• 节奏概念艺术任何工作需要,你必须快速绘制

    In the fast pace of concept art and most any job that reqUIres you to draw, you must draw quickly.


  • 概念艺术角度来制作传统的、高度装饰性娃娃可以让成品引人遐想

    Approaching a traditional and a highly decorative craft of doll making from a conceptual standpoint only makes the objects more thought provoking.


  • 下面列出20灵感迸发的的画作出自一些最好概念艺术插画家之手。

    Here's a list of 20 inspiring drawings of dragons from some of the best concept artist and illustrators.


  • 概念艺术时候很沮丧因为大部分时间里我没有任何显著的成绩,只有零零散散一些小想法。

    It was very frustrating at the time because a lot of the time I felt that I wasn't achieving anything significant. It was all scattered and all over the place.


  • The 16周的课程,课程提供实际操作整个游戏开发流程的培训概念艺术创造一个引擎准备资产

    The 16-week curriculum provides hands-on training for the entire game development pipeline, from concept art to creating an engine-ready asset.


  • 曾经接受过5年概念艺术方面训练现在非常珍视一段经历。学习概念艺术制作娃娃完全无关,也不涉及任何实际艺术技巧

    I've come to really value my five-year training in concept art because it had nothing whatsoever to do with dolls or learning any particular set of skill or techniques.


  • 人们前来为了见到日裔美国概念艺术先锋已故约翰·列侬的第二任妻子:小野洋子。她于9月10日亲临其美术展览Das Gift》的开幕式

    They had come to see Yoko Ono, a Japanese-American pioneer of conceptual art and widow of John Lennon, who was there for the opening of her exhibition "Das Gift" on September 10th.


  • 完全电脑背景概念提升到了艺术层面,并且每周都有另一出色的插画家设计师登场。

    It completely elevates the idea of a computer background into art, and every week features another awesome illustrator or designer.


  • 容易想象到,这种心态艺术欣赏这样模糊概念产生大的影响因为它没有正确错误答案

    It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.


  • 下面只是诸多,可以构成本书披露更多的稀罕艺术概念

    It's just one of many Revelations in a new making-of book. More rare concept art below.


  • 迪士尼档案一个令人难以置信资源,它在很多方面透露出迪士尼忍心放弃脚本艺术概念的性格。

    The archives at Disney are an incredible resource and reveal a lot about a guy who couldn't bear to part with scripts and storyboards and concept art.


  • 如果觉得有偏见,先道个歉,来说,西方人善于科学艺术分开创建外在的概念结构它们应用真实世界中,解决重复出现的问题

    Sorry if I'm biased, but to me, Western people are very good at separating science and art, creating explicit concept structures and applying them to the real world so to attack repetitious problems.


  • 只有到比概念描述更远地方,人才打开一种性,那种智性的范例在舞蹈表演艺术当中得到了最好的呈现。

    Only by going beyond conceptual descriptions of reality can one open up to the intelligence that is best exemplified through arts like dancing and performing.


  • 数字艺术中,设计类型不同,网站名片插画产品概念其它设计,草图的功能也不尽相同

    The role of sketching in digital art varies depending on if your creating Web sites, identities, illustrations, product concepts, or other designs.


  • 艺术概念酒店已经开始着手处理种种幻想……也许还有你没幻想的。

    Art and concept hotels have begun addressing every fantasy you may have had... and some you probably haven't.


  • 对于这些艺术形式极简主义概念涉及几乎除掉已有的附加战略性元素

    For those new to this art form, the concept of minimalism is mostly concerned with stripping away excess and strategically placing remaining elements.


  • 这个概念也许并不新奇这些时髦新派别的素描小派对最近几年的风行不仅艺术场景而且夜生活产生影响

    The concept might not be new, but the proliferation of hip, new-school sketch soirees in recent years is having an effect on not only the art scene but nightlife, too.


  • 这个系列讲座为了配合场名为“空洞本质”展览而开设的。展览探讨的是当代艺术中的佛家理念尤其介绍“出世”的概念色即是空,空即是色。

    The talks are designed to accompany "Grain of Emptiness", an exhibition that explores Buddhist theories in contemporary art, particularly the concept of non-attachment-what is and what isn't.


  • 一张搞笑的艺术概念图,我们以前创作的作品完全不同,”

    "This was a fun artist concept to develop because it was so wildly different from our usual work," Pyle says.


  • 副描绘M 33 X - 7艺术概念图,这是位于M33星系一个双星系统黑洞正在一颗巨大恒星的轨道运行。

    An artist's conception shows M33 X-7, a binary system in the galaxy M33 where a black hole is in orbit with a large star.


  • 如果说延展生命”艺术提出许多困难的甚至令人不安问题,那么引发的最大挑战莫过于艺术这个概念本身

    If "Translife" poses numerous tough, even uncomfortable, questions, its biggest challenge is perhaps to the notion of art itself.


  • 更多关于艺术概念坦(Tauntaun)演化开始只是一条奇怪的蜥蜴)。

    More concept art shows the evolution of the tauntaun, which started out as a kind of weird lizard.


  • Lebe dev艺术工作室概念设计一次性优盘

    Disposable flash drives concept designed by Art Lebedev Studio.


  • 2008款Audio概念来自捷克的叫做OndrejJirec学生设计2008开始加州帕萨迪纳市设计学院艺术中心学习

    The 2008 Audi o concept was designed by Ondrej Jirec, a design student from the Czech Republic who is beginning studies at the Art Center College of design, Pasadena, California in 2008. [link].


  • 波提是概念艺术,对全球主义预见性着迷。他于十九世纪七十年代中期在喀布尔设计了一座宾馆,1994年脑瘤

    An "Arte Povera" artist with a prescient obsession with globalism, Boetti worked out of a hotel in Kabul in the mid-1970s, then died of a brain tumour in 1994.


  • 波提是概念艺术,对全球主义预见性着迷。他于十九世纪七十年代中期在喀布尔设计了一座宾馆,1994年脑瘤

    An "Arte Povera" artist with a prescient obsession with globalism, Boetti worked out of a hotel in Kabul in the mid-1970s, then died of a brain tumour in 1994.


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