• 汽车保险杠挡风玻璃上用是什么贴纸

    What stickers do you have on the bumper or the back windshield?


  • 只购物很不牢靠地悬挂汽车保险杠

    One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.


  • 麦凯恩义工们有没有汽车保险杠粘帖画。

    She asks the McCain volunteers if they have some bumper-stickers.


  • 使碰撞损伤最小,制造汽车保险杠最佳材料什么

    What is the best kind of material to make a car bumper out of to minimize damage in a crash?


  • 美国汽车保险杠上会贴着“来撞吧,需要!”

    In the US, there are bumper stickers that say "hit me - I need the money."


  • 首先建立了汽车保险杠树脂传递模塑充模过程三维数学模型

    A three-dimensional mathematical model of the resin transfer molding(RTM) filling process for the automobile bumper was presented.


  • 一种滚轮汽车保险杠,它结构简单安全性好,适合各种汽车上安装。

    The invention relates to a roller type of vehicle bumper. The roller type of vehicle bumper is simple in structure, has good safety performance and is applicable to various vehicles.


  • 这种材料用于生产汽车保险杠传统橡胶增韧聚丙烯具有更好的综合性能

    Compared with conventional rubber toughened PP, the composite was endowed with better properties while it was used for bumpers.


  • 我们制作汽车保险杠贴纸,上面写着:“如果妮可尔,就喇叭吧。”

    We'll make bumper stickers out that says, "Honk if you love Nicole".


  • 介绍聚烯烃弹性体(POE)聚丙烯(PP)用于汽车保险杠研究情况。

    Studies on the employing of POE for toughening PP to meet the demands of automobile bumpers were conducted.


  • 比如说能够检测汽车保险杠前方汽车距离感应器,可以防止可能造成交通停滞的紧急刹车

    Car sensors that detect the distance between your bumper and the car in front of you can prevent a sweep of brake-slamming that can tie up traffic, for example.


  • 对于一个汽车保险杠上都承诺“要希望不要恐惧”的来说,巴拉克·奥巴马是知道怎么吓唬人民的。

    FOR a man whose bumper stickers promised "Hope not Fear", Barack Obama knows how to scare people.


  • 但是乔布斯令人称奇培育的高度的顾客忠诚度看过哪一个其他科技商标被贴汽车保险杠

    But what was perhaps most astonishing about Mr Jobs was the fanatical loyalty he managed to inspire in customers. Which other technology brand do you ever see on bumper stickers?


  • 箱子采用注塑成型聚碳酸酯复合材料制造而成,材料与汽车保险杠的制造材料相同可提供很好的防撞保护

    The suitcase is made from injection molded polycarbonate compositethe same material used in automobile bumpers — that provides superior impact protection.


  • 开始打印思考再三任何的有机物品;汽车保险杠上贴的车贴“得简约或可他人仅仅生存”颇能认同。

    You think before you print; you buy your organic whatever; you sort-of sympathise with the bumper sticker injunction to "live simply so that others may simply live".


  • 根据汽车保险杠结构刚度结构形式,提出保险杠内部填充结构布置方案确定吸能元件数目

    According to the structure of bumper and variable stiffness tube, the layout plan of the filled structure in the internal bumper is proposed, and the number of the absorption components is determined.


  • 产品汽车发动机冲压深拉伸件、冷却水管总成汽车保险杠总成摩托车冲压覆盖件汽车、摩托车零部件

    Ltd and Wuxi Kipor Power Co. , Ltd, and so on. Products are included auto engine compression components, cooling water pipe assembly, auto beam, motorcycle compression components, and so on.


  • 利用UG三CAD软件汽车保险杠进行了三维建模,转换Dynafor建立该零件有限元分析模型

    The three-dimension model is set up for auto-bumper by the UG three-dimension CAD software, and the model is translated into the DYNAFORM for building its FEM model.


  • 本体聚丙烯(PP)基料,通过共聚pp、聚烯烃弹性体(POE)其它助剂改性,制得汽车保险杠专用

    Study on special compound for automobile bumper was made by means of blending. Small bulk PP was modified with co-polypropylene, poly (octene-ethylene) (POE) and other additives.


  • 大型金属模具方面,现在生产48英寸电视模具容量洗衣机的金属模具,以及汽车保险杠整体仪表板等模具。

    In large metal molds, it is now able to produce the plastic shell mold 48-inch TV, large capacity washing machine metal mold, and the bumper, the whole instrument panel mold.


  • 2000年的互联网繁荣泡沫轰然破裂之后时间里,硅谷汽车保险杠开始出现哀求的话:“神啊,再来一次泡沫吧。”

    SOME time after the dotcom boom turned into a spectacular bust in 2000, bumper stickers began appearing in Silicon Valley imploring: "Please God, just one more bubble."


  • 300米长没有任何中心支撑透明屋顶显示结合PET扫描活体功能信息CT扫描解剖图像整体的仪器,受冲击时自行销毁以免伤人的汽车保险杠,等等。

    A transparent roof spanning 300 meters without any central supports. A device to display integrated anatomical information from a ct scan with live functional information from a PET scan.


  • 300米长没有任何中心支撑透明屋顶显示结合PET扫描活体功能信息CT扫描解剖图像整体的仪器,受冲击时自行销毁以免伤人的汽车保险杠,等等。

    A transparent roof spanning 300 meters without any central supports. A device to display integrated anatomical information from a ct scan with live functional information from a PET scan.


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