While these cases were relatively rare, they imposed a heavy burden on intensive care units.
Our increasingly elderly population is leading to a growing burden upon the NHS.
Mr Brown was lucky to inherit an economy in which much of the heavy lifting had already been done.
It creates substantial burden to individuals and families and often restricts individuals' activities for a lifetime.
And the best part about letting these minor blunders go is the lightness of being that accompanies ACTS of forgiveness.
I deeply appreciate this opportunity to brief the Council, with full respect for the many heavy burdens on your shoulders.
At least in the short term, Kyoto imposes heavy costs on some countries that are hard to explain to voters.
High unemployment weighs on prospects in America, where 70% of the company's billing occurs.
This is the only choice I had: I could either carry him as a bag of rocks or I could live a life celebrating him.
Inefficient assets is not only the serious obstacle that hinders the healthy development of financial system, but also the heady burden of enterprise, even the whole regional economy.
They will likewise aid and encourage all other practicable measures, which will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments.
What might begin as a temporary tactical advantage can quickly become an industry albatross - can you say "frequent flyer program?"
This puts an onerous burden on foreign bank branches' operations and goes contrary to the idea of developing a world-class real financial centre.
My soul bears the burden of my misjudgment, but I have been patient; I have been waiting.
At the Toronto Conference there was a powerful drive to address the needs of those who bear the greatest burden of the AIDS epidemic - women and girls.
This will make it even more necessary to scrap the seniority-based pay system, because keeping older workers on will be prohibitively expensive.
Even more strikingly, while growth has headed south, debt has headed north, the opposite of what happened in the 1970s and 1980s, when poor countries ran up vast debts.
Those saddled with the heaviest burdens — especially middle-aged women with children — move slowly off the list, while the young and the elderly tend to have more luck.
It is time for countries with rapidly growing economies and a heavy burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis to step up their commitment and financing.
But Lucentis has to be injected into the eye every month or two, a burden for patients and doctors.
General: That international attention towards the poorer countries may give rise to more concrete help, in particular to relieve them of the crushing burden of foreign debt.
Depending upon the number and nature of the validations required, the validation code can be complex and lengthy and its maintenance can become a significant burden as more partners are added.
Her party, the Five Star Movement, is vehemently opposed to unwieldy infrastructure projects and initiatives that are seen as vanity projects that come at a high cost to taxpayers.
Her party, the Five Star Movement, is vehemently opposed to unwieldy infrastructure projects and initiatives that are seen as vanity projects that come at a high cost to taxpayers.