• 正确观念正确理论基础先进的观念是先进制度先导

    Corrective notion is the basis of correct theory, and advanced notion is the forerunner of advanced system.


  • 所以即便灵魂理论人格正确理论,也不足以我我想要的重要东西

    So even if the soul theory is the correct theory of personality, it's not enough to give me what matters.


  • 如果这就是形而上学发生事情,而且灵魂观点是个人认同感正确理论,我会

    If I were to discover that's what was happening metaphysically and the soul view was the true theory of personal identity, I'd say, Huh!


  • 社会实践需要正确理论指导正确思维方式形成正确理论必要条件

    Social practice needs the correct theoretical guidance while correct mode of thinking is the necessary factor in forming the correct theory.


  • 最想就是基础物理领域我们这个显著的经验那种我们选择正确理论标准

    The main thing I want to talk about is this, that we have this remarkable experience in this field of fundamental physics, that beauty is a very successful criterion for choosing the right theory.


  • 需要进行进一步实验证明理论证明毛囊干细胞正确理论同样适用其他类型的干细胞。

    It will take further experiments to prove the theory and to demonstrate that what's true of stem cells in hair follicles is true of other types of stem cells.


  • 获得关于人类活动正确理论我们需要明白对人类活动的内部系统外部系统之间关系观察

    To acquire a valid theory of human functioning, we need to understand observations of human functioning in relation to internal and external systems.


  • 不能确定自己理解是否正确尽管理论逻辑推理引起的兴趣。

    He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.


  • 如果这个理论正确的,那么吸入含有额外二氧化碳空气应该引起打哈欠吸入纯应该可以抑制打哈欠。

    If the theory was correct, breathing air with extra carbon dioxide should have triggered yawning, while breathing pure oxygen should have suppressed yawning.


  • 进一步证实中微子质量实验可以帮助物理学家确定这些理论一个(如果的话正确的。

    Further experiments to confirm that neutrinos have mass could help physicists determine which, if any, of these theories is correct.


  • 三个理论有可能正确特别是香水作为气味掩饰作用显而易见的。

    All three theories could be true. In particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is obvious.


  • 由于哥白尼行星运动理论托勒密解释一致,伽利略木星卫星的观察证明了哥白尼理论正确性。

    Since the Copernican theory of planetary motion is inconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo's observations of Jupiter's satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.


  • 有人确切地知道这个理论是否正确,但事实是蜜蜂正在大量消失。

    Nobody knows for sure whether the theory is true or not, but it's a fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers.


  • 果这个关于手机的理论正确的,我们现在就需要采取行动,否则就太晚了。

    If the mobile phone theory is correct, we need to do something about it right now before it's too late.


  • 如果这种理论正确,那么在那些雄性赢得更多雌性青睐物种影响显而易见

    If this theory is correct, the effect will be especially noticeable in those species where males compete for the attention of lots of females.


  • 决定正确折现需要复杂的理论我们这些普通公众无法在没有专家帮助情况下做出决定。

    Determining the correct discount rate requires sophisticated theory, and we members of the public cannot do it without advice from experts.


  • 如果效率市场理论正确的,技术分析应该根本不会奏效主要市场价应该反映所有信息包括过去价格浮动

    If the efficient market theory is correct, technical analysis should not work at all; the prevailing market price should reflect all information, including past price movements.


  • 如果理论正确通过包装的内层成分控制令人不悦化学物质浓度对于葡萄酒业而言一个方法

    If his theory is correct, fiddling with the composition of box interiors could be a good way for the wine industry to control the concentration of unpleasant chemicals.


  • 当然这么看待并不总是正确我们需要深入期货市场理论来研究这个问题。

    It's not always correct to think of it that way — we have to get into the theory of futures markets.


  • 如果这种理论正确的,它预示日元持续走时间可能要超过任何分析者的预期

    If correct, this theory suggests that the yen could remain weak for longer than many analysts expect.


  • 如果营养疾病关系理论正确的,也许明年合同价格削减养蜂人补充食物的开销,最终将导致蜂群崩溃失调症(CCD)的逆袭。

    And if the nutrition and disease theory is correct, next year's lower contract prices may see beekeepers cutting back on supplemental feeding, and a resurgence of CCD.


  • 如果理论正确一些缪子中微子在旅途之中变成电子中微子。

    If theory is correct, some will have changed their spots and become electron-neutrinos during the intervening journey.


  • 如果探测器年末都无法找到任何超级粒子所谓的超对称理论正确就值得怀疑了!

    If the detectors fail to find any super particles by the end of the year, the theory could be in serious trouble.


  • 如果来自克里赛特- 2测量数值证实薄化理论正确的,表明冰层融解正在加快

    If the measurements from CryoSat-2 bear out this thinning theory, it would mean the ice is being lost more quickly.


  • 如果这种理论正确的话瘟疫新来(龙虾)毫无影响,散布本地的龙虾,以及减少他们数量

    If the theoreticians are correct, a plague will be exactly what gets rid of the newcomer, but it could also spread to the natives, reducing their Numbers as well.


  • 然而即使上述理论正确机理并不等于其背后分子途径

    But even if these theories are correct, simply defining the mechanism is not the same as identifying the molecular pathways behind it.


  • 无法控制理论似乎没有得到推崇者的正确解释。

    No Control Theory doesn't seem to have proponents who advocate it explicitly.


  • 我们扩展生活美好事物定义,除此之外,我们的观点仍然基于,中性容器理论正确理论

    We've expanded the list of goods that can go within your life, but for all that, we've still been acting as though the neutral container theory is the right approach.


  • 说到底如果人格理论正确的,既然拥有所有这些记忆半记忆,或记忆,诸如此类的名称。

    After all, if the personality theory is right, since he does have all of these memories, or semi-memories, or quasi-memories, or whatever we should call them.


  • 说到底如果人格理论正确的,既然拥有所有这些记忆半记忆,或记忆,诸如此类的名称。

    After all, if the personality theory is right, since he does have all of these memories, or semi-memories, or quasi-memories, or whatever we should call them.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定