• 孩子完成每周两次足球训练放学直到晚餐时吗?

    Does your child realize that soccer practice is twice a week, right after school until dinnertime?


  • 联社报道,第一注入资金将每周两次拍卖会上用来购买国债

    The first chunk is being used to buy government gilts, the UK's Press Association reported, at twice-weekly auctions.


  • 每周两次照顾孩子之夜”、以及个周的周末还是回来因此孩子的接触实际上并未改变

    He continues to return twice a week on his "babysitting nights" and every other weekend, so his contact with the children hasn't really changed.


  • 为了分析AIC649抗病毒疗效,研究人员给予转基因乙肝小鼠每周 AIC649标准替诺福韦每日两次安慰剂治疗,疗程持续29

    To analyze the antiviral efficacy, hepatitis B transgenic mice were treated either twice-weekly with AIC649 or twice daily with "gold standard" Tenofovir or vehicle over a period of 29 days.


  • 学生们每周两次讨论他们的经历

    Students meet biweekly to discuss their experiences.


  • 具体来说研究发现每周单独吃饭两次以上男性高血压胆固醇糖尿病风险大。

    Specifically, the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.


  • 奥和他的表弟每周两次社区中心的绘画俱乐部。

    Leo with his cousin goes to the Drawing Club at the community center twice a week.


  • 员必须每周参加两次戏剧团的活动。

    Actors must take part in the theatre group's activities twice a week.


  • 每周会见校长两次,试图找出我为什么对莎莉这样的女孩做出如此可怕的事情。

    I am meeting with the headmaster twice a week and trying to discover why I did such a terrible thing to a girl like Sally.


  • 庭联盟正在寻找能够每周为费尔菲尔德县北郊的残疾人送一到两次热的中餐的人。

    Family Alliance is looking for people who can deliver hot Chinese meals one to two times a week for people with disabilities in north suburban Fairfield County.


  • 大多数研究这个问题调查者得出结论大部分益处(如果那儿确实有益处)能够通过每周一个或者两次巧克力得到

    Most investigators who have studied this question have concluded that most of the benefit (if there indeed is a benefit) can be obtained by eating chocolate once or twice per week.


  • 南韩飞行员每周平均有小时上天机会,他们北方同行只能驾驶古老米格战机,一个或许才能有幸飞上两次

    South Korean pilots, averaging six or seven hours a week in the air, say their North Korean counterparts, flying older model MiGs, are lucky to fly once or twice a month.


  • 数百位老年上海住民每周两次宜家来参加一个非正式的单身俱乐部

    Hundreds of elderly Shanghai residents make their way to IKEA twice a week for an informal lonely hearts club.


  • 秘诀是:他们每周餐厅:听着轻柔音乐烛光晚餐,然后漫步回家

    They take time to go to a restaurant two times a week: a little candlelight dinner, soft music, and a slow walk home.


  • 改变另一事情现在每周餐厅两次,我阿根廷没有

    Another thing that changed was that now I go to restaurants twice a week, something that I didn't do in Argentina.


  • 如果常年保持良好的视力每周食用两次高脂肪鱼类

    If you want to keep your eyes vision clear for long years eat fatty fish twice a week.


  • 对于求知欲很强的来说,学校每周次的讲座实在令他失望各种晚会竞赛弥漫了整个校园

    As a student thirsty for knowledge, Geng is disappointed that only one or two lectures are held on campus every week. But galas and competitions are all over the campus.


  • 如果看到朋友每周两次你要试图将看见他们3

    If you only see your friends once or twice a week, try seeing them three times.


  • Waitrose补充说每周都会对参与价格匹配计划的商品进行两次监测,确保遵守价格Tesco相匹配承诺

    Price match items will be monitored twice a week to ensure they are kept in line with the commitment to match prices at Tesco, Waitrose added.


  • 去年秋天Sophos实验室计算机安全团队报告称,他们每周能发现针对Mac攻击相比每天有成千上万起针对WindowsPC的攻击。

    Last fall, the computer security team at Sophos Labs reported that they were seeing one or two attacks on Macs each week, compared with tens of thousands per day against Windows PCs.


  • 每周课程,由一个朋友来教授,同时也是英文老师

    I have two weekly tutorials with a friend of mine who is also an English teacher.


  • 因此,以后他们每周桑德伯格的六居室房子里共进晚餐

    So for six weeks they met for dinner once or twice a week at Sandberg's six-bedroom home.


  • 每周两次登上火车普林斯顿大学授课5:30就曼哈顿公寓起床并开始备课,一堂关于博尔赫斯的,一堂课是创作性写作小说技巧

    Twice a week he wakes up in his Manhattan apartment at 5:30 a.m. to prepare for his classes, one on Borges and the other on creative writing and techniques of the novel, before boarding a train.


  • 可能每周食用或者两次以上煎炸鱼人,美国人是白种人的3.5

    African-Americans were 3.5 times more likely to eat two or more servings of fried fish than the whites.


  • 不过1972开始,每周都会,每次英里。 也就是说过去37年里,他相当于每个月都会跑马拉松的距离。

    Since 1972, however, Mr. Craddock has been running two to three miles about five times a week, meaning that about twice a month for 37 years he has completed the equivalent of a marathon.


  • 这个为期四周计划被称为YOCAS”,其中包括每周两次每次75分钟哈达瑜伽,并进行呼吸练习冥思练习。

    Called YOCAS, the four-week program involved sessions of hatha and restorative yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each, in combination with breathing exercises and meditation.


  • 店面经理决定影响每次订购每周两次对于服装补给,而这些决定由人工核算店面将要需要的数量。

    The store manager’s decision influence on the replenishment of garments is limited to a single order (twice a week) based on manually auditing the quantities required for the store.


  • 来自皇家汽车俱乐部(个汽车团体)数据表明,全国只有五分之一的人每周乘坐列车出行的次数多于

    Figures from the RAC Foundation, a motoring lobby, suggest that only a fifth of the population use trains more than once or twice a week.


  • 来自皇家汽车俱乐部(个汽车团体)数据表明,全国只有五分之一的人每周乘坐列车出行的次数多于

    Figures from the RAC Foundation, a motoring lobby, suggest that only a fifth of the population use trains more than once or twice a week.


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