• 电影声带有些地方模糊不清

    The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.


  • 只能看到一张张模糊

    You could just see vague blobs of faces.


  • 模糊图片刊印

    A couple of fuzzy pictures have been published.


  • 这些指控的内容模糊不清

    The charges were vague and imprecise.


  • 书写文字模糊

    The lettering is fuzzy and indistinct.


  • 双筒望远镜看只见团模模糊糊的东西。

    I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars.


  • 60年代社会激进主义时代似乎只剩下模糊记忆

    It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.


  • 远处物体可能看起来模糊

    Far-away objects may look vague.


  • 很快模糊了——萌发中的乡愁

    This took dim shape, presentlyit was budding homesickness.


  • 那个人衣着外表引起了模糊记忆

    Something about the dress or appearance of the man had stirred a vague memory in him.


  • 虽然这个声明模糊但它代表着一个起点

    While the statement is vague, it represents one starting point.


  • 这个描述模糊警察无法确定罪犯画像

    The description was pretty vague, so the police couldn't figure out the portrait of the criminal.


  • 下面,游泳者们的模糊影子消失了

    Under him in the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared.


  • 他们有点模糊给人一种真实世界印象

    Their paintings were light and a bit fuzzy they gave an impression of what the real world looked like.


  • 窗户满了水珠,一片模糊

    The windows were misted up with condensation.


  • 字迹变得一片模糊眼前晃动

    The writing blurred and danced before his eyes.


  • 只能看见门柱模糊轮廓

    He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts.


  • 了揉眼睛,把妆模糊了。

    She rubbed her eyes, smudging her make-up.


  • 泪眼模糊凝视着面前景象

    She gazed at the scene through a mist of tears.


  • 快活歇斯底里界线十分模糊

    There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.


  • 妒嫉模糊判断力

    His judgement was clouded by jealousy.


  • 人们指责参议员主要问题上立场模糊

    The senator was accused of waffling on major issues.


  • 事实虚构之间界线正在变得模糊起来

    The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.


  • 泪水模糊的眼睛

    Her eyes clouded with tears.


  • 泪水模糊视线

    Tears blurred her eyes.


  • 泪水模糊的双眼

    Tears misted his eyes.


  • 用来掩盖他们思想中的混乱模糊问题

    This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking.


  • 双方模糊处理了计算结果回避了细节

    Both have fudged their calculations and avoided specifics.


  • 雾中模糊出来几个人影,他们走去。

    Shadowy figures approached them out of the fog.


  • 雾中模糊出来几个人影,他们走去。

    Shadowy figures approached them out of the fog.


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