How to improve self qualities continuously and be a talent forever?
Those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder.
As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.
As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.
A person, for example, who is allergic to cats, would probably never become an animal doctor.
A person, for example, who is allergic to cats would probably never become an animal doctor.
It is known that when there are many of these flowers together, their strong smell will make anyone breathing it fall asleep, even sleep forever.
Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never ending frustration and an unwinable battle.
These legislators argue that such a policy would reduce crime dramatically, since it would take people with a proven tendency to commit crimes off the streets permanently.
Charlie's life dream was to become a soldier, but he would never be able to because of his leg condition he couldn't stand on his right leg.
We'll never forget those who lost their lives for our country.
Always remember the lesson that anyone who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things.
Let's always remember "Opportunities are only for the prepared mind" and "No pains, no gains."
No matter what has happened, you will never lose your value and you are still priceless to those who love you.
I will never forget the people who helped me a lot during my hard time.
Happiness is a door that is always open, and we are the ones who have to decide if we are going to walk through the door.
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
And then I can give them back to you, knowing you have always and will always care for them.
He is the person I will always love, without end, without bounds, and with all my heart.
She was exactly what I hated then and is the type of person I will never let myself become.
It is harder to explain how lovers can feel that they can never get enough of their beloveds, since the beloveds have so much to give and might be giving their all.
Those who don’t practice because they never take any social risks, never learn how to discern lie from truth.
These are words that my mother, ever the optimist, lives by.
Only 6 per cent said they would never let their partner see them be so uncouth .
Only 6 per cent said they would never let their partner see them be so uncouth.
Those in the Garden will be waited on by immortal youths, as beautiful as scattered pearls.
Those in the Garden will be waited on by immortal youths, as beautiful as scattered pearls.