Switzerland is now trying to reinvent its image as a banking location that remains big on reliability, but is no longer the home of "bank secrecy".
He was inspired initially by the efforts of car-maker Lotus who were trying to develop a system that removed unpleasant road noise, while still allowing drivers to hear emergency sirens.
None of the existing work in automatic reconstruction from 2d orthographic views have addressed sectional views in detail.
The fish shape as an important part of ichthyology, is only described with one view and additional notes at home and abroad presently.
By using an interactive platform composed of side view, front view and perspective view, and editing feature lines on this platform, a 3d garment sketch is intuitively modified.
Scientists are trying to imitate some of the capabilities of human brain, which will be able to lead to the construction of an entirely new electronic computer.
所述铰链具有中心部分(50),在盖闭合时并且从侧面正视图观 察时中心部分(50)具有凸的外表面,所述凸的外表面以平滑曲率融入所述盖和所述基体的外表面。
The hinge has a central portion (50) with a convex outer surface, with the lid closed and as viewed in side elevation, that blends with a smooth curvature into outer surfaces of the lid and the base.
FIG. 3 is a left side cross-sectional elevation view of the air purifier shown in FIG. 1 in the vertical operating orientation;
FIG. 3 is a left side cross-sectional elevation view of the air purifier shown in FIG. 1 in the vertical operating orientation;