• 绝对满足理想气体状态方程气体一定满足焦耳定律

    The gas which meets the ideal gas equation absolutely will be bound to meet Joule's law.


  • 应用麦克斯韦速度分布严格证明理想气体状态方程

    The application of Maxwell velocity distribution law rigidly proves that the statistical proof on the state equation of ideal gas.


  • 需要两个就够了,因此可以理想气体状态方程去。

    I know I only need 2, so I can relate dV dV to dp through the ideal gas law.


  • 考虑一个不同状态方程状态方程理想气体状态方程那么简单

    Let's try it with a different equation of state, that isn't quite as simple as the ideal gas case.


  • 应用理想气体状态方程,对柴油机活塞燃烧室容积检测方法进行了研究。

    Based on ideal gas equation, the measurement method of diesel engine piston combustion chamber volume was researched.


  • 第三第四理想气体基础得出实际气体状态方程及其多变过程热力学计算

    In chapter three and four, we give some state equations of real gas and the thermodynamical analysis in polytropic process based on the theory of ideal gas.


  • 应用基于理想气体状态方程的压力有限元模型模型气幕的隔震效果进行了研究

    The FEM air isolation model based on the state equation of ideal gas is used to study the effects of air isolation.


  • 根据气体状态方程平衡方程推导某点真空反映真空度值计反映的孔压差的理论关系式。

    The theoretical formula about vacuity in vacuum tube and pore-water pressure at the observation point was obtained in this paper by using equation of gas state and equilibrium equation.


  • 提出一种利用气体状态方程计算压缩空气冷凝水水位见解压缩空气瓶的安全使用具有重要意义。

    A new opinion is brought forward about using gas status equation to compute coagulation water in the compress air bottle, we can gain a master of th...


  • 中学高中物理演示气体定律作用。可验证玻意耳一马略特定查理定律、盖吕隆定律理想气体状态方程

    To demonstrate gas laws at physics teaching in senior middle schools. Used for proving Boyle-Mariotte's law, Charles's law, Gay-lussca's law and equation for gases.


  • 本质上分析理想气体状态方程局限性提出利用压缩系数提高天然气流量精度概念,从而改进了状态方程

    Analying the limit of state equation of ideal gas in substance, the conception that using compressional factor improves the accuracy of gas flux is introduced and the state equation is mended.


  • 我们回到经常使用的理想气体模型,或者说状态方程

    So let's take our one model that we keep going back to Equation of state, and just see how it works.


  • 所以测量到的状态方程数据或者状态方程模型比如理想气体方程范德·瓦尔方程或者其他状态方程,我们就可以知道

    So from measured equation of state data, or from a model like the ideal gas or the van der Waal's gas or another equation of state you know this.


  • 方程所反映的气体宏观量之间关系,就理想气体状态方程准确,更接近真实气体了。

    It describes more accurately the real gas than the one about the ideal gas because it reflects the relation among macrocosmic gas.


  • 由于气体压缩性明显大于液体,因而气体状态方程液体完全不同。

    But due to the compressibility of gas significantly higher than fluid, the state equation of gas is different from fluid.


  • 本文给出理相量子气体高温条件极端相对论状态方程热容量规律进行物理分析

    This paper gives equation of states, enthalpy and heat capacity of the perfect quantum gas under the high temperature and briefly analyzes the laws.


  • 更高温度区内,状态方程越来越接近于“理想气体定律

    At higher temperatures the equation of state becomes better and better approximated by the "perfect gas" law.


  • 本文根据实际气体压缩因子和维利状态方程,对湿空气高温焓湿进行了分析。

    In this paper, according to virial equation of state for real gas, the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed.


  • 通过计算比较发现基于PR状态方程粘度预测模型误差较大LBC经验关系准确地确定酸性气体粘度。

    Calculation shows that the viscosity model based on pr state equation has big error, while LBC empirical relationship can provide more accurate viscosity of acidic gas.


  • 应用微扰理论借鉴气体理论的处理方法,建立了非离子表面活性剂水溶液表面状态方程

    A surface equation of state for nonionic surfactant aqueous solutions is developed by using perturbation theory and two - dimensional gaseous theory.


  • 气体状态方程可以估算倒灌”后各压力变化“倒灌”气量

    The pressure change and the gas flown into or out from any layer in the case can be calculated with the state equation for gas.


  • 同时对于产物采用JWL状态方程空气简化成理想气体

    At the same time, for the detonation products, the JWL state equation is adopted, and the air is approximately regarded as the ideal gas.


  • 本文归纳真实气体状态方程推荐一个计算逸度简便公式

    The article sums up the constitutional equation of authentic gas and recommends a convenient formula of calculating fugacity.


  • 状态方程相变理想气体化学,化学反应平衡方程亲和力

    Equations of state, change of phase, ideal gases, chemical potentials, chemical reactions, equilibrium equations, affinity.


  • 根据酸性气体粘度预测方法,对比了基于PR状态方程的粘度模型经验公式图版预测酸性气体粘度时准确性

    The accuracy of viscosity model based on pr state equation, empirical equation and chart method for predicting acidic gas viscosity is correlated.


  • 理想气体状态方程实际气体可以教科书里找到许多描述它们状态方程

    For real gases, there's a whole bunch of equation the states that you can find in textbooks, and I'm just going to go through a few of them.


  • 该文范德·瓦尔斯气体模型提出修改意见导出符合实际气体特点状态方程内能公式

    In the paper, modification suggestion to Vander Waals gas model is provided; state equation and internal energy formula which are more suitable for characteristic of real gas are derived.


  • 该文范德·瓦尔斯气体模型提出修改意见导出符合实际气体特点状态方程内能公式

    In the paper, modification suggestion to Vander Waals gas model is provided; state equation and internal energy formula which are more suitable for characteristic of real gas are derived.


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