"It's well established that the mother's language does have an impact," said Nadya Pancsofar, the lead author of the study.
The researchers are 53 why the father's speech, and not the mother's, had an effect.
He had been a smart boy, even talented in languages and mathematics, but his mother knew these were no way to make a living.
But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering.
'mother tongue' is not a coincidental phrase - people have long imagined that the close bond between mother and child meant that children acquire language from their mothers, not their fathers.
It comes as no surprise that babies are particularly in tune to their mothers' emotional states. The infant relies on body language to determine his worth and lovability.
他的母亲乔斯林•米德尔顿,57岁,是一家电子公司的业务员。 她说:“这封信所用的语言不是那种孩子会理解的语言”。
His mother Jocelyn Middleton, 57, a clerk in an electronics company, said: ''The language in the letter is not the sort of language a child would understand.
Researchers also noted that children of diabetic mothers also tended to have poorer expressive language skills whether the kids had autism or not.
Jaabiri, whose father is Tunisian and whose mother is Spanish - speaks five languages and is a mirror of multi-ethnic Marseille.
No expression can reproduce the significance of the mother's words.
Mother is not good at language to express, can only use words to explain to my expectation.
Another study examines how language skills and school readiness of three-year-olds are positively affected when mothers return to school.
What we see here is a mother in India, and she's speaking Koro, which is a newly discovered language.
My mother's first husband was not a kind man and his verbal and physical abuse forced her and her two children to find a safe place.
What this mother — and the 800 people who speak Koro in the world — understands [is] that, to preserve this language, they need to speak it to the babies.
So listen to two mothers speaking motherese -- the universal language we use when we talk to kids -- first in English and then in Japanese.
The new regime requires expectant mothers not only to just sit in a beautiful garden, but verbally describe the flowers and trees to the fetus to promote early language development.
For instance, the relationship between mother and child seems unbalanced by the winding body language. Those arms and legs look like new branches, waving there.
Between day care and constant prompting from a verbal mother and caring friends, Ary learned how to communicate in the English language very quickly.
We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mum a dad could be.
Elinor perceived not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embellishments of her mother's active fancy.
Mother, who bears the heavy burden of the family all alone, has ushered her first granddaughter. But the language barrier has led to the conflicts between her and her daughter-in law.
This is not strange at all, seeing that it is the language they learned at their mothers' knees and may be the only language many of them will ever knows all their lives.
He heard about an amazing bird, which could talk in twelve languages and sing ten famous operas. He immediately bought the bird and sent it to his mother.
Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly.
Leticia Velasquez is a homeschooling mother of three, part time college professor of English as a Second Language and writes in her spare time.
Leticia Velasquez is a homeschooling mother of three, part time college professor of English as a Second Language and writes in her spare time.