• 你第一幕的人物和道具摆放到正确的地点

    Put your characters and props at the right place for your first scene.


  • 成功关键就是你选择什么武器正确地点

    Choosing the right weapons and the correct placement is key to any successful defence.


  • 或是运气:发现合适鹿正确时间闯进正确的地点

    But partly it's luck: catching the right deer walking into the right spot at the right time.


  • 如果正确地点肌肉沿着弯曲向上向下

    If you are on the correct spot, a muscle should flex as you move your foot up and down.


  • 到时候希望按着指示正确时间正确的地点正确的

    You can expect progressive taxi instructions in about half an hour and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you!


  • 这个正确地点正确时间里,我拍下了这令人难忘唯一的瞬间

    This was a matter of being in the right place at the right time for an unforgettable shot of a completely unique event.


  • 发现就是那个正确时间正确的地点正确的事情

    You will find that you will be the right person, at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing on point.


  • 你们一直指引着,并且正确地点你们来说便是标定重要时刻

    You are all being guided and are in the correct places for you to be in these most crucial times.


  • 正确时间处于正确地点,我运气好。我认为这些好运气应当他人分享

    I've been in the right place at the right time, and I'm lucky, I think a fair amount of that luck should be Shared with others.


  • 这个正确时间正确地点遇到从此世界时间定格在一刻。

    It's that moment, that place, I met you, since then the time of my world was paused.


  • 目的使病人正确时间正确地点、得到正确救治提高抢救成功率

    Objective To raise achievement ratio of rescue by properly treatment the patients at the proper locality and at the proper time.


  • 珍惜那些正确时间正确的地点出现正确人吧!没准带给幸福的。

    Cherish the right place at the right time, the correct! His chances really will bring you happiness.


  • 因此,在开业之初便选择正确地点可能创业零售业者明智经营决策

    As such, choosing the right location from the start is possibly one of the most sensible business decisions a prospective retailer can ever make.


  • 正确时间正确的地点原材料管理最后一步的管理,物流管理来操控

    Managing from raw material to final stage at right place on right time is handled by logistics management.


  • 位置服务巨大魅力正是在于能正确时间正确的地点正确的信息发送正确的

    Location services is the great charm lies in the short time, right place at the right message to send to some one.


  • 除了修改个人隐私设置可以报告那些正确地点或者在一定程度上侵犯了你的权力的地点

    In addition to changing your personal privacy Settings, you can also report Places that aren't correct or that infringe on your own rights somehow.


  • 如果有人偶然发现了计划查找关于文章当前运行方式的文章,他们指向正确地点

    If someone stumbles upon your proposal looking for documentation on how a feature currently works, please point them to the right place.


  • 今天幸运突破正确时间出现正确的地点,并开始一个成功追求摩羯们

    A lucky break could put you in the right place at the right time to embark on a successful quest today, Capricorn.


  • 站在正确的地点,使用完美的产品现在能够马上所有朋友通过电话分享那个饭店的信息。

    Perfect product placement. And now you can talk about the restaurant and broadcast it immediatelyto all your friends.


  • 商品推销:商品推销就是正确时间正确数量,在正确的地点正确的产品推向正确的地点

    Merchandising: Merchandising is the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the right time in the right quantity at the right place.


  • 许多人治疗者,但是你们所有不同水平需要着,所以你们正确地点正确的时刻允许帮助

    Many are healers, but you are required at all different levels so that you are in the right place at the right time to offer help.


  • 娱乐行业发生很多事儿一样,出演这部游戏像是在正确时间正确的地点正确利用了自己经验

    Like a lot of things in the entertainment industry, booking this game was a lot of being in the right place at the right time and having the experience to capitalize on that.


  • 电子行业开发的,解决方案确保合适材料出现正确时间正确的地点,随着历史数据证明这一点

    Developed for the electronics industry, this solution ensures that the right material is at the right place at the right time, along with the historical data to prove it.


  • 这位丹麦前锋尼亚传中越过了哈尼曼,在正确时间出现在正确地点,让温格球队继续停留在夺冠竞争上。

    The Danish striker was in the right place in the nick of time to head Bacary Sagna's cross past Marcus Hahnemann at Emirates Stadium on Saturday to keep Arsène Wenger's side in the title race.


  • 功能当前怎样运行的。如果有人偶然发现了计划查找关于文章当前运行方式的文章,他们指向正确地点

    How the feature currently behaves. If someone stumbles upon your proposal looking for documentation on how a feature currently works, please point them to the right place.


  • 你们大多数现在应该已经结束时期处于正确地点会是这次周期最后日子里体验的适当地方。

    Most of you by now should be in the right place for the end-times, and it will be where you shall experience the final days of this cycle.


  • 你们大多数现在应该已经结束时期处于正确地点会是这次周期最后日子里体验的适当地方。

    Most of you by now should be in the right place for the end-times, and it will be where you shall experience the final days of this cycle.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定