• 掌控操纵杆奇才一个具有大师水准的玩家每隔变换屏幕场景

    He's a whiz with the joystick, a master-level gamer who changes screens and situations every few pages.


  • 一个问题:和水星凌日不同是,金星凌日罕见的,大约一百成对出现年的时间。

    But there was a problem: transits of Venus, unlike those of Mercury, are rare, occurring in pairs roughly eight years apart every hundred or so years.


  • 理团队每隔几天就会把他和他的妹妹调换一次,这样,当一个宝宝被奶瓶喂养时,另一个宝宝就和妈妈在一起了——她从来没有怀疑过。

    The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mum—she never suspects.


  • 两次的“照顾孩子之夜”、以及周的周末还是回来因此孩子的接触实际上并未改变

    He continues to return twice a week on his "babysitting nights" and every other weekend, so his contact with the children hasn't really changed.


  • 书中一路高亢散文式风格难免让人疲累:似乎隔一个名词就会蹦出斜体字

    The effect of his overenergetic prose style also becomes wearying: every other noun seems to be in italics.


  • 康纳是的知道我们必须至少一位出纳员柜内现金就要进行一次现场检查

    C: Well, you know, we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month.


  • 他们弄好了——有着7台电脑电话线办公室,工作范围覆盖全州每隔一个星期六开一次会。

    They had the entire thing set up — an office with seven computers, phone lines, a state structure, county chairs, and meetings every other Saturday.


  • 诡异中微子通常避免物质接触段时间,总一个原子发生碰撞产生使人们可以观察信号

    Wily neutrinos usually avoid contact with matter, but every so often, they crash into an atom to produce a signal that allows us to observe them.


  • 这些卫星位于一个十分特殊轨道以便它们24小时环绕地球一周。

    The satellites sit in a very special orbit that allows them to circle the Earth once in 24 hours.


  • 挺有效脑子树立明晰的条例,规定必须至少每隔分钟几句话,或者更多

    One thing that works for me is to make an explicit rule in my head that I have to say something at least every few minutes, preferably more.


  • 如果每隔甚至每隔几个星期回家车上一次这样的记录,你将会惊讶于自己积累的数据

    If you do this on the train for a month or even just for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at the data you'll accumulate.


  • 很多数据库繁忙服务器上,由于每隔15分钟就要检查很多的视图环境会无法容忍仅仅一个视图就花这么多时间

    On a busy server with many databases to check and many views to update every 15 minutes, your environment cannot afford to spend this kind of time on a single view.


  • 手机,是靠小型太阳能发电机充电的,用以家里或者女朋友打电话的女朋友在校大学生每隔过来看一次。

    He had a cellphone, which he charged with a small solar generator and used to call his family and his girlfriend, a college student who visited him every few weeks.


  • 每隔10一个反弹可能性

    Every 10 years, there is the possibility of a backlash.


  • 如果每隔3 - 5年久一个牌子,你该省省了,这纯粹浪费

    If you are buying a brand new car every 3-5 years, stop! You are wasting your money.


  • 第三许多陷入一个自动取款机使用他们资产,每隔几年融资陷阱现金出来

    Third, many people fell into the trap of using their homes a ATMs, refinancing every few years to take cash out.


  • 世界杯再也不是每隔四年才举办一世界足球盛会,在四年次的聚会中,来自大洲球员时常总是遭遇。

    The World Cup is no longer a unique quadrennial moment of international football that pitches players from different continents against one another, often for the first time.


  • 坚持使用自己的域名不要每隔个月为了促销而使用域名。

    Use your own domain name; don't make up a new one every six months for promotional purposes.


  • 经过他们一点一滴地不懈努力委员会消除了一个教义上的分歧,每隔几年还发表公文,应该就是文中那无懈可击的话语消除了分歧。

    Painstakingly, at snail's pace, the commission took one doctrinal difference after another, and every few years produced a document in impenetrable language that was supposed to have ironed it out.


  • 将他见解发表国家报纸名为指挥官的沉思”专栏几天出版一次,这些观点控制了古巴。

    But his views, expressed in a column entitled "Reflections of the Commander" that is published every few days in the state newspapers, still dominate Cuba.


  • 几个街区一个白相间帆布搭成的亭子用来汽水

    Every few blocks, there are these little blue and white canvas kiosks that sell soft drinks.


  • 不要养成习惯似的每隔3月就冲老板办公室要求再给一个假期

    Don't get into the habit of storming into the boss's office every 3 months demanding another month off.


  • 例如如果软件更新要花费客户工作需要若干人员参与,则每隔发布一个版本合适的。

    For example, if each software update causes weeks of work for the customer and requires the work of several people, it isn't good to release a new version every three weeks.


  • 也许找到人,给你带来尽情但是短暂的欢乐,但是每隔分钟一下别人按钮一天下来吃不消的。

    You might get some takers for a brief button-pushing fling, but it would get tiresome to push another person's button every few minutes all day.


  • 这样做下来不仅每隔就要损失整个周六,而且发觉一个乱糟糟的地方工作起来比较困难,因为我无法集中注意力,并且效率高。

    Not only did I lose a whole Saturday every few weeks, I found that getting work done in a disorganized space was harder. I couldn't focus well, and I didn't feel productive.


  • 这块所谓宇航飞船内有一个太空视角望去的翻版地球每隔六十这个小地球会旋转一下

    The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.


  • 这块所谓宇航飞船内有一个太空视角望去的翻版地球每隔六十这个小地球会旋转一下

    The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.


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