He's a whiz with the joystick, a master-level gamer who changes screens and situations every few pages.
But there was a problem: transits of Venus, unlike those of Mercury, are rare, occurring in pairs roughly eight years apart every hundred or so years.
The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mum—she never suspects.
He continues to return twice a week on his "babysitting nights" and every other weekend, so his contact with the children hasn't really changed.
The effect of his overenergetic prose style also becomes wearying: every other noun seems to be in italics.
C: Well, you know, we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month.
They had the entire thing set up — an office with seven computers, phone lines, a state structure, county chairs, and meetings every other Saturday.
Wily neutrinos usually avoid contact with matter, but every so often, they crash into an atom to produce a signal that allows us to observe them.
The satellites sit in a very special orbit that allows them to circle the Earth once in 24 hours.
One thing that works for me is to make an explicit rule in my head that I have to say something at least every few minutes, preferably more.
If you do this on the train for a month or even just for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at the data you'll accumulate.
On a busy server with many databases to check and many views to update every 15 minutes, your environment cannot afford to spend this kind of time on a single view.
He had a cellphone, which he charged with a small solar generator and used to call his family and his girlfriend, a college student who visited him every few weeks.
如果你每隔3 - 5年久换一个牌子的车,你该省省了,这纯粹是浪费钱!
If you are buying a brand new car every 3-5 years, stop! You are wasting your money.
Third, many people fell into the trap of using their homes a ATMs, refinancing every few years to take cash out.
The World Cup is no longer a unique quadrennial moment of international football that pitches players from different continents against one another, often for the first time.
Use your own domain name; don't make up a new one every six months for promotional purposes.
Painstakingly, at snail's pace, the commission took one doctrinal difference after another, and every few years produced a document in impenetrable language that was supposed to have ironed it out.
But his views, expressed in a column entitled "Reflections of the Commander" that is published every few days in the state newspapers, still dominate Cuba.
Every few blocks, there are these little blue and white canvas kiosks that sell soft drinks.
Don't get into the habit of storming into the boss's office every 3 months demanding another month off.
For example, if each software update causes weeks of work for the customer and requires the work of several people, it isn't good to release a new version every three weeks.
You might get some takers for a brief button-pushing fling, but it would get tiresome to push another person's button every few minutes all day.
Not only did I lose a whole Saturday every few weeks, I found that getting work done in a disorganized space was harder. I couldn't focus well, and I didn't feel productive.
The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.
The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.