• 年后芝加哥再次沉迷其中

    Only a couple of years later, in Chicago, he was enmeshed again.


  • 大卫但是我们还是需要回到现实的。不要沉迷其中才是。

    David: : But we still need to go back to it. Don't overdo it.


  • 对于那些沉迷其中人来说,奇幻富有戏剧性东西

    It is a kind of fantastic and dramatic thing to those who have addicted themselves to it.


  • 网络游戏就像络因上瘾,人会沉迷其中不能自拔。

    You look online games like the sea for more, eat winder will addictive, and indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves.


  • 爱好应该那些带来欢乐,使你沉迷其中找寻到真实自己东西

    A hobby should be something that brings you joy; something you can lose yourself in and find your flow.


  • 过去总是电视不是的伟大理想努力因为我已经沉迷其中

    Whenever I was watching more TV than working on my Great Idea, it was because I was stuck.


  • 只是我们一个有用的工具我们只能利用我们服务不能沉迷其中

    It? S just a useful tool for us, we can only to utilize it sever for us but never indulge ourselves in it.


  • 这位老人仍旧左边旋转硬币完全沉迷其中,没有注意门口的小女孩

    The old man remains at the table spinning his COINS, completely entranced by the spinning motion and oblivious to the girl in the doorway.


  • 演讲开始演讲就应该像冷水起的水花一样让观众沉迷其中

    Immerse your audience into the action from the opening second with a verbal splash of cold water.


  • 网络游戏使一些大学生沉迷其中游戏来说人生来就具有游戏天性

    Among the network games cause some university students to sink confuses, from the game said, is born is of the nature;


  • 沉迷其中少男少女将面临更大风险,会停课开除降低上大学的可能。

    Teens who hook up also were at greater risk of being suspended or expelled and had lower odds of expecting to go to college.


  • 一方面,这个游戏也是人们逃避问题,发泄情绪方式,人们很容易沉迷其中

    On the other hand, it can be a place of escapism, aggression and addiction.


  • 回忆过去期望未来都对人生有益但是不要沉迷其中忘掉当下的生活。

    Reflecting on the past and planning for the future aren't bad ideas, but don't let yourself get so caught up that you forget the here and now.


  • 如果《航空城》只是偶尔扫视现代城市生活中的凌乱,那么《边缘地带就是沉迷其中了。

    If "Aerotropolis" occasionally overlooks the untidy aspects of modern urban life, "Edgelands" is obsessed with them.


  • 瑞典人、巴西人——显然属于那种让我们他们面前无地自容,沉迷其中美丽生物

    The Swedes, the Braziliansobviously they are creatures whose beauty we should bow down in front of and then bathe in.


  • 终极封展开之后,《幻想之》冲得大奖活动成为玩家沉迷其中重要因素之一

    In culminating measure after spreading out, " airy ala " it is among them important that to class big award activity becomes a player to indulge one of elements.


  • 一方面,如何防范青少年沉迷其中问题上,社会把主要希望家长学校教育

    On the other hand, how to prevent teenagers being indulged in online games, the state has pinned its hope on the education of parents and schools.


  • 沉迷其中,被它们引领着,超然世外,向着画面深处走去同时也走进自己内心世界

    She is absorbed in them, led into a surreal world and walking into the painting, meanwhile into her own inner world, where time and space are interwoven—blank and vague, immense and delicate.


  • 而且采取危险之前没有闪烁灯光哀号警报沉迷其中时,你难以认清自我。

    It's also difficult to recognize when you're under the spell, since risky chess moves aren't preceded by flashing lights and wailing alarms.


  • 理财哲学了解现状,好好管理沉迷其中,不然对我自己家人没有任何好处

    My philosophy is, be aware of it, manage it, but don't get obsessed by it-that's not doing myself or family any good.


  • 很多方面看zynga社交游戏大同小异,每个小小的操作都会让人更加沉迷其中不知不觉间花费了大量时间金钱

    In many ways, it's not too different than playing a Zynga social game where each little action sucks you in more and before you know it, you have spent many hours and dollars.


  • 实际上选择在我们的职业将被实实在在提升实力之前离开游戏只是因为,我知道如果我等到来的时候将会继续沉迷其中数月的时间。

    When I flied my character back to Elwyn Forest and logged off where it all started 18 months ago, I realized how much I loved this game and how much I will miss you guys.


  • 女士们先生们,这场危机起源于你们这些银行家们沉迷其中不负责任行为只有我们收拾你们造成的烂摊子再重新开始,这场危机才会结束

    Ladies and gentlemen, this crisis started with you, the bankers, engaging in reckless practices, and it will only end when we clean up your mess and start afresh.


  • 44个彩票29个州有赌场其中大多数州都不同程度地依赖于,可以说是沉迷赌博收入

    Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent onyou might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.


  • 但是从中获得很多乐趣。我每天一小会儿,而不是很多那样沉迷其中不过的确不失一个消磨时光的好方法。

    I only played it a little while and didn't get addicted like other people I know, but I have to admit it's a fun way to pass the time.


  • 我们一般会花费大量时间讨论理想女性标准——这也是为什么女人花费那么时间沉迷其中

    We sure spend a lot of time talking about ideal female beauty-and why women spend so much time obsessing about it.


  • 一旦沉迷于此书,你迫不及待其中一些观念应有自己的项目之中,或者新的方式考虑其他的项目参与其中

    Once you've been hooked, you're going to want to apply some of these ideas to your own projects, or perhaps you'll look at other projects and participate in them in new ways.


  • 的美会完全展现眼前——你了解一点一刻起,你就会沉迷其中

    It is completely accessible to the eyes, and you know it the moment you enjoy it.


  • 然而,问题随之而来他们电脑游戏时——无论是Wii任天堂DS还是Xbox 360 PSP机,什么都好——他们都会完全沉迷其中无法自拔

    But here's the thing: when they play computer games - whether it's the Wii or Nintendo DS or Xbox 360 and PSP or whatever - they become completely obsessed.


  • 然而,问题随之而来他们电脑游戏时——无论是Wii任天堂DS还是Xbox 360 PSP机,什么都好——他们都会完全沉迷其中无法自拔

    But here's the thing: when they play computer games - whether it's the Wii or Nintendo DS or Xbox 360 and PSP or whatever - they become completely obsessed.


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