• 我们制定一个剩余欠款还款计划

    We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.


  • 名兼职簿记员使摆脱追讨欠款负担

    A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices.


  • 超过30欠款抵押贷款金额

    Over 30 days arrears on a mortgage or loan payment.


  • 支付款各种不同种类,支付欠款方式也不尽相同。

    There are many kinds of payments to be made and a variety of methods for paying those debts.


  • 女性信用卡欠款比例男性高(76%67%)。

    A higher proportion of women carry some credit card debt compared with men-76 percent to 67 percent.


  • 对不起夫人,我们我找谈谈有关炊具高额欠款事。

    Excuse me, madam, I've been asked by Head Officer to call about your outstanding debt on the cooker.


  • 对不起夫人,我们我找谈谈有关炊具高额欠款事。

    Excuse me, madam. I've been asked by Head Officer to call about your outstanding debt on the cooker.


  • 对不起夫人,我们谈谈有关炊具的高额欠款事。

    Excuse me, madam, I've been asked by the Head Officer to call about your outstanding debt on the cooker.


  • 付款贷款欠款合并贷款月份内﹐偿清欠款的付款额。

    For this loan comparison, the monthly payment is the amount required to pay off your credit card in same number of months as your consolidation loan.


  • 公务人员抵抗变革一个迹象齐丹巴南提出抹去3千万小农欠款提案

    One indicationof officials' resistance to change is Mr Chidambaram's new proposal toerase the debts of 30m small farmers.


  • 美联储广泛借债,财政部将资金注入银行联邦存款保险公司对银行欠款保证在发挥作用。

    The vast expansion of Fed lending, Treasury capital injections into Banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation bank-debt guarantees are producing results.


  • 到家以后发现,我家几乎所有东西都拍卖了,在我付清欠款1小时

    I came home only to find that almost everything I owned had been repossessed an hour before I paid the debt.


  • 美国14个房贷欠款的业主中就有符合这个标准,而在去年22个人中才有1人符合这个标准。

    One in 14 mortgages in the U.S. now meets this standard, up from one in 22 a year ago.


  • 个经典案例就是某人期满一些投资者离婚欠款法院纪录进行核对,发现破产诉讼即将到来

    The classic case is someone on the brink of foreclosure . some investors check court records of divorces arrearages , and upcoming bankruptcy proceedings to find such people .


  • 给比里,担任IMF非洲部门主任的迈克·普朗欠款国家在未清除欠款之前,是不会接受到援助的。

    In a letter to Biti, the IMF's acting director for the African Department, Mark Plant, said countries with arrears would not receive aid until they had cleared them.


  • 还有3.9%屋主已经“丧失房屋回赎权”,这种处理逾期欠款的法律手段房屋收回以待拍卖因此使得待售房屋过剩的情况更加严重。

    A further 3.9% were in foreclosure, the legal process that settles defaults and thereby adds to the glut of homes for sale.


  • 信用卡欠款太多了:我爆了这些信用卡,用来支付培训费用了。

    I have so much credit-card debt; I maxed them out to pay for my training.


  • 为了帮助这些减少他们抵押欠款巴马先生已经正确方向上采取措施

    By helping people reduce their mortgage debts, Mr Obama has taken a step in the right direction.


  • 的大女儿姨家了回来而且开始偿还丈夫欠款

    Saima took her elder daughter back from the aunt and began paying off her husband's debt.


  • 过去顾问能够劝说信用卡发行者调整利率更改滞期费,但是欠款是不可商量的。

    In the past, counselors could persuade card issuers to adjust interest rates and modify late fees, but the balance was untouchable.


  • 爱尔兰是个特例,因为欠款相当一部分股份形式(全都是美国所有工厂办公楼),因此需要融资。

    Ireland is unusual in that a large chunk of what it owes is in the form of equity (all those American-owned factories and offices) and so does not need to be refinanced.


  • 然而有些信用卡上期或者更早的欠款收取财务费用,发生的交易还是享有免息期的。

    However, there are some credit CARDS that will only apply finance charge on the previous or old balance, excluding new transactions.


  • 大部分欠款都到冰岛银行资产中获得,牺牲其他债权人为代价。

    Much of the money would be recovered from Landsbanki's assets, at the expense of other creditors.


  • 大部分欠款都到冰岛银行的资产中获得,牺牲其他债权人为代价。

    Much of the money would be recovered from Landsbanki’s assets, at the expense of other creditors.


  • 旗下两个对冲基金崩溃以及房屋贷款业务亏损而带来的大量欠款,使得市场对于贝尔斯登信心瞬间消失

    Confidence in the bank evaporated after the collapse of two of its hedge funds and massive write-downs from losses related to the home loans industry.


  • 棕榈岛集团表示一半承包商会得到现金支付款,另一半承销商欠款现金流通借据形式支付。

    That should clean Nakheel's SLATE with half its contractors, the firm says. The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.


  • 棕榈岛集团表示一半承包商会得到现金支付款,另一半承销商欠款现金流通借据形式支付。

    That should clean Nakheel's SLATE with half its contractors, the firm says. The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.


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