• 联邦制拥护者相信加快欧洲一体化进程

    Federalists are convinced this will speed up European integration.


  • 功能主义在很大程度上影响塑造欧洲一体化进程

    To a large extent it is functionalism that has influenced and shaped the process of European integration.


  • 如果失败了,使欧洲一体化进程这个更为重要目标严重受挫

    If it founders, this would be an extraordinary setback for the larger cause of European integration.


  • 第三部分欧洲法院管辖权欧洲一体化进程中的作用

    Third part, the function of the European court of justice jurisdiction in the European integration advancement.


  • 法国德国一道,一直更加紧密欧洲一体化进程主要推动者。

    With Germany, France has been the prime mover behind closer European integration.


  • 我们进一步构建中欧四大伙伴关系,从战略层面支持欧洲一体化进程

    We will continue to foster the four partnerships with the EU and give strategic support to European integration.


  • 随着欧洲一体化进程荷兰重新修改制定能源政策重振可再生能源产业

    With the process of the integration of European Union, the Netherlands revised and modified its energy policies and regulations in a bit to revive its renewable energy industry.


  • 论文通过对国家认同欧洲认同关系分析揭示认同欧洲一体化进程影响

    This paper will analyze the relationship between national and European identity to open up the influence on the European integration process.


  • 我们一贯支持欧洲一体化进程希望看到一个团结繁荣稳定欧盟强大的欧元

    China has all along supported the European integration process, and hopes to see a united, prosperous and stable eu and a strong euro.


  • 非常高兴目睹了几乎同时欧洲一体化进程达到了一个重要高度发生了巨大的变化

    I am also very delighted to witness that during nearly the same period, European integration had reached a significant high level and profound changes have been taking place.


  • 本文从冷战后欧洲一体化进程美国政策调整、美国调整政策动机美欧关系前景方面进行剖析

    This paper analyzes the relation of European integration progress and U. S. foreign policy adjustment, the adjustment motives and the situations of U. S. -europe relation.


  • 中国欧洲面对主权债务危机一直高度关注,支持欧洲一体化进程,支持欧盟应对危机做出的努力

    Finally, we should join hands coping with the European sovereign debt. China fully supports the European integration and the European efforts in coping with financial and debt crisis.


  • 英国理解欧洲大陆的人欧洲一体化进程深刻忧虑因为英国1066年后受到过外族侵占。

    The British fail to comprehend the deep European anxiety for progress towards unification because Britain hasn't been invaded since 1066.


  • 欧盟成员国来说有关合作欧盟框架下进行对于欧盟国家有关合作有利于欧洲一体化进程

    For EU members, relevant cooperation will be conducted within the EU framework, and for non-EU member CEE countries, such cooperation will contribute to the process of European integration.


  • 共同安全防务政策启动欧洲一体化进程中的个突破性举措欧洲一体化研究因此增加了一个新的视点。

    The launch of the Common European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP) is a decisive measure in European integration which would provide a new field for studies on European integration.


  • 本文认为正是共同签证政策俱乐部产品性质说明了差异一体化模式欧洲一体化进程中所起积极推动作用

    It also argues that the common visa policy, as club goods, well demonstrates the huge driving effect of the differentiated integration model in the cause of European integration.


  • 无论国际风云如何变幻,中国始终支持欧洲一体化进程,始终支持一个团结、稳定、繁荣的欧盟国际事务中发挥更作用

    Inspite of changes in the international landscape, China has always supported European integration and a bigger role in international affairs by a united, stable and prosperous EU.


  • 然而这种解脱当然欧洲一体化进程重大倒退。当欧盟的事业一帆风顺时,这种倒退可能发生英国说到底是欧洲衰落体现

    However, such relief is in effect a major setback for European integration. Such setbacks don't happen in good times. Britain's exit reflects the general decline of Europe.


  • 1999年以来欧元诞生及其全世界范围内流通不仅国际货币体系产生了深远的影响,而且已经成为欧洲一体化进程最重要的里程碑。

    Since 1999, the launch and circulation of Euro has not only had far-reaching influence over international monetary system, but also becomes a corner stone in the process of European integration.


  • 我们相信欧元问世有利于推动欧洲一体化进程促进建立更加平衡国际金融货币体系

    We believe that the birth of the Euro will help advance the process of European integration and establish a more balanced international financial and monetary system.


  • 前段时间欧洲各国欧盟施加压力试图加速一体化进程

    Previously, Europe's governments have responded to stress on the union by trying to accelerate the pace of integration.


  • 美国他们两百联邦历史与欧洲60年的一体化进程进行比较可能会认为他们在恭维欧洲人。

    Americans who compare their two centuries of union to the six decades of European integration may think they are paying Europe a compliment.


  • 但是1999年,欧洲领导人开始着手博洛尼亚进程(bologna process) - - -促进学术标准一体化设计一系列协议

    But in 1999 European leaders initiated the Bologna process, a series of accords designed to promote uniform academic standards.


  • 中国欧盟实施欧洲2020战略”、应对债务危机推进一体化进程的重要战略支撑。

    Similarly, China is also a strategic force for the EU in its 2020 Strategy, integration process, and response to the debt crisis.


  • 种思想都希望更加一体化欧洲应对全球化,这与英国财政大臣戈登·布朗意见相左认为全球化进程削弱欧盟这样区域集团存在的理由

    Both want "more Europe" in response to globalisation, differing from the British chancellor, Gordon Brown, who thinks that globalisation weakens the case for regional blocks such as the EU.


  • 欧元成功发行标志着欧洲经济一体化进程发生了“质”飞跃

    The successful launch of Euro has marked the real leap of European economic integration.


  • 通过欧洲货币一体化历史进程进行分析,发现多数欧元成员国偏向选择固定汇率制度

    After analyzing historical progress of European monetary unification, we find out that most member states in Euro area prefer to choose fixed exchange rate regimes.


  • 通过欧洲货币一体化历史进程进行分析,发现多数欧元成员国偏向选择固定汇率制度

    After analyzing historical progress of European monetary unification, we find out that most member states in Euro area prefer to choose fixed exchange rate regimes.


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