• 看到基本所有国家各种各样民族和国民

    You will also see a wide range of ethnic groups and nationals of practically every country.


  • 例如只有3.4%电影导演女性只有7%的电影演员种族民族问题保持中立,并反映了这个国家多样性

    For example, just 3.4 percent of film directors were female, and only 7 percent of films had a cast whose balance of race and ethnicity reflected the country's diversity.


  • 民族国家似乎自由最佳孵化器虽然非常清楚狭隘排外局限

    The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.


  • 只有3.4%电影导演女性只有7%的电影演员阵容能做到民族种族平衡反应国家的多样性

    Just 3.4 percent of film directors were female, and only 7 percent of films had a cast whose balance of race and ethnicity reflected the country's diversity.


  • 希尔斯派塞认为,“民族国家模糊国家内部文化和语言多样性确切地说这些国家可以称为征服国家”。

    The term "nation-state", Hill and Spicer argue, blurs the internal cultural and linguistic multiplicity of states that could more precisely be called "conquest states".


  • 果我们作为一个民族、一个国家,甚至不了解我们的传统服饰,或者不去穿它们,我们怎么能谈论我们文化的其他重要部分呢?

    If we as a people and as a country do not even understand our traditional clothing or don't wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture?


  • 民族国家似乎自由最佳孵化器虽然非常清楚狭隘排外局限

    And the nation state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.


  • 俄罗斯可能已经民族国家的迹象,但是这个过程中同样也可能丑陋民族主义化”。

    Russia may yet emerge as a nation state, but in the process it could also turn ugly and nationalistic, ” he says.


  • 非常重要:以色列建国30——19481956,从1956到1967及从1967到1973年——以色列通过正规战争打败民族国家正规军获得战争暂歇期。

    This is important: For its first 30 years - from 1948 to 1956, from 1956 to 1967 and from 1967 to 1973 - Israel bought its timeouts with conventional wars against conventional armies of nation states.


  • 民族国家不是弱小就是难以存活社会海盗并不罕见

    Piracy is not that uncommon in societies where the national state is either weak or non-existent.


  • 那些欧洲历史大多数民族国家有着长的历史著名城市,有一种吸收外来人容纳许多不同种类社会现实的非凡能力

    The historic cities of Europe, which are far older than most nation states, retain a remarkable ability to absorb newcomers and accommodate many different kinds of social reality.


  • 费城坦普尔大学法律学教授,戴维波斯特说:“一个允许人们在一起,自己掌握自己的命运设备我们民族国家。”

    “[It] is a device that allows people to get together and control their own destiny, much like our nation-state, ” says David Post, a law professor at Temple University, Philadelphia.


  • 民族国家概念起源不清楚的。

    The origin of the nation-state idea is unclear.


  • 历史长河永恒自然现象而不是一个传统民族国家

    It appears in history less as a conventional nation-state than as a permanent natural phenomenon.


  • 如果这些利益获得世界性承认我们需要立刻而且永远摆脱民族国家神话

    If these interests are to gain universal recognition, we will need to shed the nation-state myth once and for all.


  • 虽然许多方面都倾向于欧盟整体化,但他也明白民族国家并非欧洲敌人

    Although he favours EU integration in many spheres, he does not believe that nation-states are the enemy of Europe.


  • 换言之中国不像世界西方国家多数国家它自身文明形成,它是作为个文明国家不是一个民族国家而存在

    In other words, China, unlike the Western states and most countries in the world, is shaped by its sense of civilization, its existence as a civilization state, rather than as a nation state.


  • 两个多世纪后关于民族国家观点被奉为圭臬但是为什么呢?

    Over the last two centuries, his vision of the nation-state has become the norm. But why?


  • 接着说,“根本就不是欧洲风格就可以整合单一民族国家而是羽翼丰满的大陆劲旅”。

    It is not an issue of integrating a European-style nation-state, but a full-fledged continental power,” he said.


  • 全球金融公司企业受到威胁是善良的、民族国家一次一次伸出援助之手。

    Again and again, when "global" financial and corporate enterprises have been threatened, good, old-fashioned nation-states have come to the rescue.


  • 导致韩国社会关系紧张,因为韩国迄今仍属于单一民族国家容不得异族婚姻出生孩子

    This is causing tensions in a hitherto homogenous society, which is often hostile to the children of mixed marriages.


  • 历史上虽有疏远,但两个民族国家过去十年关系回暖

    Historically estranged, the two secular democracies have enjoyed warming relations in the past decade.


  • 亚马逊丛林里约日内卢累西腓贫民窟足球这个广阔多民族国家阶层的人凝聚在了一起。

    From the jungles of the Amazon to the slums of cities like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, soccer is a constant that unites Brazilians from all walks of life.


  • 上节课可能记得,谈到观点,现代国家的形成和民族国家的构建,联系欧洲历史的一个主题

    Now, one of the points I made last week, for those of you who were here, is that one of the themes that ties European history together is the growth of the modern state, of state-making.


  • 上节课可能记得,谈到观点,现代国家的形成和民族国家的构建,联系欧洲历史的一个主题

    Now, one of the points I made last week, for those of you who were here, is that one of the themes that ties European history together is the growth of the modern state, of state-making.


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