• 回想一下小时候那些日子没有观看没有人欢呼时候,你多少

    Look back on those days when you were the little child, how many times did you try when no one was watching, or when no one was cheering?


  • 欢呼人群欢迎他们的到来

    Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.


  • 突然,在欢呼咆哮声响亮狂欢声音之上,响起大声清脆号角声

    Suddenly, high above the jubilant roar and thunder of the revel, broke the clear peal of a bugle-note.


  • 德国U 型潜艇用鱼雷击沉了大量英国船只之后,一支由2700廉价而令人欢呼自由”船队引进来,以替换失去船只29名英国人提供了一条救生索

    After German U-boats torpedoed numerous British ships, a 2,700-strong fleet of cheap- and-cheerful "Liberty ships" was introduced to replace the lost vessels, providing a lifeline for the 29 British.


  • 返回法国时,他成了追求欢呼对象。

    When he returned to France, he was sought after and acclaimed.


  • 车队接近市中心时,人行天桥挤满了高声欢呼的支持者。

    As the convoys neared the city centre, footbridges swelled with cheering sympathisers.


  • 中国官方电视台播放了激动观众挥舞旗帜,为火炬欢呼镜头。

    Chinese state television showed excited spectators waving flags and cheering for the torch.


  • 不过叫人欢呼,如今的紧身衣大多是由弹性面料制成的。

    These days, body-hugging clothes are mostly made of stretch fabric--hooray!


  • 然而为这个方案欢呼名崇拜者揭示了委员会根本目的

    The underlying purpose of the NMC was revealed by two admirers who hailed this new proposal.


  • 我们满口喜欢呼时候,外邦中有人耶和华他们了大事。

    Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'


  • 虽然美国失业率最高时下降了1个百分点,根本没什么值得欢呼的

    Although America's unemployment rate is down a percentage point from its peak, this is little cause for cheer.


  • 竞争今夜才刚刚开始,”麦凯恩达拉斯酒店的大厅里欢呼支持者们致辞

    "The contest begins tonight, " McCain told cheering and whooping supporters gathered in a Dallas hotel ballroom.


  • 知道欢呼的。耶和华阿,他们脸上的行走

    Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, o Lord.


  • 知道欢呼耶和华他们脸上行走

    Blessed [is] the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, o LORD, in the light of thy countenance.


  • 墨西哥足球协会下令防止流感传播比赛必须没有欢呼球迷的观看下进行。

    Mexico's football association ordered the game to be played without cheering fans in order to keep swine flu from spreading.


  • 其中一个欢呼反对派支持者相信他们最终见证卡扎菲上校时代结束

    In one, jubilant opposition supporters believe they are finally witnessing the end of Colonel Gaddafi.


  • 欢呼的互联网开放性-网络提供商不会任何流量进行优先对待-正在悄然失去有力的拥护者

    The celebrated openness of the Internet -- network providers are not supposed to give preferential treatment to any traffic -- is quietly losing powerful defenders.


  • 岛上我们欢呼的迎接新的旅客不是失去旧友所有人都亲吻这里似乎他们虔诚朝圣者。

    Those of us already on the island ran down to greet the newcomers as long lost friends rather than new acquaintances and they, all but kissed the strange ground as if they were true pilgrims.


  • 二月二十六日,他们中的一个——侯赛因——在一万欢呼部落成员宣布了退出执行党的消息。

    On February 26th one of them, Hussein, announced his resignation from the ruling party before a crowd of 10, 000 cheering tribesmen.


  • 二月二十六日,他们中的一个——侯赛因——在一万欢呼部落成员宣布了退出执行党的消息。

    On February 26th one of them, Hussein, announced his resignation from the ruling party before a crowd of 10,000 cheering tribesmen.


  • 大概会使得不少住家户讨厌昆虫人们咬牙切齿,不过这在科学领域中却是值得欢呼发现

    And while millions of homeowners and bug-haters might wince at the thought, the discovery has been hailed a scientific triumph.


  • 告诉欢呼支持者,“有1200万仍然处于无无电,饥寒交迫生存环境中时,我们不可以说这个国家进步。”

    “It’s not possible to say thatthe country is progressing when 12m people are living in miserable conditionswithout electricity or running water,” he told cheering supporters.


  • 上周在的黎波里欢呼反对派上了卡扎菲树立的雕像,就是美国战机被有力的利比亚人拳头住的那个雕像。

    Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.


  • 出一张上面划出明显黑色斜线圣诞老人的海报,或者挂起一个贴着正在欢呼圣诞老人的靶子,上面还插了几支飞镖

    Display a large poster of Santa Claus with a black slash through it, or hang a dartboard with a photo of good ole St. Nick with several strategically placed darts.


  • 你们巴比伦出来,从迦勒人中逃脱欢呼声音传扬说耶和华救赎了仆人雅各,你们要将事宣扬地极。

    Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the earth; say ye, the LORD hath redeemed his servant Jacob.


  • 机场到家路上,每个红灯停下的路口,都能看到欢呼卖报者,自豪的向我们展示头版封面,兴奋指着奥巴马相片

    Every stop at traffic lights on the drive from the airport home was met by jubilant newspaper sellers, proudly showing us the front pages, pointing excitedly to photos of Obama.


  • 他们抵达村落的时候,上百欢呼学生在HoaLac学校门口列队欢迎。这座两层楼高的水泥建筑正是由Carly募捐修建的。

    Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac school, a two-story concrete building that Carly had raised money for.


  • 他们抵达村落的时候,上百欢呼学生在HoaLac学校门口列队欢迎。这座两层楼高的水泥建筑正是由Carly募捐修建的。

    Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac school, a two-story concrete building that Carly had raised money for.


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