• 然而19世纪法律强制铁路公司便宜火车这种火车每个车站英里便士。

    However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile.


  • 然后视图通过在列表中的每个上进行循环提供数据库

    Then, the view loops through each of these to provide the value of each column in the database.


  • 清单5将工作表示条目清单6将工作表的每个单元格表示为个条目。

    Listing 5 represents each row of the worksheet as an entry, while Listing 6 represents each cell of the worksheet as an entry.


  • 点击每个浏览器图标,你可以看到浏览器窗口步释放中如何改变认为交互式中的有趣的部分

    As you click each browser icon, you can see how the browser window has changed for each release, which I think is the most interesting part of the interactive.


  • 可能文件夹鞋盒任何喜欢东西,但是认为你的每个想法保留单独有好处的。

    It could be a file folder or a shoebox or anything you like, but I think it's good to keep each idea on a separate piece of paper.


  • 可能终端用户期望获得对于每个发送者所发送每一条消息通知

    It is possible that the end user expects to get notifications for every message sent by each sender.


  • 因为每个迭代里程碑我们处于旅行不同位置(参见1),所以对于旅行入口出口标准每个参与者不同的。

    Because we will be at different points of our vacation at each iteration milestone (see Figure 1), the entrance and exit criteria for each leg of the journey will be different for each participant.


  • 清单1说明如何使用这些存储过程生成xml元素字符串每个字符串包含元素。

    Listing 1 demonstrates how to use these stored procedures to produce one XML element string per row, each containing one element per column.


  • 走过的觉悟之路都人类带来了伟大光波通过这样同时也疗愈世界使得每个人都升。

    Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone.


  • 我们现在拥有功能非常强壮项目跟踪系统,这是因为每个要求记录工作进展他们完成任务的情况。

    We now have a very robust project-tracking system because every person is required to record on a weekly basis what projects they worked on and what tasks they did.


  • 不幸项目不是并行构建的——就像以前部分都是单独构建的——但是每个项目实际编译能够使用多线程的方式。

    Unfortunately, the projects aren't built in parallel - each one is built individually as before - but the actual compilation of each project will be able to use multiple threads.


  • 我们皮肤在不停地剥落——每个四周会更换表层皮肤——所有那些脱落皮肤可以帮助减少室内环境中的某些污染物含量

    We shed skin constantlyeach of us replacing our outer layer of skin every two to four weeksand all of those skin flakes may help reduce levels of certain pollutants in indoor environments.


  • 通过观察海豚驼背抹香鲸得知,促进目动物通信进化种在以及每个个体传递鸣叫和强音能力

    Fueling the evolution of cetacean communication is an ability, observed in dolphins, humpback whales and sperm whales, to pass songs and codas between generations and individuals.


  • 起剑生气半是玩笑地说,他遇到了他的老师每个人和事物来说都老师——现在提议带去见的老师。

    As he picked it up he said, half in anger and half in jest, that he had met his master but that there is a master for everyone and everything - and now he proposed to lead me to mine.


  • 获取工作簿中的所有信息只需遍历所有工作每个工作每一中的每个单元格。

    To gather all of the information from the workbook, iterate through all of the sheets, each row in each sheet, and each cell in each row.


  • 该版本不是视频每个像素进行分别的存储而是通过存储的信息预测像素点颜色

    Rather than storing every pixel of every frame of video separately, video algorithms store information that can be used to predict the color values of pixels.


  • 下面这本电子书精华lxf,对于每个人来说都意味着大脑充血的,满头大汗不眠之夜

    What follows is the LXF refinement of the ebook, and every one of these tips was bought in blood, sweat and sleepless nights.


  • 但是遗憾的是,就是我们称之为进步如果细看我们国家科技每个领域会发现我们前进就要失去些体力劳动的岗位

    But this is what we call progress, Unfortunately, If you look at every area of technology in this country, as you advance there are fewer and fewer manual-type jobs.


  • 宇宙物体每个引力都会对宇宙产生个指向物体本身的拉力像在重力作用空中球会地面

    All the gravity of all the mass in the cosmos should have been pulling the universe back inward, just as gravity pulls a ball back down to Earth after it's been thrown into the air.


  • 松脆可可粉焙烤后恰好充满每个模子底部,给都带来惊喜

    Crunchy: cocoa nibs baked right into the bottom of each ramekin for a little surprise in each bite.


  • 如下所示,提供每个文件中的每一转换变形后字母数字字符串

    As shown below, each line in every file provided will be transformed into an inflected alphanumeric string.


  • 我们想让每个项目出色如果让块都处在网站的合适位置使获得好的机会的话,我们是支付不起费用的。

    We all want every project to be a home run, but we also can't afford to watch every pitch go by waiting for the right opportunity.


  • 每个手里都把能够得锅里肉的勺子勺子的他们胳膊太多他们无法这把勺子把肉送自己嘴里

    Each held a spoon that reached the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths.


  • 瓶酒都不同的,存放状态样,每个口味偏好也不样。

    But every bottle is different and there are many variables, such as storage conditions and personal taste.


  • 大层平台划分出楼体纵向不同区段这些区段紧密联在起向上生长,而每个平台都综合不同的功能花园设置

    Terrace zones, which offer a mix of functions in a garden setting, mark the different vertical sections of the house, with the sense of intimacy growing towards the top of the building.


  • 针对正在开发每个设计项目乔布斯都会花两三个小时产品小组重要成员开会讨论。

    For every design project in the pipeline, Mr. Jobs will hold meetings of two or three hours every week or two with key members of the product team.


  • 想象下,如果世界上本书中的每个章节每个段落甚至句话自己的URL。

    Imagine a world where there's a URL for every chapter and paragraph in a book-every sentence, even.


  • 这个英国乡下菜园里,长得棕榈树那么高,巨型洋葱芜菁每个都有人的那么,总之都不我们平常看到的那样。

    Leeks that look like palm trees, massive Onions and swedes as big as your head - nothing is as it should be in this English country garden.


  • 求职信,都应该每个应聘职位针对性清晰明了语法拼写正确无误

    Every cover letter you write should be customized for the job you are applying for, clear and concise, grammatically correct, and error-free.


  • 求职信,都应该每个应聘职位针对性清晰明了语法拼写正确无误

    Every cover letter you write should be customized for the job you are applying for, clear and concise, grammatically correct, and error-free.


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进来说说原因吧 确定