• 所以将来需要恢复季度备份时,这个备份却很可能不可了。

    So the quarterly backup will likely not be available when you might need to restore it in the future.


  • 运行季度0级备份时,逻辑日志仍然可以ALARMPROGRAM备份

    The logical logs could be still backed up by the ALARMPROGRAM while the special quarterly Level-0-Backup is running.


  • 确保配置足够多逻辑日志空间以防进行季度的备份时出现日志已满状况

    Ensure that you have enough logical log space configured to prevent a log full condition during your quarterly backup.


  • 该公司固定季度兑换率作为目标努力平衡买卖币种降低购买其它币种的可能性。

    SR Technics aims to fix exchange rates on a quarterly basis and tries to balance receivable currency by paying in the same currency, thereby reducing the need to buy other currencies.


  • 然而需要了解IBMCognosController存储的是今年最新的信息需要分解季度的金额

    However, you need to understand that IBM Cognos Controller stores information as a year-to-date and needs to be broken down into its monthly amount or even quarterly.


  • 燃气账单上显示的家庭季度使用量——记住夏季燃气使用很少所以需要四个季度燃气使用量一起。

    Your gas bills should give a figure for your usage each quarter - but remember you use very little in the summer months, so you'll need to add up the total across all four quarters.


  • 莱斯银行集团宣布已经赚取季度的税前利润自从英国银行将优先股发给股东作为红利接管苏格兰哈里法克斯银行之后,是该行第一转亏为盈。

    Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.


  • 另一个原因希腊如此糟糕表现,它已经接受欧盟-国际货币基金组织援助方案,然而季度的评估结果都表明笔援助款项将成为它的最后一根救命稻草。

    Another is that the performance of Greece under the EU-IMF programme has been so poor that every quarterly assessment to approve the next tranche of loans becomes a cliff-hanger.


  • 他们季度结束假装停止他们期权交易策略转向财政部门。

    They pretended to exit their options-trading strategy and shift into Treasuries before the end of each quarter.


  • 我们根据每季度目标跟踪收入成本利润它们轨迹数据一并显示

    We track revenue, cost, and gross profit metrics against monthly, quarterly, and yearly targets and show them side by side with the carbon footprint data.


  • 类教训不仅适用基金经理包括企业管理层。想想那些习惯于季度略超过预期盈利公司吧。

    The lesson applies to company executives as well as fund managers; think of all those firms that made a habit of beating profits estimates by a penny every quarter.


  • 此外预测模型还可以考虑使用循环模式循环季度累计销售趋势

    Additionally, prediction models can take into account cyclical patterns, such as a seven day weekly cycle or a quarterly cumulative sales trend.


  • 现在季度做的0级备份重新管理MC 365绑定MC31。

    Now the quarterly Level-0-backup will be re-bound from management class MC365 to MC31.


  • 任何软件产品一样,DB 2不是完美的,而且IBM几乎季度都会发行修订设法改善软件可靠性

    Like any software product, DB2 is not perfect and IBM constantly tries to improve the reliability of software with releases of fix packs nearly every quarter.


  • 我们根据每季度目标跟踪收入成本利润它们轨迹数据一并显示

    We track revenue, cost, and gross profit metrics against monthly, quarterly and yearly targets and show them side by side with the carbon footprint data.


  • 可以计划操作系统级别修复程序作为年度化项目规划一部分存在至少季度

    OS level fixes can be planned and should exist as part of the annualized project plan, at least once a quarter.


  • 即使强大组织也停止了他们股票回购计划并且将他们每季度进行股息支付减低很小。

    Even some of the strongest institutions halted their stock repurchase programs and cut their quarterly dividend to a mere nickel or penny a share.


  • 根据国际购物中心理事会数据,过去里,开张一年以上沃尔玛零售店收入平均季度0.75%的速度减少

    Over the last year, revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year has fallen by an average 0.75 percent each quarter, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.


  • 除了季度推进我们办公室大量的微软系列软件包不得上一次购买的盒装软件什么。

    Other than the massive MSDN software package that is trollied into our office every quarter, I cannot remember the last time I bought software in a box.


  • 记住团队活动必须当作日常活动来对待,而不是每季度举办的现场活动。

    Remember that team building must be an everyday activity. It is not something you can just do quarterly at some off-site function.


  • 例如客户提供可由他们自行安装插件取代早先每季度发布升级的方式。

    For example, instead of distributing quarterly upgrades, you can provide plug-ins that users can install themselves.


  • 批评对美联储来说恰如其分:在2001至2003年间持续降息,使利率低1%并维持了一年,然后一成不变地每季度四分之一个百分比的速度缓缓加息,无疑房市繁荣火上加油

    That is most true of the Fed, which slashed rates between 2001 and 2003, held them at 1% for a year and then raised them in slow, predictable quarter-point steps, fuelling the housing boom.


  • 过去九个月里历史增长率每季度增长0.6%。

    The economy has now grown faster than its historic rate of 0.6% a quarter for nine months.


  • 银监会要求商业银行季度至少25%通过信托公司发放贷款转入银行的资产负债表内核算

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission instructed Banks to move at least 25% of loans issued through trust companies back onto their balance sheets at the end of each quarter.


  • 服务部门产量上升了0.9%,制造部门产量上升了1.1%,建筑部门急剧下降每季度增长下降了0.3%,阻碍了GDP的增长。

    Output in the services sector rose by 0.9% and in manufacturing by 1.1%. What held GDP back was a further sharp fall in construction, which lowered quarterly growth by 0.3 percentage points.


  • Google一个搜索引擎公司任何认为依旧季度产生数十亿美元利润时候宣称派对结束显然对派对没有好的品味

    Google is a search company, and anybody who says that the company's party is over when it's generating billions in profit every quarter clearly doesn't have good taste in parties.


  • 尽管出现了很多问题困难iphone依旧季度打破苹果的销售记录

    Despite all its problems and issues, the Apple iPhone has constantly been breaking its own sales records with each quarter.


  • 尽管出现了很多问题困难iphone依旧季度打破苹果的销售记录

    Despite all its problems and issues, the Apple iPhone has constantly been breaking its own sales records with each quarter.


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