• 另外我们同时在研究其它几个氧化胁迫基因功能

    Additionally, we are also studying the function of several other oxidative stress tolerance genes.


  • 结果表明硝基苯能够诱发小鼠细胞发生氧化胁迫诱导细胞凋亡的发生。

    These results indicated that nitrobenzene could cause the mice renal cells to generate oxidative stress and induce cellular apoptosis.


  • 该文对自由基所引起氧化胁迫伤害以及各种氧化防御系统进展,作综述。

    An overview on the development of oxidative stress and damage from the free radicals, and the defenses systems for antioxidation.


  • 突变体nadk3分析表明,nadk3缺失会导致植株氧化胁迫的敏感性增加。

    The analysis of NADK3 mutant suggests that the loss of NADK3 may make plants be sensitive to oxidative stress.


  • 目的研究甲醛Hela细胞GSNO还原酶(GSNOR)活力影响及其与氧化胁迫的关系。

    Objective To explore the effects of formaldehyde on the activity of GSNO reductase (GSNOR) and the association of oxidative stress.


  • 干旱盐害极端温度化学毒害氧化胁迫等非生物胁迫严重影响农业生产,并导致环境退化

    Abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, chemical toxicity, and oxidative stress, are serious threats to agriculture and result in the deterioration of the environment.


  • 其中单甲乙醇提取出来,在分光光度计上比色,可作为冻融循环产生的氧化胁迫定量指标

    The ethanol extractable mono formazan was measured by a spectrophotometer, and used as a quantitative indicator of oxidative stress that developed during a freeze thaw cycle.


  • 胁迫包括渗透胁迫离子胁迫以及由此引起次级胁迫氧化胁迫等,造成植物生长延滞甚至死亡

    Salt stress consisting of osmotic and ionic stress, and then the secondary stress such as oxidative stress arising by them, can bring on . growth inhibition and even death of plants.


  • ‘贵五号’为材料,研究了刺果实机械处理造成氧化胁迫及其主要氧化系统响应情况

    The oxidation stress in the fruit of thorn pear(Rosa roxburghii Tratt) caused by mechanical wounding and the responses of its main antioxidant systems were investigated with the variety 'Guinong 5'.


  • 通过基因工程方法提高活性氧清除酶活性,从而提高植物氧化胁迫能力研究代谢途径以及抗坏血酸-谷循环中的作用奠定基础。

    Thus sharpens the ability of the anti-oxidation forces and it would be also helpful to get more information about the role of APX playing in AsA-GSH cycle and its metabolism pathway.


  • 干旱胁迫NOH2O2ABA合成调节作用可能是通过调节细胞氧化还原状态进行

    Under drought stress, NO and H2O2 probably exerted their regulating effect on ABA synthesis by regulating cellular redox status.


  • 更有甚者,高光胁迫使氧化损伤大于光合器官修复速率。

    In extreme cases, high light stress can lead to the level of photo-oxidative damage exceeding the rate of repair to the photosynthetic apparatus.


  • 胁迫使品种长豇豆幼苗根系叶片氧化加剧

    The membrane lipid peroxidation of roots and leaves was increased for three varieties of asparagus bean seedlings under low-phosphorus stress.


  • 为了探讨有害因子胁迫氧化SO2细胞生物合成关系,采用体外培养实验方法研究了不同浓度h2o20

    In order to explore the relationship between stress of harmful factors and SO2 biological synthesis in cells, biosynthesis of SO2 induced by H2O2 at various concentrations 0.


  • 病原菌侵染水分复合胁迫下,活性氧产生速率表现出累加效应,而呼吸表现出和基质抗氧化活性互补。

    Combined intimidation resulted in AOS accumulation, and cyanide-resistant respiration and the activities of antioxidant enzymes presented upon the completion of lowing AOS production, to some extent.


  • 这些结果表明SNP浸种预处理能提高小麦幼苗胁迫抵抗力主要是由于缓解诱导的叶片氧化损伤所致

    These results suggested that pre-soaking seeds with NO donor (SNP) increased the salt-tolerance of wheat seedlings partly due to alleviating the oxidative damage induced by salt stress.


  • 通过水培方式研究温度胁迫小麦氧化活性根系幼苗生长影响。

    The effects of root zone temperature stress on wheat root antioxidant enzymes activity and seedling growth were studied by water cultivation experiments.


  • 一部分研究了不同低温胁迫期间烟草伤组织抗呼吸诱导交替氧化(AOX)表达关系

    In the first part, the relationship between cyanide-resistant respiration and expression of alternative oxidase (AOX) in tobacco callus treated by different temperatures was studied.


  • 利用旱棚研究水分胁迫夏玉米根系及叶片保护活性脂膜氧化作用影响。

    Using rain proof installations, a systematic study was conducted to determine the effects of water stress on protective enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation.


  • 已有研究发现,植物双加氧酶参与氧化过程植物的逆境胁迫有关。

    Reseach data shows that the plants dioxygenase is involved in the oxidation process and related to plant stress response.


  • NOH2O2模拟干旱胁迫作用使细胞状态氧化转变可以使小麦叶片aba积累量上升

    NO and H2O2 could lead to the cellular transition towards oxidative status by simulating the effect of drought stress, and they could also increase ABA accumulation in wheat leaves.


  • 盆栽法研究了不同浓度1,2,4 -三氯苯(TCB)胁迫大豆胚轴氧化作用影响

    Effects of different 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) concentrations on membrane lipid peroxidation in soybean hypocotyls were studied with pot culture experiment.


  • 轻度胁迫中度胁迫中期,超氧化歧化酶(SOD活性升高,二醛(MDA含量下降

    From low degree to middle de-gree of water stress, the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD) strengthened, and the content of malondialdehyde(MDA) decreased.


  • 引种栽培的3年生曼地亚红豆杉为材料,研究土壤水分胁迫叶片保护系统氧化作用的影响。

    The effects of soil water stress on membrane protective system and membrane lipid peroxidation in 3-year-old Taxus media cv.


  • 大量研究表明,植物氧化还原环境的调节能力以及植物的氧化能力植物的胁迫耐受力密切相关

    The stability of plant internal redox environment and plant tolerance to stresses are closely related with a more efficient antioxidant and redox regulatatory system.


  • 然而胁迫NADPH氧化酶活性影响不清楚。

    But it is unclear that the effect of salt stress on the activity of NADPH oxidase.


  • 严重土壤水分胁迫氧化物酶活性升高

    Under severe water stress, The activity of peroxidase (POD) increased slightly.


  • 氧化合酶(NOS植物中的研究有所突破,本文就NOS植物应对各种逆境胁迫中发挥功能及作用机制进行综述

    Much progress has been made on the research of NOS, the function mechanism of NOS in the plants respond to various environmental stresses has been summarized in this paper.


  • 氧化合酶(NOS植物中的研究有所突破,本文就NOS植物应对各种逆境胁迫中发挥功能及作用机制进行综述

    Much progress has been made on the research of NOS, the function mechanism of NOS in the plants respond to various environmental stresses has been summarized in this paper.


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