• 战士永远年轻

    A fighter is perennially young.


  • 遥远未来医生可能找到一种使我们永远年轻办法

    It is possible for doctors to find a way to keep us young forever in the far future.


  • 岁月流逝使皮肤逐日布满道道皱纹心目中的永远年轻妈妈

    Years can make the skin day is full of behing wrinkles, of you, in my mind is always young mother.


  • 给了我们可贵天真,让我们感受到了欢乐美妙以及永远年轻那种珍贵的感受

    It bequeathed to us in no small measure the priceless gift of innocence, the wonderful feeling of mirth and the invaluable sensation of being forever young.


  • 青春本来就是永恒东西需要任何抱怨,不需要任何忧愁烦恼需要一颗永远年轻

    The youth has always been something permanent, without any complaints, without any sorrow and trouble, the youth only needs a young heart all the time.


  • 不过土上面,新的玫瑰开出花,夜莺在那上面唱歌风琴奏出音乐,于是人们就想起了那位一对温和的、永远年轻大眼睛祖母

    But over the grave fresh roses bloom, the nightingale sings, and the organ sounds and there still lives a remembrance of old grandmother, with the loving, gentle eyes that always looked young.


  • 岁月流逝使皮肤逐日布满道道皱纹充满热情人们,却每日爬上心灵无数皱纹- - - - -抹掉心目中的永远年轻父亲

    The passage of time can follow the full daily skin wrinkles, and warm people, able to climb daily souls of the countlesserase wrinkles. My Mind you, is always young father!


  • 邓恩说很多年轻永远无法摆脱他们信用卡债务

    Dunn says a lot of these young people are never going to get out from under their credit card debt.


  • 十五岁的时候,由于喉咙损伤,这个年轻女孩不得不接受永远不会成为名歌手事实

    At fifteen, the young girl had to adjust herself to the fact that she'd never be a singer due to injured throat.


  • 东方一般都是生命多产象征因为蛇的蜕皮似乎使永远年轻

    Snakes are symbols of renewed life and fertility in the East; because they shed their skins so they seem to be eternally young.


  • 大多数对象年轻死亡时,复制收集器可以工作好,因为年轻时死亡的对象永远需要复制

    Copying collectors work very well when most objects die young, because objects that die young never need to be copied at all.


  • 知道不会永远年轻漂亮,”珍妮弗边边把卷曲的金发一边

    "I realize I'm not going to have it forever," Jennifer says, brushing her blond, wavy hair off to one side.


  • 多少年轻因为拙劣难圆谎言,那是由于不完整教育而导致的轻率结果,使得自己永远蒙受损害

    Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training.


  • 令人惊奇奇妙的是四十过去了。他们永远年轻

    Amazing and marvellous and, nearly forty years on, forever young.


  • 年轻时所处环境及其对所处环境的反应有助于使她成为个聪明、充满热情奉献精神科学家,正是永远改变了物理学面貌

    The circumstances of her youth, and her reactions to them, helped to form the bright, passionate, and dedicated scientist who changed the face of physics forever more.


  • 心灵中央座无线电台只要接收到其他人上帝发出的美、希望快乐勇气力量信息永远年轻

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the God, so long as you are young.


  • 永远不会!”丝特·白兰回答说,她的眼睛没有去看威尔逊先生,而是凝视着年轻牧师深沉忧郁的眼睛。

    "Never!" replied Hester Prynne, looking, not at Mr. Wilson, but into the deep and troubled eyes of the younger clergyman.


  • 年轻职业起步长期失业造成永久性伤害,甚至可能永远不到正常轨道

    Young people who are out of work for long stretches at the start of their career can become permanently scarred by the experience and may never get back on track.


  • 如果能够回忆RodStewart1988单曲“永远年轻”中的歌词,那么你就够老到可以回忆自己曾经公司年轻时光了。

    If you can recall the words to Rod Stewart's 1988 hit "Forever young," then you are old enough to remember a time when you were one of the younger people in your company.


  • 已经50了,Barbie仍然整形手术奇迹仿佛永远不会变老,她仍然像年轻一样知道如何参加聚会

    At 50 Barbie will also be a marvel of plastic surgery and eternal youth. And she still knows how to party.


  • 粉色祈愿妈妈永远年轻美丽红色祝福妈妈健康长寿黄色代表了妈妈感激之情

    Pink is forever young and beautiful mother pray, then blessed mother health and longevity of red, yellow represents the mother of gratitude.


  • 电影唤起了人们记忆如果人们活跃他们可以永远年轻没有必要回望记忆。

    The movies recall people's memory, if people are active, they can be young forever, there is no need to look back on the memory.


  • 告诉年轻自己相信直觉。直觉永远都不会指路。

    I would tell my younger self to trust her intuition. That it will never steer her wrong.


  • 宁愿相信那里天堂。在那里每个人都永远年轻,吃得饱饱的。

    I would like to believe that there is a Paradise. Where one is always young and full-bladdered.


  • 因为生活变成艺术所以随着一年一度的寿辰,您的精神心灵显得更加年轻,您的华诞永远心满意足!

    Birthdays are always becoming to you because you've made living an art, and because with each birthday you still seem to grow younger in spirit and heart!


  • 我们绝对不能漏掉他们尽管他们的关系不算完美,存有缺陷,但他们两人永远代表年轻面孔坚定不移

    We couldn't leave them out! Despite an arguably flawed relationship, these two will always be the faces of young and unequivocal love.


  • 我们绝对不能漏掉他们尽管他们的关系不算完美,存有缺陷,但他们两人永远代表年轻面孔坚定不移

    We couldn't leave them out! Despite an arguably flawed relationship, these two will always be the faces of young and unequivocal love.


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