• 长春藤树叶装饰梳妆台正面

    Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser.


  • 他们公司董事发起正面攻击

    They launched a frontal attack on company directors.


  • 军方领导人们没有料到叛乱分子正面袭击

    Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.


  • 内塞把教堂朝向改了使一个广场

    Farnese had the orientation of the church changed so that the front would face a square.


  • 消费者决定购买时候一般看重负面信息而不是正面信息。

    Consumers generally place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.


  • 正面间上房,皆是画栋。

    In front were five rooms with painted beams and carved pillars.


  • 研究表明正面激励批评学习效果

    Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism.


  • 他们想起一种正面刻板印象,从而得到了鼓舞

    They're reminded of a positive stereotype that boosts their morale.


  • 我会一件那种T 恤正面背面学校标志

    I think I'll get one of those new T-shirts, with the school's logo on both the front and back.


  • (会话)正面体验——比如短暂沉默——打断时,会发生什么事?

    What happens when the positive experience of flow is disrupted by, for instance, a brief silence?


  • 午餐粉色塑料制成正面美人鱼的贴纸几乎每天

    It was made of shiny, bright pink plastic with a Little Mermaid sticker on the front, and I carried it with me nearly every single day.


  • 爆炸正面直接投射在装甲上,迫使强大的金属尖刺通常穿透装甲。

    The brunt of the blast is projected straight ahead, forcing a powerful spike of metal, usually copper, into and through the armour.


  • 获得最高评级企业可以快速增长因为好的评论会吸引客户进而提供更多正面反馈

    Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth, as new customers are attracted by good reviews and subsequently provide yet more positive feedback.


  • 传记刻画出了正面形象。

    The biography shows him in a favourable light.


  • 成千上万的青年长期待业状况

    Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.


  • 不能开车正面驶入不妨倒车进去。

    If you can't drive in forwards, try backing it in.


  • 压缩气体喷流从侧面正面稳定机身

    Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability.


  • 由于医生大批离去,医疗体系崩溃

    The medical system is facing collapse because of an exodus of doctors.


  • 总统议会正面冲突惟一赢家双方强硬派

    The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.


  • 一张照片照楼房侧面第二张照是楼房正面

    The first picture was taken from the side of the building, and the second one endways on.


  • 大教堂1490年终于完工虽然哥特式正面未建好

    The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished.


  • 密苏里队后来在与科罗拉多正面交锋的加时赛中取得了胜利

    Missouri then won a head-to-head tiebreaker with Colorado.


  • 言下之意现在权力以及整个管理团队权威空前的威胁。

    Now his authority and, by implication, that of the whole management team are under threat as never before.


  • 我们危机,几个资金匮乏的理事会不得不削减一些重要公共服务项目

    We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.


  • 虽然设法寻找一个和平解决办法,但临着使用更大军事力量压力

    Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.


  • 正面临一个艰难的选择。

    He is facing a tough choice.


  • 正面和背面都有熊本熊的面孔。

    It has the face of Kumamon on its front and back.


  • 有几个人把照片正面朝下放在桌子上。

    A few others had their photos face down on their desks.


  • 知穿山甲正面临灭绝的危险,兰德勒迅速决定采取行动来保护它们。

    Knowing that pangolins are facing the danger of dying out, Landon quickly decided to take action to protect them.


  • 知穿山甲正面临灭绝的危险,兰德勒迅速决定采取行动来保护它们。

    Knowing that pangolins are facing the danger of dying out, Landon quickly decided to take action to protect them.


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