、化石历史遗传学以及分子生物学等方面对栎植物进行深入的研究。

    The researches of Quercus have been on the modern distribution, origin and phylogeny, fossil history, genetics and molecular biology etc.


  • 现代分子生物学实验技术研究植物病原菌致病机理提供了有效手段

    Modern molecular biological techniques have provided effective means for the study of the mechanisms of bacterial pathogenicity for plants.


  • 课程设置颇为丰富,有人类营养学农业经济生物技术,植物基因技术,植物病理学分子生物学其他众多的分支学科

    Courses may include human nutrition, agricultural economics, biotechnology, plant and animal genetics, plant pathology, molecular biology, and a variety of other disciplines.


  • 但是现代分子生物学实验技术对于植物离体再生能力要求很高,一点对于单子叶植物来说相对比较困难

    Nevertheless, molecular biological technology requires the high-efficiency regeneration of plant tissues and cells which is comparatively difficult for the monocotyledon.


  • 课程包括细胞生物学分子生物学生长资源获得利用植物新陈代谢其他相关科学

    Courses may include cell biology, molecular biology, resource acquisition and utilization, plant metabolism, and related subjects.


  • 介绍了目前利用分子生物学技术克隆植物相关基因,并根据作物机理,对这些与耐盐相关的基因进行了分类;

    The main cloned halotolerance genes today by molecular biology technology are discussed. And these genes are sorted according to the mechanism of crop salt tolerance.


  • 水稻基因组最小的禾谷类作物,也是植物发育生物学分子生物学研究较理想模式植物

    Rice (Oryza sativa L. ), which has a small genome in cereal plants, has several advantages as a model species for studying molecular biology and developmental biology.


  • 随着分子生物学及其相关技术飞速发展,人们植物病原微生物相互作用分子机制了解得越来越透彻

    As the development of molecular biology and relative techniques, the molecular mechanism of the interaction of plant and its pathogen is becoming more and more clear.


  • 植物植物抗病防御细胞发育和凋亡有关,目前植物生理学分子生物学分子遗传学的研究热点。

    Lesion mimic mutant is important for understanding of the defense-single system of disease resistance, it also is focused on the fields of plant physiology, molecular biology and molecular genetics.


  • 本文详细总结WRKY蛋白质调控植物发育逆境诱导反应信号转导途径建立等方面的分子生物学功能

    In this review, we summarize in detail the molecular biological function of WRKY proteins in regulating specific signaling pathways during development or in response to stress factors.


  • 本文详细总结WRKY蛋白质调控植物发育逆境诱导反应信号转导途径建立等方面的分子生物学功能

    In this review, we summarize in detail the molecular biological function of WRKY proteins in regulating specific signaling pathways during development or in response to stress factors.


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