It was then that I noticed the date of death on the grave was that same day.
Shakespeare's date of death is conclusively known: it was April 23, 1616.
The exact date of her death is unknown since there were several plates untouched when she was discovered dead.
And the spooky part is that some statisticians think they can predict the the time of our death within a 3 year margin of era when provided with certain information.
For people born in the last 50 years or so, the C-14 test can by itself sometimes identify dates of both birth and death, Buchholz notes.
And when paired up, new research indicates, they'll identify not only when people were born but also the age at which they clocked out - thereby pointing to the general date of death.
African-American patients with head and neck cancers die earlier than whites, and researchers say they have made a breakthrough in understanding the underlying reasons for the racial gap.
An ingenious but slightly ominous' laser death test 'has been developed by scientists that can tell you how long you have left to live.
The researchers tracked the children retrospectively from birth until the date of clinical ASD diagnosis, last date of KPSC health plan membership, death date to any cause or December 31st, 2012.
Kevin Kelly once explained how to calculate the date of death.
WHO has recommended continued close monitoring of the situation in Kubu Simbelang for the two weeks following 22 May, the date when the last known case in the cluster died.
The onset date of his illness was 15 March 2010 and he died a few days later.
Six hundred and twenty-six suspected cases including 42 deaths have been reported from 31 July to 8 October.
In the two Southern States of Warab and West Bare-el Ghazal there are reports of 774 cases with 121 deaths between 21 February to 27 March 2006.
There are 837 murders detailed here, with date, age of the victim and the London borough in which they died.
Zoos keep detailed records of all the animals in their care, documenting factors such as birth dates, illnesses, weight and death.
The outbreak continues to spread into Erbil province, where, between 1 and 10 September 2007, 11,641 cases of diarrhoeal disease with no deaths were reported.
2007年7月29日至9月2日期间,基尔库克省卫生当局总共报告了3,728起急性腹泻病病例,包括一例死亡(CFR: 0.03%)。
During the period from 29 July to 2 September 2007, the health authority of Kirkuk Governate reported a total of 3,728 cases of acute diarrhoeal disease including 1 death (CFR: 0.03%).
Liberia: 703 cases including 29 deaths (CFR 4.1%) have been reported for the period from 1 to 21 August, including Sinoe County.
The older site with out of date content loses out because the Search Engines think (due to the lack of fresh content) that the site is dormant or dead.
The Ministry of Health of Niger has reported 4 513 suspected cases of meningococcal disease including 169 deaths (case-fatality rate of 3.7%) from January 1 to March 15 2009.
In a hospital in Chandigarh, we prospectively studied all stillbirths occurring from 15 April 2006 to 31 March 2008 whose cause was diagnosed within 2 days.
The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds this year.
2005年3月29日- 5月10日期间,已向世卫组织共报告214例,包括16例死亡(病死率7.5%)(见以前的报告)。
Between 29 March and 10 May 2005, a total of 214 cases including 16 deaths (case fatality rate 7.5%) has been reported to WHO (see previous report).
Guinea: 571 cases including 32 deaths (CFR 5.6%) have been reported between mid-July and 4 August.
Death of the employee. Termination of service due to death of an employee shall be effected for administrative purposes from the date stated on the official death certificate.
The women were followed until 2003 or until they developed breast or any other cancer, died or reached menopause, whichever happened first.
Because of the incredibly coincidental dates between the death of the first child and the birth of the second, Salvador Dali's parents chose to look at the second son as a reincarnation1 of the first.
Because of the incredibly coincidental dates between the death of the first child and the birth of the second, Salvador Dali's parents chose to look at the second son as a reincarnation1 of the first.