• 测定了22肝炎患者12正常人血清尿酸含量

    The levels of serum uric acid in 22 patients with hepatitis and 12 normal controls were determined.


  • 正常人血清寄生虫感染病人血清阳性反应

    No positive reactions were found with sera from patients of clonorchiasis, malaria and non-parasitic diseases.


  • 样本周围含有从来接受过输血正常人血清凝胶

    That sample was then surrounded by gel containing sera from normal people who had not received transfusions.


  • 方法收集44丙型肝炎病人血清20正常人血清

    Methods 44 serum samples of HCV infected patients and 20 samples of the healthy people were collected.


  • 方法放免法测定33重肝、39例急性肝炎30正常人血清甲状腺素水平。

    Methods Using radiation immune assay(RIA) to detect of serum thyroxin of 33 patients with grave hepatitis, 39 patients with acute hepatitis and 30 healthy persons.


  • 应用放免分析法50高血压患者50例正常人血清甲状腺激素水平进行测定。

    Serum thyroid hormones were measured by RIA in 50 patients with primary hypertension and 50 normal subjects.


  • 在各类癌症患者血清激光光谱特征附近正常人血清没有拉曼光谱特征

    Near the characteristic peaks of laser Raman spectrograms of serums from the cancerous patients, the normal person′s serum has no Raman spectrogram characteristic peak.


  • 目的方法本文采用化学比色法观察了386例正常人血清唾液频率分布与正常值范围

    Objective and Methods: We tested the frequency distribution and the range of normal values of the sialic acid concentration in 386 normal human serum samples by chemical colorimeter.


  • 采用免疫组织化学方法检测66息肉患者血清标本22例正常人血清标本中il - 3水平。

    Methods: Using immunohistochemical methods detect the expressions of IL-3 in serum of 66 patients with nasal polyp and 22 normal people.


  • 检测162急性起病、328例隐匿起病糖尿病患者以及120例正常人血清中SOX13抗体指数。

    Sera from 162 diabetic patients with acute-onset, 328 patients with slow-onset and 120 healthy controls were tested for SOX13-Ab.


  • 方法73口腔颌面部肿瘤患者(良性37例,恶性36例)41正常人血清进行TSGF检测

    Methods Serum TSGF levels in 73 cases of oral and maxillofacial tumor patients (37 cases of benign tumor and 36 cases of malignant tumor) and 41 cases of normal have been measured in our study.


  • 方法应用放射免疫法测定54重型病毒性肝炎41急性病毒性肝炎患者30正常人血清甲状腺激素水平。

    Methods Using radiation immune assay (RIA) to detect of serum thyroxin of 54 patients with grave viral hepatitis, 41 patients with acute hepatitis and 30 contrasts.


  • 重组铁蛋白检测30日本血吸虫病人血清30例正常人血清阳性率阳性率分别为93 3%和3 3%。

    The sera from 30 schistosomiasis patients and 30 normal controls were tested. The result showed the positive rate and the false-positive rate were 93 3% and 3 3%, respectively.


  • 结果合成8个多肽SARS病人血清免疫反应密度其与正常人血清免疫反应的光密度值的1.5~2.6

    Results The optical density value of the immunological reaction of synthesized 8 peptides with SARS patient serum was 1.5-2.6 times higher than that with normal serum.


  • 方法应用免疫吸附试验(ELISA法),测定44原发性肺癌20肺部良性疾病20例正常人血清内皮抑素含量

    Methods Serum levels of endostatin were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 44 patients with lung cancer, 20 patients with benign lung diseases and 20 normal persons.


  • 48血清HCV-RNA阳性35例HCV-RNA阴性的慢性丙型肝炎(慢丙肝)患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群进行观察,并与20正常人对照

    Peripheral T-lymphocyte subsets of 48 HCV-RNA seropositive and 35 HCV-RNA seronegative chronic hepatitis -C patients were investigated arid 20 normal subjects were kept as control.


  • 对66痤疮患者20名正常人血清睾酮雌二醇水平进行检测

    Serum testosterone and estradiol levels in 66 patients with acne and 20 normal persons were determined.


  • 方法采用免疫放射分析法(IRMA)88名正常人,69良性疾病160例恶性肿瘤患者进行血清CA50水平测定

    Methods The serum CA50 levels were determined by immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) in 88 healthy controls, 69 patients with benign disease and 160 cancer patients.


  • 应用此方法正常人六种代谢疾病进行了血清BGP浓度的测定。

    The serum BGP values were detected in normal subjects and six bone metabolic diseases.


  • 采用比色61鳞状细胞25例喉及颈部良性病变患者40例正常人血清唾液SA含量进行测定

    Serum sialic acid (SA) was determined bv colorimetric method in 61 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx, 25 patients with benign lesion and 40 normal controls.


  • 本文对25正常人112例恶性肿瘤患者及部分治疗后患者血清TSGF含量进行测定比较

    Tumor Specific Growth Factor(TSGF)is a new tumor associated marker. We have measured serum TSGF levels in 25 normal people and 112 malignant tumor patients.


  • 方法分别应用放射免疫分析法分光光度计法检测了35名正常人44风湿性关节炎患者血清TNF和SA含量。

    Methods The levels of serum TNF and SA were detected in 44 patients with rheumatic arthritis and 35 normal controls with RIA and septemter.


  • 方法正常人l - 02细胞,50%血清造模24小时建立的脂肪变性肝细胞模型,共同作为研究对象

    Methods: Use L-02 hepatocyte of normal human and the hepatocyte under fatty change after exposure to 50% fetal bovine serum for 24 hours as study objects.


  • 近来研究发现急性淋巴细胞白血病(all)慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)患者血清il - 18水平高于正常人

    Recently, elevated IL-18 levels were found in serum from some leukemia patients, especially those with acute lymphocytic leukemia (all) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).


  • 方法对氧磷底物测定30正常人52单纯性脂肪肝患者、41脂肪肝炎患者、31例脂肪性肝硬化患者血清pon1活性

    Method Serum PON1 activity was measured by using paraoxon as substrate in 30 case of norm, 52 of simple fatty liver, 41 of steatohepatitis and 31 of fatty liver cirrhosis.


  • 结果急性白血病患者血清vegf浓度显著高于正常人(P 0.05),部分复发患者再次出现上述改变

    Results Serum VEGF concentrations in patients with acute leukemia was significantly higher than that of the normal group (P0.05), some of its recurrence in patients with recurrence of these changes.


  • 方法:使用免疫吸附试验 (ELISA),检测 76梗死患者42例脑出血患者以及50名正常人血清ACA

    Methods:The serum ACA were tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 76 patients with cerebral infarction, 42 patients with cerebral hemorrhage and 50 healthy controls.


  • 方法对116样本进行血清胆固醇水平测定,其中抑郁症自杀行为40例,抑郁症伴自杀行为的36例,正常人40例。

    Methods The serum cholesterol level was examined in 116 women including 40 depressive patients with suicidal behavior, 36 depression patients without suicidal behavior and 40 healthy subjects.


  • 方法对116样本进行血清胆固醇水平测定,其中抑郁症自杀行为40例,抑郁症伴自杀行为的36例,正常人40例。

    Methods The serum cholesterol level was examined in 116 women including 40 depressive patients with suicidal behavior, 36 depression patients without suicidal behavior and 40 healthy subjects.


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