• 研究报告主要撰写人纳迪亚·索法说:“母亲语言的确会对孩子的成长产生影响,一点已得到充分证实。”

    "It's well established that the mother's language does have an impact," said Nadya Pancsofar, the lead author of the study.


  • 研究者疑惑为什么父亲母亲语言对孩子影响

    The researchers are 53 why the father's speech, and not the mother's, had an effect.


  • 小时候聪明,甚至语言数学方面有些天分可是母亲知道这些东西不能拿来谋生

    He had been a smart boy, even talented in languages and mathematics, but his mother knew these were no way to make a living.


  • 然而很显然除了缺少语言之外还有更多的原因,就是缺少良好母亲抚养。

    But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering.


  • 母语不是字面一致的一个——很多长期假设母子之间亲密纽带,可能意味着孩子母亲而不是父亲那里习得语言

    'mother tongue' is not a coincidental phrase - people have long imagined that the close bond between mother and child meant that children acquire language from their mothers, not their fathers.


  • 无怪乎婴儿总是会随着母亲情感起伏而改变,初生依靠身体语言决定价值被爱的程度。

    It comes as no surprise that babies are particularly in tune to their mothers' emotional states. The infant relies on body language to determine his worth and lovability.


  • 母亲乔斯林米德尔顿57岁一家电子公司业务员。 她:“封信所用的语言不是那种孩子理解语言”。

    His mother Jocelyn Middleton, 57, a clerk in an electronics company, said: ''The language in the letter is not the sort of language a child would understand.


  • 研究者注意糖尿病母亲出来孩子无论他们有没有自闭症,他们的语言表达能力别的孩子

    Researchers also noted that children of diabetic mothers also tended to have poorer expressive language skills whether the kids had autism or not.


  • 贾布父亲突尼斯人,母亲西班牙人,她可以语言,是马赛种族多元化的真实写照。

    Jaabiri, whose father is Tunisian and whose mother is Spanish - speaks five languages and is a mirror of multi-ethnic Marseille.


  • 任何语言不能表达母亲所问“那东西?”句话里的意思。

    No expression can reproduce the significance of the mother's words.


  • 母亲并不擅长语言表达只能文字说明期望

    Mother is not good at language to express, can only use words to explain to my expectation.


  • 另一项研究调查母亲重返学校对3大的孩子的语言技能入学准备如何造成积极影响

    Another study examines how language skills and school readiness of three-year-olds are positively affected when mothers return to school.


  • 大家这儿看到印度母亲克罗语是一种发现语言

    What we see here is a mother in India, and she's speaking Koro, which is a newly discovered language.


  • 母亲第一个丈夫可不是善良男人粗暴语言攻击身体虐待迫使母亲带着两个孩子寻找安全地方

    My mother's first husband was not a kind man and his verbal and physical abuse forced her and her two children to find a safe place.


  • 这位母亲世界克罗语800明白保留这种语言他们必须婴儿说这种语言

    What this mother — and the 800 people who speak Koro in the worldunderstands [is] that, to preserve this language, they need to speak it to the babies.


  • 听听2母亲亲情用语我们孩子通用语言妈妈语首先英语然后日语

    So listen to two mothers speaking motherese -- the universal language we use when we talk to kids -- first in English and then in Japanese.


  • 新的胎教是要求母亲不仅漂亮的花园里而且要口头地描述胎儿听以便促进早期语言的学习。

    The new regime requires expectant mothers not only to just sit in a beautiful garden, but verbally describe the flowers and trees to the fetus to promote early language development.


  • 比如母亲孩子之间关系,通过肢体语言交叉缠绕而显得不平衡那些胳膊生长出来的树枝一样,在那里舞动着。

    For instance, the relationship between mother and child seems unbalanced by the winding body language. Those arms and legs look like new branches, waving there.


  • 进制之间日间护理不断提示口头母亲照顾朋友学会如何英语语言沟通非常迅速

    Between day care and constant prompting from a verbal mother and caring friends, Ary learned how to communicate in the English language very quickly.


  • 我们母亲思念之情是用语言难以表达的,我们却得到一个父亲给予的最好母爱

    We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mum a dad could be.


  • 埃莉诺领略到不是语言本身,不是布兰顿上校的自白,而是母亲活跃想象力为此事所作的逼真的润色

    Elinor perceived not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embellishments of her mother's active fancy.


  • 父亲病逝8年,独自承担家庭重负母亲迎来第一个孙女儿媳语言不通发生了矛盾

    Mother, who bears the heavy burden of the family all alone, has ushered her first granddaughter. But the language barrier has led to the conflicts between her and her daughter-in law.


  • 只要明白语言他们母亲膝下习语言可能是他们中许多一生唯一懂得语言,这就一点奇怪了。

    This is not strange at all, seeing that it is the language they learned at their mothers' knees and may be the only language many of them will ever knows all their lives.


  • 听说一只令人惊异十二语言能唱十种著名歌剧便立即买下了只鸟,寄给了母亲

    He heard about an amazing bird, which could talk in twelve languages and sing ten famous operas. He immediately bought the bird and sent it to his mother.


  • 通常母亲婴儿发出信号不敏感,而婴儿大脑已经快速学习语言做好了安排。

    Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly.


  • 莱蒂西亚·贝拉斯克斯三个孩子母亲,也是兼职大学教授,所授课程是作为第二语言的英语,家里给自己的孩子开办家庭学校,空闲时间从事写作

    Leticia Velasquez is a homeschooling mother of three, part time college professor of English as a Second Language and writes in her spare time.


  • 莱蒂西亚·贝拉斯克斯三个孩子母亲,也是兼职大学教授,所授课程是作为第二语言的英语,家里给自己的孩子开办家庭学校,空闲时间从事写作

    Leticia Velasquez is a homeschooling mother of three, part time college professor of English as a Second Language and writes in her spare time.


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