• 即使拿到学位第一份工作,你的教育也会永远继续下去

    After your degree and your first job, your business education will be continuous and will never stop.


  • 爸爸大手包住后脑勺这个欢迎回家的生动场面还会永远继续下去

    Dad cupped the back of my head with his large hand, and I thought this homecoming tableau might go on forever.


  • 即便这样许多问题:价格问题;还有资金如何使用合理;另外,这种支付形式是否永远继续下去

    But there are plenty of question-marks still: the price of carbon, for one thing; how the money should best be used; and whether it would really be paid in perpetuity.


  • 所有这些起来似乎都在表明这位电影制造者也许打着算盘阿凡达永远继续下去可能不止他现在已经在计划当中

    All of which sounds rather like the film-maker might be planning to let Avatar run and run, perhaps even beyond the three movies currently planned.


  • “奴隶制问题一个真正的问题,”他说,“这个问题我们国家继续下去,这个问题将使道格拉斯理屈辞穷,保持沉默这个问题将永远正确错误斗争

    T hat is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself are silent. It is the eternal struggle between right and wrong .


  • 特图书集团Twelve出版编辑主管乔纳森。 卡说:“大家知道这些公司亏损不会永远继续下去。”

    We all know that these companies are taking a loss and that’s not going to continue forever, ” said Jonathan Karp, publisher and editor in chief at Twelve, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group.


  • 神奇第一感觉属于我这个夜晚永远继续下去结合热情,你的思想,你的心愿。

    That was the most miraculous thing: to feel for the first time, that you had always been mine that this night would go on forever until with your warmth your thought, your will.


  • 光明的未来永远建立一个被忘却过去之上。只有忘掉过去的失败心痛,才能使自己人生好好地继续下去

    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You cannot go on with life successfully unless you let your past failures and heartaches go.


  • 对于东方出现外衣的,缎子一样的接触,他们的长期富有弹性尾巴似乎永远继续下去

    For the shorthair Oriental, the coat appears painted on, it is soft and satin like to the touch, and their long whippy tail seems to go on forever.


  • 如果打开自己,看到整个循环,你走的全部的看起来就会一个马戏团,那么你肯定不想永远这样继续下去

    If you open up and see the whole circle, the way you are going, it looks like a circus and definitely you do not want it to continue forever.


  • 永远可称颂主阿赐予地位何等奇妙竟能将你所动的善工托付继续下去

    Ever blessed Lord, how wonderful is the place Thou hast given man, in trusting him to continue the work Thou hast begun.


  • 其余辣妹成员决定没有也要继续下去,她们2000年发布唱片《永远》,但是相夫教子各自单独事业很快开始使她们对世界统治走向衰落。

    The remaining Spicesdecided to continue without her, releasing the album Forever in 2000, but marriage, motherhood and 4)solo careers soon began to 5)eclipse the band's world domination.


  • 总之博物馆青少年一个永远继续下去话题也是不断探索研究意义课题

    In brief, the museum and the young people are the topics which forever all must continue, also is explores unceasingly and studies has the significance topic.


  • 总之博物馆青少年一个永远继续下去话题也是不断探索研究意义课题

    In brief, the museum and the young people are the topics which forever all must continue, also is explores unceasingly and studies has the significance topic.


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