• 毫无疑问的是这些新的遗传证据牙科证据格林伯格观点提供了强有力的支持

    There is no doubt that the new genetic and dental evidence provides strong backing for Greenberg's view.


  • 毫无疑问的是截止时间又返回了

    But nobody disputes that he returned after the deadline had expired.


  • 毫无疑问的是消费者价格非常敏感,”

    "There's little doubt the consumer is still going to be very price sensitive," he says.


  • 毫无疑问的有些环保提倡人士愿意充分利用这个影响力。

    There is no doubt that some environmental advocates are willing to exploit that dynamic to the full.


  • 巴塞尔毫无疑问的第一第二迈阿密伦敦还无法下定论。

    Everyone agrees that Basel comes first, but it is unclear which comes next: Miami or London.


  • 毫无疑问的是那些美妙深邃透明的音符沉醉的说不出来。

    There is no doubt that the beauty, depth and clarity will render you speechless.


  • 毫无疑问的是报纸目前世界很多地方都在经历着一段艰难时光

    But there is no doubt that newspapers in many parts of the world are having a hard time.


  • 毫无疑问的具有开启或者辅助开启封闭社会大门的巨大潜力

    But it certainly is something that will have great potential to open up more closed societies or help open up.


  • 目前教授实验结果喜忧参半,毫无疑问现在参与课堂讨论学生以往

    The Professor's results so far have been mixed but it is clear that more students are participating in classroom discussions than they used to.


  • 并且毫无疑问的是历史数据可能存在问题因为并非所有构件类型都保留历史记录。

    And certainly, historical data points could be problematic, since not all artifact types retain a history.


  • 虽然目前清楚火灾发生的原因不过毫无疑问的是全市的居民当时烟火庆祝春节。

    It was not immediately clear what had caused the fire but the city had been filled with fireworks for the annual festival.


  • 所以毫无疑问的是1955年阿伦比·奇尔顿离开后,马特·巴斯比爵士队长袖标交给了

    So no surprise that Sir Matt Busby appointed him to succeed Allenby Chilton as captain in 1955.


  • 认为Twitter并不适合这种地位毫无疑问的是丰田应当利用社会媒体作出努力。

    I don't think Twitter is the right venue for someone of his stature, but Toyota should be using social media to address this, without question.


  • 毫无疑问的是因为病毒迅速成长突变所以它们继续存在惊人速度使人类动植物遭到感染

    There is no doubt they will continue to exist since viruses can grow and mutate so quickly, infecting human, animal, and plant populations with frightening speed.


  • 就像韦斯利艾利接受采访时说道所有人赞同改变毫无疑问的是这一角色的戏剧张力很强。

    Not everyone has approved of the change, as Wesley and Ellis explain in this interview, but there's no doubting her impact.


  • 毫无疑问的是,给朋友父母卡片,书写的内容不能一样,因为不在身边的时候,父母坏的方面想。

    No doubt, one writes differently to one’s friends than to one’s parents, who always fear the worst when one is away.


  • 而且,毫无疑问这些挑战已赫然在望,因为Facebook崛起日益威胁谷歌公司在互联网统治地位

    And make no mistake: these challenges loom large, because Google's dominance of the Internet landscape is increasingly being threatened by Facebook's rise.


  • 尽管我们怀疑那个可变焦镜头放在口袋时候安全性,可毫无疑问的是三洋款产品的成本投入上有所增加。

    Although we have our concerns as to the safety of that zoom in our pockets, there's no doubt that Sanyo has upped the ante for this type of device.


  • 诸如第二人生之类虚拟世界可能不仅仅只模型几乎毫无疑问的如果Twomey了,他们将足以引领航向。

    Virtual worlds such as Second Life may not be the exact model used in the future, but there is little doubt that if Twomey is correct they are certainly heading in the right direction.


  • 毫无疑问的面向服务架构或者SOA作为一种交换之前被困遗留系统隔离数据库中的数据方式得到接受

    There is no doubt about it: service-oriented architecture, or SOA, has gained acceptance as a way to exchange data previously trapped in legacy systems and isolated databases.


  • 人都表示相互欣赏,这也许有些做作,毫无疑问的是,里贝里范加尔的关系进入了一个新的,并且令人满意阶段

    The mutual show of admiration was perhaps a little too forced but there can be no doubt that Ribéry's relationship with his manager has entered a new, happier phase.


  • 毫无疑问在短短几年的时间里,篇文章提到的肿瘤药物和常规药物大部分分歧将会消失最大可能的造福于病患。

    There is no doubt, however, that within a few years the majority of the differences mentioned in this article will have disappeared, which most likely will be to the benefit of patients.


  • 出于若干原因这些数字不能反映流感大流行期间死亡率真实情况毫无疑问的是实际死亡率要高于实验室确认病例显示的情况。

    For several reasons, these Numbers do not give a true picture of mortality during the pandemic, which is unquestionably higher than indicated by laboratory-confirmed cases.


  • 早在苹果发布iphone之前手机早就成为人们处理日常事务掌上电脑了,毫无疑问的是,iphone人们展示了触摸屏潜力

    Mobile phones were becoming pocket computers long before Apple unleashed the iPhone, but Apple's handset has undoubtedly introduced people to the possibilities of the touchscreen.


  • 毫无疑问佛教《山椒大夫》所占据显著位置缘于沟口健二自身世界观转变:此前不久,皈依了佛教日莲宗Nichiren)。

    The prominence of Buddhism in Sansho Dayu is doubtless attributable to a change in Mizoguchi's own worldview: he had recently embraced the Nichiren sect of the religion.


  • 有意思——让我们看看到底会有多少用户实际使用这个新的功能毫无疑问的是,这对于Google阅读器而言一个有趣的扩展。

    It will be interesting to see if users will actually use this new feature in large Numbers, but it is definitely an interesting addition to Google Reader.


  • 取得成功容易事,他真正地面临巨大挫败时候,情况就不一样了。假如一个拥有人格力量”的,那么毫无疑问的是,他将保持信念、知难而上。

    It's easy for someone to take ownership of success, but when the headlines read “failure” only those possessingforce of character” have the influential capacity to shine.


  • 取得成功容易事,他真正地面临巨大挫败时候,情况就不一样了。假如一个拥有人格力量”的,那么毫无疑问的是,他将保持信念、知难而上。

    It's easy for someone to take ownership of success, but when the headlines read “failure” only those possessingforce of character” have the influential capacity to shine.


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