The calculating elements and the calculating model of rib-column, rib-beam and retaining plate of the supporting structure are proposed in this paper.
For the convenience of policy decision in the initial stage of development, the method of determining the FWG3 decline development model is proposed.
The research on hysteretic system concentrated on three aspects: Firstly: Hysteretic restoring force models.
According to the stochastic stock model, it USES queuing theory to determine the optimal stock and discusses how to decide the queuing model in details.
The relation between logical algorithm and physical algorithm mode are analyzed based on the creating of algorithm in programming.
The key of temperature field analysis in massive concrete is the model for hydration heat of cement.
The research in this paper can provide the method instruction for the application of the environmental impact evaluation methods and the determination the reference environmental model.
The existing deterministic analysis methods based on period task modes are conservative, and are not suitable for soft real time systems such as multimedia systems and communication systems.
The concrete optimum course and mathematics model are studed in this paper, and a computer-aid design system of angle steel is established.
Variations in environmental variables and measurement errors often result in large and heterogeneous deviations in fitting fish stock-recruitment (SR) data to an SR statistical model.
The second appended column, CLASS_CONFIDENCE, contains Numbers between 0 and 1 and states how certain the scorer (according to the model) is about the prediction.
The research of technology parameters definition, optimization and prediction which focused on worker experience and traditional arithmetic model building in past literature.
In this paper, a deterministic linear economic system control model based on dynamic input-output theory is studied.
Both the deterministic and the stochastic errors du - ring machining are considered in the mathematical model.
These include some new achievements such as multiobjective fuzzy optimum seeking theory and model for multilayer system, definition of objective weight etc.
Methods and algorithms of inferring primary color, adjunctive color and intersperse color are presented, which led to the implementation of color scheming in MCSES.
Based on the structural characteristics of bearing flange, the optimization model is established according to the objective function, design variables and constraints, and make a static analysis.
Based on these models, it describes the selection of them and methods of how to determine scaleless range.
Because the GIUH depends only on the parameters of geomorphology and flow velocity of channel network, it may provide a new parameter estimation method for conceptual models of CFW.
The system structure, coal blending model and ratio calculation are introduced.
The establishment of milling kinetics model has a great meaning on forecasting of milling effect and determining milling parameter.
In the lattice HP model, confirmation of self-avoiding path is the key to search folding conformation.
In order to determine the model matching index of switching control, a multiple models switching control algorithm based on effective model matching was presented.
The error of expansion model and the method of getting scheduling variable were proposed.
In this paper, the method of determining the parameters of the farm moisture conversion model is introduced.
Traditional deterministic economic Lot-Size models assume that the demand rate is a constant, that the order cost is inflexible during every order cycle.
RUSLE is a field model, when using the model in watershed, properly determining topographic factor is crucial.
First, a cascade model with neural networks and linear dynamic systems, which is determinate and general, is used in modeling the nonlinear dynamic systems.
Transient parameters and numerical calculation model are fundamental to evaluate the traveling wave on very fast transients in three-phase enclosed GIS.
From the viewpoint of reducing the risk faced by insurance company, the models for determining the best time limit of endowment insurance are given under the minimum covariance and variance.