• 研究者概念验证实验使用半导体材料是氮化镓。

    The researchers used a gallium nitride semiconductor in the "proof of concept" tests.


  • 本文演示了概念验证使用RDS安装产品加速镜像创建过程

    This article demonstrates a proof of concept: Using RDS to install products and accelerate the image creation process.


  • 概念验证需要运行当前数据不需要真实web地址

    The proof of concept does not need to run live data or have a real web address.


  • 为了完成概念验证目标必须最新创建工件增加Yummy模板

    In order to achieve the proof-of-concept objectives, a Yummy template must be added to the newly created artifact.


  • 一个压缩档案文件包含用来测试原型概念验证集成Web应用程序

    A compressed archive that contains the Web application used to test a prototype or proof-of-concept integration.


  • 很少见到IT团队谈论关于选择业务服务以及进行概念验证(poc)问题。

    I've rarely seen IT groups talk about choosing a business service and doing a proof of concept (POC).


  • 现在还处于概念验证阶段,我们进行为数不多有效性测试有希望

    "Right now it's entirely proof-of- concept and we've only done a few validation tests, but it is very promising."


  • 目前形式下,PLANTOID机器人主要作为概念验证模型

    In its present form, the PLANTOID robot serves mainly as a proof-of-concept model.


  • 利用已有的经验可以早晨概念验证进行编码当天下午就在服务器运行

    With experience, you could code a proof of concept in a morning and have it running on a cloud server the same afternoon.


  • 这些结果HYTEN喷管工程设计优化概念验证提供了基本的物理图像。

    All these results have provided physical vision for engineering design, optimization and concept verification of HYTEN nozzle.


  • 概念验证需要虚拟服务器一个完整映像数据中心复制迁移灾难恢复数据中心。

    In this proof of concept, you need to copy or migrate a complete image of a virtual server from the primary data center to the disaster recovery data center.


  • 虽然只是对于简单DITA内容来说的一个概念验证系统通过扩展可以支持完整产品系统。

    Although this is only a proof-of-concept for simple DITA content, it can be extended for more robust support in a full production system.


  • 通过几个组织OAGi完成了一个概念验证证明标准用于集成异构业务应用程序

    Within months of organizing, OAGi hosted a proof-of-concept which proved that the standard could be used to integrate heterogeneous business applications.


  • 围绕用户角色创建业务策略非常普遍做法,在Fabric概念验证技术演示过程尤其是如此

    It's common, especially during proof of concepts and technical demonstrations of Fabric, to create business policies around user roles.


  • ApacheSOAP第一值得注意SOAP引擎之一主要用作概念验证”,根本没有考虑性能

    Apache SOAP was one of the notable SOAP engines in the first generation, and it was mainly meant to be "proof of concept" and not at all concerned about performance.


  • 本文所述EJB代理方法适合用于需要轻量级低成本解决方案来满足沙箱测试概念验证需求情况

    The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight, low-cost solution for sandbox, test, or proof-of-concept situations.


  • 无论是使用AmazonEC2还是其他提供商服务,必须进行小规模概念验证然后再执行全面灾难恢复工作

    In either case, whether you use Amazon EC2 or another vendor, you must first create a small proof of concept before committing to a full-blown disaster recovery exercise.


  • 例如GoogleMailCSRF漏洞这个概念验证攻击中,受害者引诱一个攻击控制站点

    For example, as in a CSRF vulnerability in Google Mail. In this proof-of-concept attack, the victim would have been lured to a web site controlled by the attacker.


  • 进行了涉及各种分布式计算框架概念验证之后,Terracotta被认为最有可能满足MRS需求框架

    After an initial proof-of-concept involving various distributed computing frameworks, Terracotta was deemed to be the framework most likely to give MRS the grunt it needed.


  • 基础上利用高阶统计分析中的斜度概念验证结论有效性并且通过仿真实验进一步说明了此方法的可行性

    On this base, the skewness of high-order statistic analysis is used to test and verify the effectiveness of the conclusion. Simulation results further show this method is practicable.


  • 系统一个接近于现实生产环境中实现概念验证(proof - of - concept,poc)系统。

    This system was a proof-of-concept (POC) system implemented in near-real production conditions.


  • soa架构师甚至可能选择完成一些概念验证(proof -of -concept)项目证明soa远景。

    The SOA architects might even choose to do some small proof-of-concept projects to prove the SOA vision. The key deliverables of this phase are.


  • 韩国科学家也同意这一点50毫伏不是很强电能但是他们他们研究概念验证,即将声波转化成电能这个概念是可行的。

    The Korean scientists agree: 50 millivolts is not a lot of power, but they also say their research is proof of concept.


  • 我们推荐这种解决方案用于小型概念验证,以便显示TeamsiteWebSpherePortal之间交换数据的功能

    This solution is only recommended for a small proof of concept to show functionality of and data exchange between Teamsite and WebSphere Portal.


  • 年来非常荣幸地参与使用IBMWebSphereDataPower多个概念验证项目,其中的客户主要银行保险公司

    For three years now, I’ve had the pleasure of working on several proof of concept projects that have used IBM WebSphere DataPower, primarily for banks and insurance firms.


  • ASDI实际情况这个概念验证系统当作真实世界的系统来评估,并且我们需求实现上只发现了少数问题我们来说是巨大的胜利

    The fact that ASDI was evaluating this proof-of-concept system as a real-world system and finding so few flaws in our implementation of requirements was a strong victory for us.


  • 本文其余部分描述使用IBMOmnifindDiscoveryEdition搜索文档及其元数据集合分面导航系统概念验证演示

    The rest of article describes a proof-of-concept demonstration of a faceted navigation system to search a collection of documents and its metadata, using IBM Omnifind Discovery Edition.


  • 研究人员他们测试只是一个概念验证”,利用大脑控制机器仍还有长的。 至于它何时成功实现该项目,并提供给广大公众,尚未具体时间表。

    The researchers said their test car was just aproof of conceptand that there is ‘still a long way to go before we can take control of machines with our brains’.


  • 研究人员他们测试只是一个概念验证”,利用大脑控制机器仍还有长的。 至于它何时成功实现该项目,并提供给广大公众,尚未具体时间表。

    The researchers said their test car was just aproof of conceptand that there is ‘still a long way to go before we can take control of machines with our brains’.


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