The water resources protection is moving towards the river basin model gearing to the needs of the new century.
The water security idea is the basic economics grounds of the city water resource protection and the water expending pricing.
Protection of land and water resources was strengthened, with a total of 1.526 million hectares of farmland being upgraded, reclaimed or newly developed over the last five years.
Baishan city is China's first international mineral water city named by the international drinking water resource protection organization.
In fact, farmers are less aware of water conservation compared with more water-conscious urban residents.
Culverts, drain approaches and exits, irrigation control and water protection for weather-facing zones can be constructed using masonry.
For this reason, the scientific and reasonable water resources protection planning should be formulated to realize the high efficient utilization and effective protection of water resources.
The economic contents of water resource price are composed of water resource protection cost, water resource compensation cost and water resource characteristics expense.
This paper expounds the importance of the protection of the water resources, analyzes on the water pollution situation in Yancheng County, and advances some corresponding preventive countermeasures.
At last, it analyzes and evaluates water quality in Liaohe area and Tieling area and issues some advice how to protect surface water resources.
As the conservation program has progressed in the village and the water table has risen, this well has also been able to provide irrigation for crops during the dry season.
These Water Pins are currently available at the official Olympic Commemorative Pin Center at Gongmei Building, Wangfujing, Beijing.
It's the basis to protect water source and prevent pollution by obtaining information through monitoring water quality.
The plan said that China would try to improve efficiency of water conservation by popularizing the use of water-saving facilities and technologies in agriculture, industry and everyday life.
Water environmental safety and water resources protection have become the hot issues in recent years, and disinfection of urban wastewater and reclaimed water is the most important part.
Comparing these plans, the writer puts the best is the 1st plan and expounds the water environmental issues after exploiting and protective measure of water resource at last.
Find out the main pollutant of water body in section of Nanchong, analyze the reason formed, supply scientific basis of offering, for jailing river of Nanchong sections of water resources protection.
The paper expounds seeking new water source site, assessing and protecting groundwater resources and puts forward some issues for developing groundwater.
"We must take strict measures to preserve water resources in the face of the severe lack of water worsened by factors such as overuse, pollution and drought , " Chen said.
Looking to reduce their costs and maintain access to supply, oil and gas producers have been investing in water conservation and recycling efforts, the Wall Street Journal reported last year.
For meeting the needs of the water resources protection and the water pollution control planning, this paper makes the analysis of relationship between runoff and pollution load of Tumenxigou outlet.
The joint between the technology of GIS and the model on predicting water quality, has established the system used to inquiry the information of water quality and predict the water quality instantly.
The joint between the technology of GIS and the model on predicting water quality, has established the system used to inquiry the information of water quality and predict the water quality instantly.