• 玩家娱乐过程得到沉浸

    The players do not have strong immersive experience in the course of gaming.


  • 实现了3D音效系统提高系统沉浸

    Realizing 3D audio works and promoting the immersion of the whole system.


  • 实现音频增强空间沉浸一步音频定位

    The first step to enhancing spatial immersion through audio realism is audio positioning.


  • 喷泉效果可以大大增强虚拟现实系统沉浸

    The effect of fountain can consumedly enhance the immersion characteristic of virtual reality system.


  • 实时水面效果可以大大增强虚拟现实系统沉浸

    The effect of real-time water surface can consumedly enhance the immersion characteristic of virtual reality system.


  • 确实破坏了沉浸感用户正在做的事情也是自然的。

    This does break immersion but the user is doing something that isn't natural.


  • 加深沉浸,降低运动眩晕同时,我们也会失去交互的自由

    What you gain in immersion and lack of motionsickness, you lose in accessibility and freedom of interaction.


  • 虚拟战场中不规则物体实时显示能够增强人们在虚拟环境中的沉浸感

    The real-time simulation of dynamic and irregular objects can increase the immersion in the virtual environment.


  • 人们穿过“接缝”以便“暗盘”荒凉沉浸转换明盘控制中来。

    One crosses the Seam in order to move from the wild immersion of the Dark Plate to the controlled empowerment of the Light Plate.


  • 为了增强视觉沉浸虚拟场景存在着大量的树木火焰烟尘动态对象

    There always are some semi dynamic objects in virtual scenes for enhancing realistic immersion, such as trees, flame and smoke.


  • 可以避免其他漫游系统输入设备鼠标不真性,提高虚拟环境中的沉浸

    It can avoid the unrealistic of other input devices in virtual wandering system, such as mouse and it can enhance the human feeling of immersion in the virtual environment.


  • 利用模型完成虚拟现实反馈控制视觉进一步提高用户沉浸

    This model completed the feedback control of the virtual reality, and it will further enhance the user's immersion in vision and sense.


  • 特别是集成虚拟现实应用提供机床性能的3d形象,使用户有了较高水平沉浸感

    Especially the application of virtual reality provides 3d visualisation of machine behaviour, which leads to a higher level of immersion for the user.


  • 人物多样化不仅可以增强战场沉浸逼真度真实而且符合战场现实要求

    Human diversity not only can improve the immersion feelings, the fidelity and the feeling of reality, but also is accord with the needing of war field.


  • 沉浸交互性实时性的综合效果传统平面效果图与动画播放无法达到的。

    Its immersing feels, interactive nature and synthetical real time nature effect are that the tradition flat surface effect pursues and the animated cartoon broadcasts what has no way to reach.


  • 同时维空间声音加入实时场景中增加驾驶者的听觉体验,加强了系统沉浸

    At the same time, 3d sound added into the graphic scene increase the immersion feel as it supplies the driver hearing sense.


  • 经过图像透视处理模拟真实三维实景沉浸强烈,给观赏者带来身临其境觉。

    Because the image is imitated to real scenes, the viewer will feels personally on the scenes;


  • UI元素加入动画风格能够应用增加可视化的效果,改善用户体验增加用户沉浸

    Adding animation to UI elements can add visual interest to an application and refine the user experience, to keep users engaged.


  • 碰撞检测技术虚拟环境中的一项关键技术速度准确性影响虚拟环境的真实沉浸

    Collision detection is one of the key techniques in virtual environments, and its speed and accuracy greatly influences the reality and sense of immersion.


  • 结果表明实现战场视景仿真系统增加指挥人员的真实沉浸能提高系统渲染程度

    The conclusion has it that the battlefield simulation system by the methods and steps mentioned above can enhance the sense of reality and immersivity and improve the speed of rendering.


  • 从而使观众体验沉浸超强完美体验,正交多幕特种电影生产制作过程中必不可少重要环节

    So that viewers experience a sense of immersion into the super-perfect experience, is the special orthogonal multi-screen film production process essential to the production of an important link.


  • 这项技术会很多有趣的应用比如虚拟的产品展示可交互培训课程以及超强沉浸感第一人称游戏

    This has numerous very interesting applications, from virtual product tours and interactive training apps to super immersion first person games.


  • 三维虚拟漫游系统沉浸感交互性实时性综合效果方面优势传统平面效果图动画技术所无法比拟的。

    Compared with the traditional planform and computer animation, the immersion, interaction and realtime function of virtual navigating system is unapproachable.


  • 通道设计围绕通过精雕细琢细节环境照明以及舒适天花板高度营造奢华富有沉浸体验而展开。

    The Passages' design is based around creating a sumptuous and immersive experience through finely crafted details, ambient lighting and intimate ceiling heights.


  • 由始至终保持VR沉浸——不要用户前面加盖图像(响应头部运动全场),因为可以让人丧失方向

    Maintain VR immersion from start to finish-don't affix an image in front of the user (such as a full-field splash screen that does not respond to head movements), as this can be disorienting.


  • 高效率三角形三角形相交测试对于提高碰撞检测算法效率增强虚拟场景真实沉浸起着至关重要的作用。

    It is most important for efficient triangle and triangle intersection test to raise algorithm efficiency of collision detection and strengthen the sense of reality and immersion.


  • 桌面虚拟实验沉浸不足导致学习者的学习效果低下,电脑游戏的沉浸策略桌面虚拟实验沉浸感的提升具有一定的启示

    Desktop Virtual Experiment has been applied in experiment teaching broadly, but its weak immersion is one of primary influencing factors of the effects of teaching.


  • 借助于虚拟现实硬件,在WTK软件平台调用管路实体模型实现管路系统的三维虚拟设计真实沉浸感显示

    The solid model of pipes is utilized on the platform of WTK to achieve the three dimensional virtual design and the immersing display of piping system with the help of virtual reality's hardware;


  • 针对传统材料实验教学种种弊端,将虚拟现实技术运用到材料实验教学当中,使教学过程具有交互性好,实验沉浸强的特点。

    Aimed at the multitudinous abuse of traditional material experiment education, the teaching process could be more interacted and immersed by using the virtual reality technology.


  • 针对传统材料实验教学种种弊端,将虚拟现实技术运用到材料实验教学当中,使教学过程具有交互性好,实验沉浸强的特点。

    Aimed at the multitudinous abuse of traditional material experiment education, the teaching process could be more interacted and immersed by using the virtual reality technology.


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